Right of Privacy in The Workplace Discussion

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Some people believe that the right of privacy should be extended to the workplace. Others feel that, on the contrary, such an extension would constitute an unwarranted incursion into the management's right to manage.

1. Please comment on this debate, using examples from the text discussion of electronic monitoring, romance in the workplace, employee drug testing, and employee honesty testing.

2. Are there particular circumstances under which it is, or is not, appropriate for employers to monitor employee behavior? Discuss two (2).

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Running head : RIGHT OF PRIVACY


Right of Privacy
Institutional Affiliation



Right of privacy refers to the civil right of people to be secure in their homes or workplace
against seizures and unnecessary searches. The rights help to prevent the government or any
private sectors against violating personal spaces of citizens.
1.Electronic monitoring – most organizations have installed electronic monitors in
workplaces to help them in monitorin...

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