Need social science help with the end of life issue “Brine Death “comparing between Judaism and Christianity

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 I want to research paper about ethics class. Also I need to 10 academic sources and 12 pages about this topic (End of life issue “Brine Death “comparing between Judaism and Christianity ) Be sure to used academic sources . please  no plagiarism 

Font/margins: 12 point font, 1 inch margins, and use page numbers

Assignment:  Write a proposal describing the topic you plan to research and provide a bibliography of potential books and articles you may use. The bibliography does not need to be annotated. You must have some comparative element to your paper. This could be comparing two different faith traditions’ views on a topic, or it could be comparing different opinions within a single tradition—such as Protestant and Catholic views on a topic, or even varying Catholic views. Do not use faiths we have not examined in class, though you may use schools of thought within those faiths that we may not have covered in detail during the course, such as Protestantism.

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