Tel Aviv Neighbourhood History Reconstruction Paper

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7 full pages, double spaced, with sources and a bibliography. Bibliography does not count as a page.

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What should I write? Please choose one neighborhood of Tel Aviv-Jaffa or Gush Dan and try to reconstruct its history and current state. How much should I write? min. 7 full pages, double spaced, 12 size font, not including pictures, empty spaces, or bibliography! How about footnotes? You should have an average of 3 or more footnotes (or endnotes/short notes) per page. You can use any standard formatting style you like (MLA, Chicago etc.), just be consistent. If you use short notes (e.g. Kark 1990:12) you must add a full and formatted bibliography at the end. How many sources should I cite/quote? At least 5 different academic sources, including at least 2 used in this course. When is the deadline and how do I hand in the paper? For deadline see syllabus, send as a PDF file by e-mail to Where do I find sources? 1. Class readings (all scanned on my webpage, further most books are in the Educational Library, check the indexes for passages on your topic throughout the books, and book bibliographies for further readings) 2. TAU libraries, talk to a librarian!!! (Check online catalogue by key words, there are catalogues for books, journals and online journals: Also check RAMBI, an index of articles on Jewish- and Israeli-related topics: When in the stacks browse for similar books nearby 3. Online (e.g. newspaper web archive in English for small payment; academic websites, official web pages of buildings or institutions etc.) Please note: to plagiarize (third-person singular simple present plagiarizes, present participle plagiarizing, simple past and past participle plagiarized) (transitive or intransitive) To use, and pass off as one's own, someone else's writing/speech.
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Tel Aviv Neighbourhood History Reconstruction
Understanding the history of a given place acts as one of the best achievements that
historians usually exhibit. The present state of a given situation may not be the same as its
past. The past events that happened within a location may form the basis for the
transformations witnessed at present. In this case, historians seek to understand the past
occurrences that occurred in a selected area intending to reconstruct its history as seen in the
case of Tel Aviv (Marom, 22).
In such a case, history reconstruction revolves around trying to understand the past
occurrences that happened at a given place in the past and the roles that such incidents played
in creating the present time location. While addressing the concepts of history, some of the
most common and vital aspects to look at may include the past occurrences or major
milestones that act as the ultimate landmarks for the associated locations. Landmarks in
history may refer to the primary or significant events that occurred making huge impacts on
the community in the context. In addition to that, monuments form the fundamental aspects
and pillars that create the present locations based on past events.
Additionally, understanding the past historical events that occurred in a country or a
location help the affected parties to outline some of the changes that the community
underwent into creating the current society. Some of the cultural practices that a given

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location exhibits usually come from the past experiences that the traditional or the ancient
parties underwent. In the end, such events help the historians to recreate the past societal
setting understanding some of the most vital practices and aspects that the ancient
populations observed.
Some of the communities in the past observed various values that rhymed with the
principles of morality as well as ethics. The form of governance of a given community can be
dated back to its ancient populations. In addition to that, some of the religious practices that a
commun9ity today exhibits may date back to the traditional setting of the society. While
some organizations have evolved, numerous others still observe some of the ancient practices
such as religion and governance.
Other issues in the community that may help to define the evolution of the society
may revolve around the social interactions. While outlining some of the historical events that
formed the landmarks of a community, this paper will focus primarily on one of the
neighborhoods that make up Tel Aviv (Marom, 54). Before embarking on the selected area,
this paper will in the first section outline some of the notable historical aspects and
background of Tel Aviv.
The second part will outline one of the most notable neighborhoods in the region
which will, later on, be followed by an analysis of the critical landmarks that happened in
history. Asuch information will be used in the development of the ultimate summary which in
the long run will comprise of the essential milestones that occurred in the region selected
many years ago. Therefore, this paper acts as a way of creating a connect...

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