Are there any modern works that you see identifying some of the ancient images or features or characteristics?

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The reference to Michelangelo's work as incorporating some of the Greek or Roman interest in the human body and the David as exhibiting "masculinity and energy" works.  The sources for the Sistine Chapel provide detail of the works on the ceiling.  Did you find particular images there that relate to the Greek or Roman influences?

Are there any modern works that you see identifying some of the ancient images or features or characteristics?

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Running head: THE CLASSICAL TRADITION REBORN HUM 111 Humanities Week 8 Discussion 1: The Classical Tradition Reborn Name Institution 1 THE CLASSICAL TRADITION REBORN 2 The Classical Tradition Reborn The movement that defines art in Italy is the renaissance. The movement contributed a lot to the development of art as compared to other movements. The revolution in the art gave the world glory, as it was a different type of art compared to what people were used to. The art that was there before the 1400 were basically religious, but the revolution brought an interest into the culture of the romans and the Greeks leading to explode of knowledge from both mathematics and science other than concentrating on religious aspect of it (Sistine Chapel tour at ceiling, 2015). With the renaissance, God’s creation was upheld together with the human form everything that God created was seen to be perfect and of great power. There was a connection between morality and beauty in art and an interest was found in the observation of the movement. Michelangelo concentrated on the creation of sculptures that attracted the Catholic Church creating awareness. The Catholic churches were interested in the renaissance, as the images created were powerful in passing the information that they wanted. Michelangelo created a sculpture of Mary Mother of Jesus mourning the death of Jesus and this led him to serve under different popes. The work of Michelangelo borrows some characteristics from Greek sculptures such as the David sculpture that exhibits masculinity and energy (Sistine Chapel theory, 2015). The debate of the styles used in the art is debatable in the Christian world, as the artist had stopped idealizing the body of humans. The church though continues to use the sculptures as they give an illusion of the beauty of the body of humans and the perfection degree that exceeds the Greek sculptures. The portrait of Jesus used today has the features of the pagan gods but Christians continue to honor the images (Sistine Chapel information, 2015). THE CLASSICAL TRADITION REBORN References Sistine Chapel tour at ceiling html Sistine Chapel information. (2015). Retrieved from Sistine Chapel information. (2015). Retrieved from Sistine Chapel theory. (2015). Retrieved from 3
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