PSY1010 STI & Prevention Bystander Intervention & Healthy Masculinity Paper

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Students will choose a recent news article (not a peer-reviewed article) and attend a campus event that is relevant to the course content. Students will write a 3 page paper analyzing the article/event of their choice under the Psychology 101 lens. I recommend choosing one or two chapters to refer to for analysis, but a minimum of two scholarly articles are required. You must present your article or tell me your event of your choosing prior so that I may approve it and provide guidance. Details of this paper will be provided on CANVAS.

All assignments must be done in APA format, 12-point font, double-spaced, and with 1 inch margins. If you are unfamiliar with APA, please refer to American Psychological Association Publication Manuel, take an APA workshop at the Learning Center (AD 232) or the Library. We will briefly discuss APA formatting in the class.

So for this assignment, I'm doing a paper on an event, not the article. I attached the flyer for the event, but the paper can be on either one of the topics I mentioned in the title. Consent, STI'S and Prevention, or Bystander Intervention + Healthy Masculinity.

It's due tonight so im paying more than what i usually do. Thank you in advance.

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LET'S TALK ABOUT SEX A AS Speaker: Sandy Somo Monday, April 29 Glendale ATA DUSTY CONEGE Location: CS 177 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm Topic: Consent Food and drink Tuesday, April 30 provided! 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm Speakers from Planned Parenthood Location: CS 177 BP Topic: STI's and Prevention Catering from Portos! Planned Parenthood Bystander Intervention Speaker: Arakel Aristakessian Topic: Bystander Intervention + Healthy Masculinity Sex Trivia El SUID Ponchiks Galore! Location: CS 177 Wednesday, May 1 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm Location: CS 177 Cash Prizes Catering from Papillon Bakery! Hosted by ASGCC Thursday, May 2 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
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Explanation & Answer


STI’s and Prevention outline
1. Introductory sentence
✓ The STI’s and Prevention conference held on Tuesday, April 30th brought together
students from various colleges under the theme “let’s talk about sex: integrated solutions
to sexual problems”
✓ In the briefing, the speakers gave a presentation of the preliminary data that showed the
recent trends in Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs).
2. Statistics
✓ 2.3 million Occurrences of herpes, gonorrhea, HIV/AIDs, and syphilis had been
witnessed by the Centre for Disease Control in the last five years.
✓ Over a million (STIs) are transmitted daily globally.
✓ One of the major threats to the reduction of STI reduction is drug resistance, mainly for
✓ Women with STDs get frustrated, become anxious, angry get fear of being rejected,
become isolated and suffer from guilt, shame, sexual undesirability and feelings of
physical contamination.
✓ Shame is a self-conscious feeling defined by the attitude of being vulnerable, scorned,
and demeaned.
✓ STIs are connected with a crucial psychological weight for many people.
3. Prevention

The psychoanalytic approach
The psychological way of prevention
In Client-centered therapy
Client-centered counseling
Emotional support
Coordinated care



STI’s and Prevention
Institutional Affiliation



The STI’s and Prevention conference held on Tuesday, April 30th brought together
students from various colleges under the theme “let’s talk about sex: integrated solutions to
sexual problems”. In the briefing, the speakers gave a presentation of the preliminary data that
showed the recent trends in Sexuall...

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