QM3345 FedEx Operations and location Strategy Paper

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Business Finance



Write an essay about QM3345 operation management, at least 700 words. The requirements is below:

You must select one of the following four case studies, each of which is identified with one of four key chapters in the textbook. You will need to create a formal Word document answering the questions thoroughly, in narrative form, and you must use, at a minimum, the textbook and at least one other source (Internet sites are acceptable). The Word document will need to be submitted in Canvas. Although this is not a formal research paper, please include all references and citations within the Word document. Please note that you WILL be graded on proper use of grammar and sentence structure!

Case 1 - Chapter 8 (FedEx)

  1. Provide a high-level overview and history of the company.
  2. How is FedEx' operations improved by its location?
  3. How does FedEx' location strategy differ from its competitors?
  4. How has FedEx affected the Memphis, TN area (include positive and negative aspects)?

Case 2 - Chapter 11 (Arnold Palmer Hospital's Supply Chain)

  1. Provide a high-level overview and history of the company.
  2. How does this supply chain differ from that in a manufacturing firm?
  3. What are the constraints on making decisions based on economics alone at the hospital?
  4. What role do doctors and nurses play in supply chain decisions in a hospital? How is this participation handled at Arnold Palmer Hospital?
  5. Doctor Smith just returned from the Annual Physician's Orthopedic Conference, where she saw a new hip joint replacement demonstrated. She decides she wants to start using the replacement joint at Arnold Palmer Hospital. What process will Dr. Smith have to go through at the hospital to introduce this new product into the supply chain for future surgical use?

Case 3 - Chapter 12 (Amazon.com)

  1. Provide a high-level overview and history of the company.
  2. What differentiates Amazon from other large box retailers (e.g., Wal-Mart, Best Buy)?
  3. What changes is Amazon planning in the future to improve inventory management and distribution?
  4. Describe Amazon's global strategy for managing inventory between countries.

Case 4 - Chapter 16 (Toyota Motor Corporation)

  1. Provide a high-level overview and history of the company.
  2. Compare and Contrast the two Lean techniques leveraged by Toyota.
  3. How does Toyota's San Antonio plant differ from other manufacturing facilities?
  4. How has lean manufacturing affected Toyota's ability to compete in the automotive industry?
  5. Describe the three components of TPS and their importance.

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Explanation & Answer



Case Study: Federal Express (FedEx)
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation




High-level Overview and FedEx History
FedEx Express formerly Federal Express is one of the major players in the package
delivery sector and completes among other global leaders in the market that include United
Parcel Services and DHL. With a history that spans slightly over forty, the company operates the
world’s largest freight airline that flies tons of packages (FedEx, 2019). The Memphis based
multinational company has one of the largest fleet sizes and employs about 300,000 people with
sales revenue of over $ 40 billion.
FedEx was established and incorporated in 1971 by its present CEO and president,
Fredrick Smith. While at Yale University, Smith's thesis in logistics provided him with the idea
of having a global company that would ship cargo at local pick-up points, ensure ultimate
delivery, and operates its own aircraft, posting stations and depots as well as delivery vans.
Smith started FedEx using his inheritance and funds from venture capital at Little Rock airport in
Arkansas before moving its operations two years later to Memphis Tennessee which is his
hometown. The company started its official operations in 1973 after launching 14 small aircraft
from Memphis airport.
The firm showed profits from 1975 and matured in the first half of the 1980s to become
the first organization in history to attain financial hallmark within ten years after starting without
making any mergers or acquisitions. The firm expanded internationally in the 1980s and
increased its international shipment (FedEx, 2019). FedEx has grown through mergers ...

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