ENG102 Fake News Research Proposal

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Description:This is your proposal for the topic of your research paper. To do a good job of formulating this, you will need to delve a bit into the topic you have identified as the one you want to explore for your research paper. Search the college databases, read articles, books and essays that are relevant. This will allow you to do two things: (1) Make sure there is enough material available for your topic and (2) help you to narrow and focus.

Details:This paper should:

  • Be typewritten/computer processed
  • Be one to two pages in length
  • Conform to MLA style
  • Include the following elements, in this order:
  1. A statement of your research topic or a working hypothesis
  2. A research question that will allow you to efficiently and productively explore that topic
  3. Some background in which you state why this is a good topic and how it conforms to the general theme of the class.
  4. A research strategy. In other words, what is your plan for conducting the research? What sort of sources will you consult? Where do you plan to look? Are there specific organizational strategies that you will employ? Helpful hint: consider including a calendar with objectives and deadlines.

Grade Breakdown

Clear research topic/working hypothesis 25
Useful research question 20
Background 15
Strategy 20
Conforms to MLA style 10
Grammar, spelling, syntax, etc. 10

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XXXXXXXX 1 XXXX XXXXXX Professor Rob Harrill English 102 12 February 2015 Reality TV and Life Imitating Art: A Research Proposal In this research paper I will explore reality television and the effects it has on our society. I will look at how reality TV plays on cultural stereotypes, glamorizes serious diseases, portrays alcohol and drug use, and frames governmental and social institutions, like law enforcement and our court system. My research question is a follows: In what ways does reality television programming set standards and expectations for members of U.S. society? In class we have been covering various avenues of reality television; news, music, and PR are some examples of topics we have covered. The similarity between all the topics is how it affects our society. I am continuing this path by exploring how reality shows effect our society. I have had a lot of interest in reality shows, the popularity they have received, the rate at which they have grown, and how it affecting the viewers watching them. Society discuss how impressionable adolescents are and a lot of focus is put on how certain entertainment avenues affect adolescent’s self-image. However, as adults we like to think we aren’t impressionable but I believe that these reality television shows do have an altering effect on us as well. I would like to explore in my research paper from adolescents to adults the varying affects we see and what the repercussions, positive or negative, may be. I will begin my research by identifying papers that have been done in the past on reality television. If I am able I will try and pull content from biographies done by those who have been on a reality television. I also plan to interview at least 3 sources on reality television and how this XXXXXXXX 2 as altered their life or changed their perception. I think it will be important as I go to narrow down on what positive and negative effects I want to cover. Reality TV is such a broad market I will also need to possibly narrow down on what type of reality shows I cover. Currently I am looking to find evidence for reality shows that follow the “life” of your daily person, the do it your self-home shows, and perhaps the reality shows about fitness or talent. Below is a breakdown of my proposed schedule and plan of attack. Research (2/12-2/22) Create Draft (2/20-3/4) Create Final Draft TBD •Pull sources from research papers •Look for biographies from Reality celebrities •Put together interview questions and query individuals of varying ages •Create questions for each section of the paper and provide answers based on research gathered. •Edit Q&A and put into paper format and add in connecting sentences. •Take peer review feedback and professor feedback and make updates to paper •Submitt paper
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Research proposal
Research statement
In this research paper, I will research on fake news and its effects on our society. In the present
world, fake news has become common, and you can encounter them anywhere. The increase in
fake news is due to the advancement of technology and the growth of the internet. People use
social media networks to spread fake news while others use blogs to spread fake news. Since
information is critical for the survival and the planning of individuals, fake news affects the ability
of people using this information to plan about their future because this kin...

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