Stigma and Health
Discussing Weight With Patients With Overweight:
Supportive (Not Stigmatizing) Conversations Increase
Compliance Intentions and Health Motivation
Lydia E. Hayward, Sammantha Neang, Samuel Ma, and Lenny R. Vartanian
Online First Publication, May 6, 2019.
Hayward, L. E., Neang, S., Ma, S., & Vartanian, L. R. (2019, May 6). Discussing Weight With Patients
With Overweight: Supportive (Not Stigmatizing) Conversations Increase Compliance Intentions
and Health Motivation. Stigma and Health. Advance online publication.
Stigma and Health
© 2019 American Psychological Association
2019, Vol. 1, No. 999, 000
Discussing Weight With Patients With Overweight: Supportive
(Not Stigmatizing) Conversations Increase Compliance Intentions and
Health Motivation
Lydia E. Hayward, Sammantha Neang, Samuel Ma, and Lenny R. Vartanian
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
University of New South Wales Sydney
Health care providers play an important role in the management of obesity; however, they often hold
negative attitudes about people with overweight and obesity and this may affect the treatment that they
provide. The current studies assessed how doctor communication style around discussions of weight
(supportive vs. stigmatizing) impacted participants’ health motivation and willingness to comply with the
doctor’s advice. We conducted 2 online studies in which we presented participants who self-identified as
either overweight or obese with a written scenario describing a doctor-patient interaction. Study 1 (N ⫽
334) revealed that participants who read a supportive interaction reported more positive affect and greater
health motivation than did participants who read a nonweight control interaction. In contrast, participants
who read a stigmatizing conversation about weight reported less positive affect and more negative affect
and reported lower willingness to comply with the doctor’s recommendations than did control participants. Study 2 (N ⫽ 332) revealed that a weight stigmatizing interaction had harmful consequences for
compliance and health motivation regardless of how extreme the doctor’s health behavior recommendations were. Together these findings suggest that a stigmatizing discussion about weight can negatively
impact health motivation and compliance, but that conversations about weight can also be productive if
they are conducted in a supportive and empathetic manner.
Keywords: obesity, weight stigma, health care, health motivation
People with overweight and obesity experience health care
differently than do those with a lower BMI. Higher BMI is
associated with greater reported avoidance of health care (Alegria
Drury & Louis, 2002). Among women with overweight, those
most likely to have avoided routine preventative procedures such
as cancer screenings were those in the highest BMI categories
(Adams, Smith, Wilbur, & Grady, 1993; Amy, Aalborg, Lyons, &
Keranen, 2006). Patients with obesity cite both past experiences of
disrespectful treatment from providers and concerns over how
their weight will be discussed and managed in future as reasons for
avoiding or delaying health care (Alegria Drury & Louis, 2002;
Amy et al., 2006). These concerns appear valid—many people
with overweight and obesity report experiencing weight stigma in
health care settings (Ferrante et al., 2016; Mulherin, Miller, Barlow, Diedrichs, & Thompson, 2013; Puhl & Brownell, 2006; Puhl
& Heuer, 2009; Richard, Ferguson, Lara, Leonard, & Younis,
2014). Health care providers build less emotional rapport with
patients with overweight and obesity (Gudzune, Beach, Roter, &
Cooper, 2013), spend less time providing them with health education (Bertakis & Azari, 2005), and report having less respect for
them (Huizinga, Cooper, Bleich, Clark, & Beach, 2009). Providers
also engage in less patient-centered care with patients who they
perceive are unlikely to be adherent (Street, Gordon, & Haidet,
2007), a stereotype often attributed to patients with obesity (Foster
et al., 2003).
Experiences with weight-based stigmatization can negatively
impact patients’ health and well-being. There is substantial evidence that experiencing weight stigma (in general) is associated
Health care providers have an important role to play in the
management of obesity. To do so, they need to be able to discuss
the topic of weight with their patients with overweight and obesity.
Unfortunately, people with a higher body mass index (BMI) may
delay or avoid health care, often citing concerns about how the
provider will treat them because of their weight (Alegria Drury &
Louis, 2002). Indeed, many people with overweight and obesity
report experiences of weight-based stigma in health care contexts
(Puhl & Brownell, 2006). Moreover, considerable evidence suggests that experiencing weight stigma is associated with poorer
well-being and reduced motivation to engage in healthy lifestyle
behaviors (Puhl & Suh, 2015). Thus, even when people with
overweight and obesity seek health care, they may not be receiving
advice in a manner that motivates behavior change. Understanding
how provider communication style affects motivations and perceptions among individuals with overweight and obesity is an
important step in determining how to best enhance the mental and
physical health of people with overweight and obesity.
Lydia E. Hayward, Sammantha Neang, Samuel Ma, and Lenny R.
Vartanian, School of Psychology, University of New South Wales Sydney.
The data that are published in this article have been made available at
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Lydia E.
Hayward, School of Psychology, University of New South Wales Sydney,
NSW 2052, Australia. E-mail:
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
with poorer psychological well-being (Chen et al., 2007; Friedman
et al., 2005; Himmelstein, Puhl, & Quinn, 2018; Juvonen, Lessard,
Schacter, & Suchilt, 2017), as well as lower motivation to engage
in health behaviors and lose weight, higher caloric intake, greater
exercise avoidance, and more engagement in unhealthy weightcontrol behaviors (Major, Eliezer, & Rieck, 2012; Major, Hunger,
Bunyan, & Miller, 2014; Puhl & Suh, 2015; Schvey, Puhl, &
Brownell, 2011; Tomiyama, 2014; Vartanian, Pinkus, & Smyth,
2018; Vartanian & Porter, 2016; Vartanian & Shaprow, 2008). In
the health care context specifically, there is evidence that patients
with overweight and obesity who feel judged about their weight by
their health care provider are less likely to trust their provider and
are less likely to achieve weight loss (Gudzune, Bennett, Cooper,
& Bleich, 2014a, 2014b). Moreover, poor provider-patient communication is associated with lower intentions to engage in health
behaviors (Jay, Gillespie, Schlair, Sherman, & Kalet, 2010) and
reduced compliance (Zolnierek & Dimatteo, 2009). Thus, health
care providers risk worsening the health of their patients with
overweight and obesity if they discuss weight in a manner that is
perceived as stigmatizing.
Of course, health care providers do not set out to worsen the
health of their patients, so why might they be engaging in weight
stigmatizing behavior? There is substantial evidence that health
care providers hold negative attitudes toward people with overweight and obesity (Sabin, Marini, & Nosek, 2012) and hold
negative stereotypes about them, viewing them as weak-willed,
noncompliant, awkward, sloppy, and lazy (Foster et al., 2003).
These negative attitudes and stereotypes can affect the care that
doctors provide. Some providers also express concern about raising the topic of weight with their patients, citing as their primary
worry a degree of uncertainty about how patients will react emotionally to the message (Michie, 2007). Only a small number of
health care providers report receiving good training in obesity
practices (Forman-Hoffman, Little, & Wahls, 2006). However,
those who receive adequate training are more likely to report
discussing diet and exercise with their patients with obesity, and
patients who receive weight loss advice from their doctors are
more likely to report engaging in attempts to lose weight (Galuska,
Will, Serdula, & Ford, 1999; Rose, Poynter, Anderson, Noar, &
Conigliaro, 2013). Physician communication about weight, therefore, appears to be an important factor in promoting health behaviors among individuals with obesity, but the nature of that communication is also an important consideration.
The Present Studies
Given the evidence that quality of communication around
weight may be important, the present studies aimed to examine
how different types of physician-patient discussions about weight
might affect health motivation and compliance among people with
overweight and obesity. Study 1 investigated whether doctors may
be able to promote intentions to engage in health behaviors by
discussing weight in a supportive manner, as well as whether
stigmatizing doctor-patient interactions about weight might impair
patient health motivation and compliance. Study 2 manipulated
both the communication style and the extremity of the health
behavior changes recommended by the doctor so that we could
determine whether the communication style of the doctor impacts
compliance intentions and motivation irrespective of what advice
the doctor gives.
Study 1
Participants who identified as overweight or obese were presented with one of three hypothetical scenarios that described an
interaction between a patient and their doctor: a supportive discussion about the patient’s weight, a weight stigmatizing interaction, or a control scenario in which weight was not discussed.
Participants imagined themselves as the patient in the scenario and
then completed a series of outcome measure. We hypothesized that
people who read about being stigmatized by a doctor about their
weight would report lower compliance intentions, motivation to
engage in health behaviors, and willingness to visit the doctor
again, as well as rate the doctor more negatively, than would those
who read about a supportive discussion about weight or a nonweight discussion. We also hypothesized that reading a supportive
discussion about weight would increase motivation, compliance,
and willingness to visit the doctor again, as well as produce more
positive perceptions of the doctor, compared with the nonweight
discussion. Finally, we explored whether positive affect and negative affect would mediate these effects.
Participants. Participants were U.S. residents recruited online
via Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk), a website where people
can complete online surveys for monetary reimbursement. In September 2017, participants were invited to complete a prescreening
survey that assessed age, sex, relationship status, and weight status
(underweight/normal weight/overweight/obese), and were reimbursed USD$0.05 (N ⫽ 706). People who selected their weight
status as “overweight” or “obese” were then invited to participate
in the full 15-min study for an additional USD$1.50 (n ⫽ 350). A
final sample of 334 participants provided consent and completed
the online study, and there were no exclusions. The majority of the
sample identified as female (61.1%); all other participants identified as male. Participants had a mean age of 37.55 (SD ⫽ 10.74)
and a mean BMI of 33.34 kg/m2 (based on self-reported height and
weight; SD ⫽ 6.72; range ⫽ 24.21–63.56). According to the
World Health Organization, a BMI of between 25 and 30 is
classified as overweight (34.1% of participants in the current
study) and a BMI of 30 or above is classified as obese (62.9% of
participants). Ten participants had a BMI ⬍25 but excluding these
participants did not substantially change the results so we have
reported analyses below using the full sample. The majority of the
sample had self-identified as overweight in the prescreening survey (68.6%), with less than one third identifying as obese (31.4%).
Participants had an average self-reported socioeconomic status of
4.64 (SD ⫽ 1.54) out of 10 (with 10 being the highest status) and
the majority of participants (71.6%) had completed at least some
university or college. Demographics did not differ between conditions (ps ⬎ .114).
Procedure. After providing informed consent, participants
were asked to read a transcript of a doctor-patient interaction and
imagine themselves as the patient in the scenario. Participants were
randomly allocated to read about either: a supportive interaction
about weight with the doctor (n ⫽ 111), a stigmatizing interaction
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
about weight with the doctor (n ⫽ 112), or a control interaction in
which the patient described a wrist injury and there was no
mention of weight (n ⫽ 111). Excluding 11 participants who spent
less than 20 s on the page where the scenario was presented did not
change the pattern of the results; thus, the results are presented
below for all participants. After reading through the transcript,
participants completed the following measures in order: affect,
perceptions of the doctor, motivation to engage in health behaviors, willingness to comply with the doctor’s recommendations,
and willingness to visit either the doctor described in the scenario
again or any doctor. Participants then completed trait level individual difference measures (past experience with weight stigma in
general, past experience of weight stigma in the context of health
care, weight stigma concerns, internalized weight bias, and fat
identification) that were included as potential moderators. No
consistent evidence of moderation was found for any of these
variables, and these results are, therefore, not reported in this
article. Finally, participants provided demographic information
and then read a debriefing statement. This research was approved
by the university’s ethics committee. The data have been made
publicly available at
Stimuli and measures.
Manipulation stimuli. The supportive and stigmatizing interaction scenarios were derived from videos that are freely available
at These videos have been
developed as teaching tools for health care professionals, providing instruction on: (a) how to have a productive conversation with
a patient about their weight, and (b) what not to do when discussing a patient’s weight. We transcribed these videos and then used
part of the transcription as our supportive and stigmatizing interactions, respectively. For the control condition, we attempted to
keep as many details as possible consistent with the weight-based
interactions but, instead of discussing weight, the scenario centered around the patient complaining of a sore wrist. All scenarios
began toward the end of a visit to the doctor, making it clear that
the issue being discussed in the scenario (weight/wrist pain) was
not the primary purpose of the visit to the doctor. In all conditions,
the doctor recommended some form of treatment for the issue
raised. The doctor in the stigmatizing condition recommended
calorie restriction and frequent intensive exercise, the doctor in the
supportive condition recommended short bursts of gentle exercise
(walking), and the doctor in the control condition recommended
wearing a light brace on the wrist and rest. See Appendix A for the
full transcripts.
Manipulation checks. One manipulation check question was
asked immediately after participants read the interaction: “On a
scale from negative to positive, how would you rate this interaction
with the doctor?” (1 ⫽ very negative, 4 ⫽ neutral, 7 ⫽ very
positive). Another manipulation check question was asked at the
very end of the survey, before the demographic questions: “How
critical or supportive do you feel that the doctor was toward the
patient? (1 ⫽ very critical, 4 ⫽ neither critical nor supportive/
neutral, 7 ⫽ very supportive).
Affect. Participants were reminded to imagine that the interaction they had read about had just happened to them, and were
asked to indicate how they were feeling at that very moment with
regards to a range of emotions: embarrassed/angry/sad/anxious/
ashamed (negative affect; ␣ ⫽ .95), and happy/hopeful/confident/
proud/grateful (positive affect; ␣ ⫽ .93). These measures were
adapted from those used by Vartanian et al. (2018) to assess
positive and negative affect in response to weight stigma, but with
some additional items included to assess a wider range of emotions. Participants responded to each item on a sliding scale ranging from 0 ⫽ not at all to 100 ⫽ very much so. The order of the
items was randomized.
Health motivation. Three items assessed how motivated participants currently felt to: exercise or be physically active, diet or
eat healthy, and try to lose weight (Vartanian et al., 2018), rated on
a sliding scale ranging from 0 ⫽ not at all to 100 ⫽ very much so
(␣ ⫽ .96).
Positive perceptions of the doctor. Participants completed the
10-item Consultation and Relational Empathy (CARE) scale (Mercer, Maxwell, Heaney, & Watt, 2004), rating how well the doctor
performed according to a range of criteria (e.g., “making you feel
at ease,” or “fully understanding your concerns”; 1 ⫽ poor to 5 ⫽
excellent; ␣ ⫽ .98).
Compliance. Three items adapted from Puhl, Wharton, and
Heuer (2009) assessed participants’ understanding of and compliance with the recommendations provided by the doctor in the
scenario: “How well do you understand the recommendations?”
(1 ⫽ very little to 5 ⫽ very much), “How likely are you to be
compliant with the treatment recommended?”, and “How likely do
you think you are to be successful in making the suggested
changes and maintaining them over time?” (1 ⫽ very unlikely to
5 ⫽ very likely; ␣ ⫽ .80).
Willingness to visit doctors. One item assessed the likelihood
that participants would visit the doctor described in the scenario
again if they required medical attention. Another item assessed the
likelihood that participants would visit any doctor if required. Both
items used a response scale of 1 ⫽ very unlikely to 5 ⫽ very likely
and were analyzed separately.
Analytic plan. A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)
was conducted on each outcome variable. We then ran a series of
parallel mediation models using PROCESS (Hayes, 2013) Model
4 to examine whether positive and negative affect mediated the
effects of condition on the outcomes. Indicator coding was used for
the multicategorical predictor variable, with the control condition
designated as the reference category. One contrast examined the
stigmatizing condition relative to the control condition, and the
other contrast examined the supportive condition relative to control condition. Both contrasts were included as predictor variables,
positive affect and negative affect were included as simultaneous
mediators, and each outcome was examined separately. Unstandardized indirect effects and 95% bias-corrected bootstrapped confidence intervals (CIs) with 5,000 samples are reported.
Table 1 reports the descriptive statistics for each condition on all
outcome variables, as well as the F statistics, p values, and 2
values for all ANOVAs. None of the results were significantly
moderated by weight category (overweight vs. obese), whether
defined by BMI as calculated from self-reported height and weight
(ps ⬎ .189) or by self-identified weight category (ps ⬎ .056). All
effects described below are statistically significant unless stated
Manipulation checks. Immediately after reading the transcript, participants in the supportive condition rated the interaction
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
Table 1
Descriptive and ANOVA Statistics for Manipulation Checks and Outcome Variables, Study 1
Outcome variable
M (SD) (n ⫽ 111)
M (SD) (n ⫽ 111)
M (SD) (n ⫽ 112)
Positivity of interaction
Supportiveness of doctor
Positive affect
Negative affect
Positive perceptions of doctor
Health motivation
Willingness to visit this doctor again
Willingness to visit any doctor
6.49 (.93)a
6.60 (.96)a
55.70 (21.58)a
20.61 (18.66)a
4.34 (.75)a
73.12 (17.80)a
4.31 (.55)a
4.58 (.75)a
3.74 (.96)
5.83 (1.03)b
5.97 (1.24)b
55.60 (19.85)a
9.50 (11.48)b
3.78 (.80)b
40.25 (29.28)b
4.39 (.69)a
4.15 (.89)b
3.54 (1.02)
2.33 (1.52)c
1.86 (1.60)c
17.23 (21.31)b
69.35 (24.07)c
1.69 (.88)c
40.42 (30.18)b
3.01 (.96)b
1.67 (1.12)c
3.42 (1.10)
Note. All analysis of variances (ANOVAs) are significant at p ⬍ .001 except for on willingness to visit any doctor that was not significant (p ⫽ .067).
Superscript letters denote significant comparisons between conditions at p ⬍ .001 (Bonferroni adjusted), except for the difference between supportive and
control conditions on willingness to see this doctor again that was significant at p ⫽ .003.
as more positive than did participants in the control condition, with
participants in the stigmatizing condition rating the interaction
most negatively. At the end of the survey, participants in the
supportive condition rated the doctor as being more supportive
toward the patient than did participants in the control condition,
with participants in the stigmatizing condition rating the doctor as
being most critical toward the patient.
Main dependent variables. Participants in the stigmatizing
condition reported more negative affect and less positive affect,
rated the doctor less positively, were less willing to comply with
the doctor’s recommendations, and were less willing to visit the
doctor again in future than were participants in the supportive or
control conditions. Participants in the stigmatizing condition did
not differ from participants in the control condition in health
motivation. However, participants in the supportive condition reported greater health motivation, rated the doctor more positively,
and reported being more likely to visit the doctor again in future
than were participants in the stigmatizing and control conditions.
Participants who read the supportive transcript also reported similar levels of positive affect and willingness to comply with the
doctor’s recommendations as did participants who read the control
interaction. The main effect of condition did not extend to participants’ willingness to visit any doctor in future.
Mediation through positive and negative affect. Positive
affect mediated the effect of exposure to a stigmatizing interaction
with the doctor (relative to control) on several outcomes: stigma
(via lower positive affect) led to less positive perceptions of the
doctor (b ⫽ ⫺0.84, SEboot ⫽ 0.11, 95% CI [⫺1.07, ⫺0.65]), lower
motivation to engage in health behaviors (b ⫽ ⫺23.06, SEboot ⫽
3.12, 95% CI [⫺29.62, ⫺17.44]), lower compliance (b ⫽ ⫺0.52,
SEboot ⫽ 0.08, 95% CI [⫺0.69, ⫺0.38]), and less willingness to
visit the doctor again (b ⫽ ⫺0.85, SEboot ⫽ 0.13, 95% CI
[⫺1.11, ⫺0.61]). The effect of reading a stigmatizing interaction
also reduced compliance through an increase in negative affect
(b ⫽ ⫺0.53, SEboot ⫽ 0.13, 95% CI [⫺0.80, ⫺0.28]). Surprisingly, because the supportive condition led to a small increase in
negative affect relative to the control condition (likely because of
the focus on weight), participants who read a supportive discussion
about weight indirectly reported (via increased negative affect)
lower compliance (b ⫽ ⫺0.10, SEboot ⫽ 0.03, 95% CI
[⫺0.16, ⫺0.05]) and less willingness to visit the doctor again
(b ⫽ ⫺0.06, SEboot ⫽ 0.03, 95% CI [⫺0.14, ⫺0.01]) than did
participants in the control condition. No other indirect effects were
Study 1 revealed that participants who read about being weight
stigmatized by a doctor experienced more negative affect and were
less willing to comply with the lifestyle recommendations provided by the doctor than were those who read the supportive or
control interactions. They also rated the doctor less positively and
were less willing to visit the doctor again in future. These findings
suggest that experiencing weight stigma from a doctor may lead to
poor health and well-being outcomes for people with overweight
and obesity. Note, however, that the stigmatizing and supportive
interactions used in this study also differed with regards to the
recommendations provided by the doctor. In the stigmatizing scenario, the doctor recommended that the patient undertake a strict
exercise and dieting regime. In the supportive scenario, the doctor
recommended that the patient simply start by engaging in mild
exercise whenever possible. It is not clear, therefore, whether
participants were more likely to comply with the recommendations
of the supportive doctor simply because they were easier to comply with. Study 2 aimed to tease apart the supportiveness of the
interaction from the extremity of the behavioral recommendations
provided by the doctor.
Study 2
Participants. Participants were 340 U.S. residents recruited
via MTurk in October 2018 who had identified as overweight or
obese in a prescreening survey. Participants were invited to complete a 15-min study for US$1.50 reimbursement. A sample of 336
completed the study. Two participants were excluded for not
providing their height and weight and two were excluded for
having a BMI of less than 18.5 (“underweight”), resulting in a final
sample of 332 participants. The majority were female (61.4%) and
had completed at least some university/college (72.3%). Participants had a mean age of 39.73 (SD ⫽ 12.35), socioeconomic status
4.65 (1.94)
4.82 (1.60)
5.09 (1.64)
4.74 (1.80)
5.44 (1.40)
4.66 (1.85)
4.63 (2.02)
4.69 (1.68)
4.58 (2.01)
4.34 (1.53)
4.46 (1.78)
4.74 (1.83)
5.02 (1.52)
5.22 (1.58)
5.00 (1.75)
5.44 (1.37)
4.86 (1.68)
4.72 (1.78)
5.00 (1.56)
4.53 (1.95)
4.63 (1.54)
4.58 (1.75)
2.38 (1.94)
5.86 (1.44)
4.15 (2.39)
2.47 (1.93)
5.80 (1.50)
3.90 (2.35)
2.28 (1.92)
5.61 (1.32)
2.39 (1.99)
6.16 (1.47)
4.26 (2.58)
2.55 (1.97)
5.94 (1.32)
4.28 (2.38)
2.77 (2.18)
5.79 (1.42)
3.98 (2.29)
2.39 (1.85)
5.64 (1.31)
2.51 (1.89)
6.38 (1.12)
4.42 (2.49)
1.84 (.98)
44.47 (30.29)
3.03 (1.03)
4.14 (.83)
70.42 (22.28)
4.03 (.70)
3.04 (1.41)
56.88 (28.71)
3.45 (.95)
2.00 (1.06)
48.42 (31.64)
3.03 (1.00)
4.06 (.86)
65.20 (22.89)
3.87 (.68)
2.86 (1.43)
53.17 (30.12)
3.46 (1.01)
1.78 (.96)
39.18 (29.93)
2.98 (1.01)
3.97 (.88)
67.67 (22.68)
3.95 (.74)
1.75 (.93)
46.09 (29.12)
3.09 (1.09)
4.40 (.70)
78.17 (19.34)
4.27 (.63)
3.06 (1.56)
61.99 (29.45)
3.68 (1.07)
4.35 (1.88)
21.72 (22.37)
65.85 (23.10)
2.33 (1.60)
51.37 (23.94)
30.10 (21.00)
3.90 (2.08)
34.08 (24.68)
51.82 (27.49)
4.98 (1.78)
22.95 (21.72)
67.51 (23.99)
2.83 (1.80)
45.01 (22.57)
36.43 (21.42)
3.49 (1.95)
34.13 (27.03)
48.38 (26.97)
4.54 (1.68)
21.51 (23.93)
64.17 (21.99)
2.40 (1.59)
47.20 (23.79)
32.02 (21.39)
3.58 (1.92)
20.77 (21.67)
65.97 (23.62)
1.79 (1.20)
61.59 (22.35)
22.12 (17.79)
2.69 (1.83)
41.00 (30.00)
44.24 (30.32)
2.54 (1.67)
2.13 (1.86)
6.09 (1.03)
6.22 (1.21)
4.24 (2.16)
4.16 (2.54)
2.66 (1.72)
2.43 (2.11)
5.80 (1.22)
5.85 (1.62)
4.20 (2.26)
4.06 (2.55)
2.44 (1.68)
2.04 (1.81)
6.02 (.95)
6.16 (1.05)
4.48 (2.33)
4.27 (2.68)
2.54 (1.60)
1.93 (1.65)
6.45 (.78)
6.64 (.67)
(n ⫽ 167)
(n ⫽ 165)
(n ⫽ 56)
(n ⫽ 57)
(n ⫽ 113)
(n ⫽ 55)
(n ⫽ 57)
(n ⫽ 112)
(n ⫽ 54)
(n ⫽ 53)
(n ⫽ 107)
Overall M (SD)
Extreme recommendations M (SD)
Moderate recommendations M (SD)
Positivity of interaction
Supportiveness of doctor
Extremity of
Positive affect
Negative affect
Positive perceptions of
Health motivation
Visit this doctor if
Visit this doctor for
routine screening
Visit any doctor if
Visit any doctor for
routine screening
Table 2 reports the descriptive statistics for all outcome variables separately for each condition and Table 3 reports all
ANOVA statistics.
Manipulation checks. Participants in the supportive condition rated the interaction as more positive and rated the doctor as
more supportive than did participants in the stigmatizing condition.
Outcome variable
Mild recommendations M (SD)
of 4.76 out of 10 (SD ⫽ 1.65), and BMI of 32.67 kg/m2 (SD ⫽
7.01; range ⫽ 22.14 –70.85; 40.7% overweight and 55.7% obese).
Most participants (72.6%) self-identified as overweight with the
rest (27.4%) identifying as obese. Demographics did not differ
between conditions (ps ⬎ .165). Excluding people who had a BMI
of less than 25 or who spent less than 20 s on the scenario page did
change some of the results (see Ancillary Analyses below).
Procedure and materials. The procedure was the same as
Study 1 except that participants were randomly allocated to one of
six conditions: a supportive or a stigmatizing interaction about
weight where the doctor recommended either mild, moderate, or
extreme lifestyle changes. The transcripts were the same as in
Study 1 except that the endings were modified to reflect the
different recommendations provided by the doctor. The mild recommendation condition involved the doctor suggesting that the
patient walk whenever possible and be more mindful of how much
they are eating. The moderate recommendation condition involved
the doctor suggesting exercising for an hour 3 days a week and
restricting caloric intake to 1,800 calories per day. The extreme
recommendation condition involved the suggestion of an hour of
exercise 6 days a week and restricting intake to 1,200 calories per
day (see Appendix B for transcripts in all conditions). There was
no control scenario in this study.
Participants completed the same outcome measures as Study 1
except that four items (instead of two) now assessed willingness to
visit doctors in future. Two items assessed willingness to see a
doctor in future if required: “If you were experiencing symptoms
that warranted going to see a doctor, how likely would you be to
make an appointment with [this/any] doctor?” and an additional
two items assessed willingness to see a doctor for a routine
screening: “For a routine screening procedure (e.g., cancer screening), how likely would you be to make an appointment with
[this/any] doctor?”. At the end of the survey, participants also
completed an additional manipulation check indicating how extreme they perceived the recommendations to be on a scale from 1
(not extreme at all) to 7 (very extreme). All scales showed good
reliability (␣s ⱖ .80).
Analytic plan. A series of 2 (supportive vs. stigmatizing) ⫻ 3
(mild, moderate, or extreme recommendations) factorial ANOVAs
were conducted on the outcome variables. Main effects and simple
effects of the recommendation factor were followed up with
Bonferroni-corrected pairwise comparisons. A series of moderated
mediation analyses were then conducted using PROCESS (Hayes,
2013) Model 8 to examine whether positive and negative affect
mediated the effects of stigma on the outcomes, and whether this
differed as a function of the extremity of the recommendation.
Indicator coding was used for the recommendation variable, with
the mild condition designated as the reference category. Unstandardized indirect effects and 95% bias-corrected bootstrapped CIs
with 5,000 samples are reported.
Table 2
Descriptive Statistics for Manipulation Checks and Outcome Variables, Study 2
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Table 3
ANOVA Statistics for Manipulation Checks and Outcome Variables, Study 2
Stigma main effect
(dfs ⫽ 1, 326)
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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
Outcome variable
Positivity of interaction
Supportiveness of doctor
Extremity of recommendations
Positive affect
Negative affect
Positive perceptions of doctor
Health motivation
Visit this doctor if needed
Visit this doctor for routine screening
Visit any doctor if needed
Visit any doctor for routine screening
548.39, p ⬍ .001, 2p ⫽ .63a
571.64, p ⬍ .001, 2p ⫽ .64a
121.28, p ⬍ .001, 2p ⫽ .27a
140.35, p ⬍ .001, 2p ⫽ .30a
222.77, p ⬍ .001, 2p ⫽ .41a
537.45, p ⬍ .001, 2p ⫽ .62a
79.57, p ⬍ .001, 2p ⫽ .20a
107.11, p ⬍ .001, 2p ⫽ .25a
338.65, p ⬍ .001, 2p ⫽ .51a
341.39, p ⬍ .001, 2p ⫽ .51a
2.24, p ⫽ .136, 2p ⫽ .01
.83, p ⫽ .362, 2p ⫽ .003
Stigma ⫻ Recommendation
interaction (dfs ⫽ 2, 326)
Recommendation main
effect (dfs ⫽ 2, 326)
1.40, p ⫽ .248, 2p ⫽ .01
.44, p ⫽ .642, 2p ⫽ .003
15.15, p ⬍ .001, 2p ⫽ .09a
3.56, p ⫽ .030, 2p ⫽ .02a
3.64, p ⫽ .027, 2p ⫽ .02a
1.47, p ⫽ .231, 2p ⫽ .01
3.13, p ⫽ .045, 2p ⫽ .02a
2.43, p ⫽ .090, 2p ⫽ .02
1.91, p ⫽ .149, 2p ⫽ .01
1.03, p ⫽ .358, 2p ⫽ .01
4.12, p ⫽ .017, 2p ⫽ .03a
3.68, p ⫽ .026, 2p ⫽ .02a
2.14, p ⫽ .119, 2p ⫽ .01
4.76, p ⫽ .009, 2p ⫽ .03a
.411, p ⫽ .663, 2p ⫽ .003
5.34, p ⫽ .005, 2p ⫽ .03a
2.95, p ⫽ .054, 2p ⫽ .02
3.25, p ⫽ .040, 2p ⫽ .02a
2.52, p ⫽ .082, 2p ⫽ .02
.99, p ⫽ .372, 2p ⫽ .01
1.90, p ⫽ .151, 2p ⫽ .01
.64, p ⫽ .530, 2p ⫽ .004
.29, p ⫽ .745, 2p ⫽ .002
2.08, p ⫽ .126, 2p ⫽ .01
Note. ANOVA ⫽ analysis of variance.
Indicates significance at p ⬍ .05.
There was also a significant interaction on supportiveness with
simple effects revealing that, in the supportive interaction condition, the doctor was perceived to be less supportive when the
recommendations were extreme than when the recommendations
were mild (p ⫽ .024); there was no difference in the stigmatizing
condition (p ⫽ .272). As expected, participants in the mild recommendation condition rated the recommendations as less extreme than did participants in the moderate or extreme conditions
(ps ⬍ .002). However, participants in the moderate and extreme
conditions did not significantly differ in how extreme they perceived the recommendations to be (p ⫽ .167). There was also a
significant main effect of stigma condition such that the recommendations were perceived to be more extreme in the stigmatizing
condition than in the supportive condition.
Main dependent variables. Significant main effects of
stigma were found on all outcome variables except for willingness
to see any doctor again (either if needed or for routine screening).
Relative to participants who read the supportive scenario, those
who read the stigmatizing scenario showed greater negative affect,
lower positive affect, less positive perceptions of the doctor, lower
health motivation, were less willing to comply with the recommendations provided, and were less willing to visit this doctor
again in future.
Main effects of recommendation were found for negative affect,
positive affect, health motivation, and willingness to see any
doctor in future. The mild recommendation condition led to lower
negative affect than did the extreme recommendation condition
(p ⫽ .022) and lower health motivation than did the moderate
recommendation condition (p ⫽ .041). No Bonferroni-adjusted
pairwise comparisons were significant for positive affect (ps ⬎
.057). Of interest to the authors, participants in the extreme recommendation condition reported being more willing to visit any
doctor in future than were participants in the mild condition, both
if they required medical attention (p ⫽ .013) and if they were
attending a routine screening (p ⫽ .024).
Significant interactions were also found on positive affect and
perceptions of the doctor. In both cases, differences between
recommendation conditions only emerged when the doctor was
supportive and not when the doctor was stigmatizing. Mild recommendations led to more positive affect and greater health mo-
tivation than extreme recommendations when the doctor was supportive (ps ⬍ .032) but not when the doctor was stigmatizing (ps ⬎
.999). Mild recommendations produced greater positive affect
relative to moderate recommendations in the supportive (p ⫽ .003)
but not stigmatizing (p ⬎ .999) condition.
Mediation through positive and negative affect. Stigma reduced positive perceptions of the doctor, health motivation, compliance, and willingness to visit the doctor again in future through
lower positive affect at all levels of recommendation, but the
indirect effect was stronger when the recommendations were mild
(bs ⬎ ⫺0.81, SEboot ⬎ 0.11, 95% CI [⫺34.24, ⫺0.59]) relative to
moderate (bs ⬎ ⫺0.51, SEboot ⬎ 0.10, 95% CI [⫺24.33, ⫺0.31]);
Index of moderated mediation ⬎0.30, SEboot ⬎ 0.12, 95% CI
[0.06, 18.27]) or extreme (bs ⬎ ⫺0.38, SEboot ⬎ 0.10, 95% CI
[⫺21.28, ⫺0.25]; Index ⬎0.37, SEboot ⬎ 0.12, 95% CI [0.14,
20.38]). Negative affect was only a significant mediator of the
effect of stigma on willingness to visit the doctor in the scenario
again if medical attention was required, when recommendations
were mild (b ⫽ ⫺0.37, SEboot ⫽ 0.19, 95% CI [⫺0.77, ⫺0.02]),
moderate (b ⫽ ⫺0.28, SEboot ⫽ 0.14, 95% CI [⫺0.59, ⫺0.01]),
and extreme (b ⫽ ⫺0.26, SEboot ⫽ 0.13, 95% CI [⫺0.54, ⫺0.01]).
There was no evidence of moderated mediation (index ⬍0.12,
SEboot ⬍ 0.09, 95% CI [⫺0.003, 0.21]).
Ancillary analyses. Weight category (overweight vs. obese)
did not moderate the effect of condition on any outcome variable,
either as calculated from BMI (ps ⬎ .207) or assessed with
self-identified weight category (ps ⬎ .081), except for willingness
to see any doctor in future (ps ⬍ .039). Participants in the stigmatizing condition reported being less willing to see any doctor if
medical attention was required than were participants in the supportive condition, but only among those who self-identified as
obese (p ⫽ .006) and not among those who self-identified as
overweight (p ⫽ .768). The same pattern was found for willingness to see any doctor for a routine screening (p ⫽ .019 and .913,
respectively); however, this was further qualified by an interaction
(p ⫽ .024) such that the effect of stigma among participants who
identified as obese was only significant when the recommendations were moderate or extreme (ps ⬍ .016).
Excluding 12 participants who had a BMI of normal weight
(18.5–25) or excluding 14 participants who spent less than 20 s on
the scenario page changed some of the results regarding the main
effects of recommendation extremity and the interactions. However, all main effects of stigma remained significant.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
Study 2 found consistent main effects of doctor communication
style, revealing that the stigmatizing interaction led to poorer
mood, less positive perceptions of the doctor, and reduced compliance and health motivation than did the supportive interaction.
The mild recommendation condition also tended to produce more
positive outcomes than the moderate or extreme recommendation
conditions; however, these effects were less consistent and reliable
and were sometimes qualified by an interaction such that the
extremity of the recommendations had an impact only when the
doctor was supportive and not when the doctor was stigmatizing.
These results confirm the findings of Study 1 and demonstrate that
people with overweight and obesity respond poorly to a doctor
who stigmatizes them for their weight, even when the doctor
recommendations simple health behavior changes.
General Discussion
The present studies aimed to investigate how different types of
doctor-patient discussions about weight impact health motivation,
compliance intentions, and perceptions of the doctor among people
with overweight and obesity. Study 1 assessed the effects of
communication style (supportive vs. stigmatizing) on the outcomes. Study 2 assessed whether these effects of communication
style remained regardless of the specific recommendations provided by the doctor.
In both studies, large main effects of stigma were found such
that participants who read about being stigmatized by a doctor
reported more negative and less positive affect, less positive perceptions of the doctor, lower health motivation, and reported being
less likely to comply with the doctor’s recommendations and less
willing to visit the doctor again than participants who read about a
supportive interaction with a doctor. Study 2 further revealed that
stigma negatively impacted the outcomes irrespective of the extremity of the lifestyle changes recommended by the doctor. These
findings are consistent with evidence that feeling judged by a
doctor may impair one’s ability to achieve weight loss (Gudzune,
Bennett, Cooper, & Bleich, 2014b), and contribute to existing
literature on the harmful health and wellbeing consequences of
experiencing weight stigma (Chen et al., 2007; Friedman et al.,
2005; Himmelstein et al., 2018; Major et al., 2012, 2014; Puhl &
Heuer, 2009; Schvey et al., 2011; Vartanian & Porter, 2016;
Vartanian & Shaprow, 2008). The effects of stigma in the current
studies were largely explained by reduced positive affect following
the stigmatizing interaction. Increased negative affect only mediated one pathway in each study. This is consistent with previous
studies that have examined the impact of weight stigma on health
motivation, finding that reduced positive affect (but not increased
negative affect) mediated this relationship (Vartanian et al., 2018).
Participants who read a supportive discussion about weight with
a doctor reported greater motivation to engage in health behaviors,
rated the doctor more positively, and expressed more willingness
to visit the doctor again in future, relative to the stigmatizing
condition in both studies, and relative to participants in the control
condition in Study 1. More important, willingness to comply with
the health behavior recommendations was quite high for participants in the supportive condition in both studies, and in fact did not
differ from willingness to comply for participants in the control
condition in Study 1 who were given the recommendation to
simply wear a wrist brace. Note that the control condition in Study
1 also described a reasonably supportive discussion, suggesting
that any differences between the control and supportive conditions
is because of the fact that the doctor is discussing weight in a
supportive manner. These findings suggest that people with overweight or obesity are likely to respond well to doctors that discuss
weight and health behaviors with them, provided that these discussions are supportive and empathic.
The only variable for which we did not find any difference
between stigma conditions was willingness to visit any doctor in
future. This is encouraging because it suggests that experiencing
stigma from a doctor may not lead people to avoid other doctors.
However, people may not always have access to a different doctor.
For example, they may be limited by language barriers (i.e.,
immigrants) or live in rural areas where physician choice is limited. Given that obesity is disproportionately common in rural
areas (Befort, Nazir, & Perri, 2012) and low socioeconomic communities (Drewnowski, Rehm, & Solet, 2007), this is problematic.
Efforts to improve physician-patient communication may be especially needed in these areas.
Study 2 provided some evidence that mild lifestyle recommendations are perceived more positively than are moderate or extreme recommendations, but this was often only the case when the
doctor was supportive. When the doctor was stigmatizing, the
specific recommendations he provided were irrelevant. Interestingly, across all outcomes there were minimal differences between
the moderate and extreme conditions and this seemed to be a
consequence of the fact that participants in the extreme condition
did not perceive the recommendation to be significantly more
extreme than did participants in the moderate condition. Participants did, however, rate all recommendations as more extreme
when the doctor was stigmatizing. This suggests that patients may
interpret health care recommendations differently when they are
communicated in a stigmatizing versus supportive manner. It is
important to note that the effects of recommendation were often
unstable and many were no longer significant when exclusions
were made. The consistently larger effect was driven by whether
the doctor was stigmatizing or supportive.
The primary limitation of this research is that we used hypothetical scenarios describing a doctor-patient interaction and asked
participants via self-report measures how they intended to behave
following such an interaction. Although these hypothetical scenarios allow us to control the nature of the interaction, self-report
responses to hypothetical scenarios may not mimic how people
would respond to real-world interactions. However, a recent study
assessing weight loss outcomes found that people with overweight
and obesity were significantly more likely to have achieved clinically significant weight loss if their primary care provider had
discussed weight with them, but only if they did not feel judged by
the provider (Gudzune et al., 2014a). Together with our results,
this suggests that supportive doctor-patient discussions about
weight may not only lead to greater health intentions, but may also
extend to health behaviors and subsequent weight loss. Further
research is needed to examine how the supportive conversation
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
presented here would play out in real-world contexts, particularly
as part of ongoing discussions about health.
The current studies also only examined the effects of one rather
extreme episode of weight stigma. In reality, weight stigma is
often more subtle and insidious. We chose to make the episode
extreme to increase the salience of the hypothetical scenario and
because we could not readily manipulate subtlety without the aid
of nonverbal cues. It will be important for future research to use
different methodology to examine the effects of different stigmatizing interactions. Furthermore, although we have provided evidence that doctor communication style may affect compliance and
health motivation among people with overweight and obesity,
there are many health and well-being outcomes that we have not
investigated. Further research is needed to examine how the supportiveness (or lack thereof) of doctors impacts patients’ psychological well-being (i.e., psychological distress, suicidal ideation)
and health behaviors around food and exercise (i.e., disordered
eating). It will also be important for future research using different
methodology to distinguish how much of the effects observed in
the current studies are being driven by the content of the conversation with the doctor (i.e., the language used) relative to the style
of the communication (i.e., the way in which the language was
The present studies examined how different types of doctorpatient conversations about weight can impact compliance and
health motivation among patients with overweight and obesity. We
have provided evidence that being stigmatized by a doctor about
one’s weight impairs the provider-patient relationship and reduces
willingness to comply with lifestyle change recommendations. On
the other hand, having one’s weight discussed in a supportive and
empathic way can increase compliance and health motivation.
These effects appear to be because of the communication style of
the doctor and not the difficulty of the lifestyle changes that were
recommended. These findings suggest that health care providers
can have productive conversations about weight with their patients, but that the issue needs to be broached in a positive and
nonstigmatizing way. Health care providers report a desire to
receive more training in how to treat patients with obesity (van
Gerwen, Franc, Rosman, Le Vaillant, & Pelletier-Fleury, 2009),
and our findings suggest that investing in such training is likely to
be a worthy cause.
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(Appendices follow)
Appendix A
Study 1 Experimental Manipulation: Doctor-patient Interaction Transcripts
being active. Physical activity benefits the
whole body. It’s healthy for our joints, our
stress levels, and especially for weight management. Perhaps we could talk about some
ways of adding activity that fits into your
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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
Supportive Condition
Well, I’m glad we figured that out and I
think you’ll feel better over the next few
Patient (you):
Oh, thanks so much Doctor. I’ll just take it
easy for a couple of days.
Well, since I have you here and we still have
a few minutes left, I’d like to bring up
another topic. I’ve noticed that your blood
pressure and your weight have been climbing a bit over the past few years. We haven’t
really had time to talk about this much before and I may be able to offer some useful
strategies. Would it be okay if we discussed
weight and health for a few minutes?
Patient (you):
Patient (you):
Yeah, I suppose. I know my weight is a
problem, but every time I try to take it off, I
end up gaining it back. I don’t know what to
I know how you feel. Managing weight can
be frustrating. Maybe we can just start trying to figure it out together and I’ll be here
to help you through the challenges.
Okay, thank you Doctor. But I’m just concerned about how I can possibly lose weight
now since work is so busy and the kids take
up so much of my time.
Yeah, that’s certainly understandable. We
both know that there’s a lot that plays into
weight management - but there’s no need to
figure it all out today, especially since things
are so busy for you right now. Maybe we
could put our heads together and think about
something small that fits reasonably into
your life, and then we can take further steps
when you’re ready.
Patient (you):
Okay, that sounds great. So, what should I
Well, let’s see. One of the things that’s
involved in managing weight and health is
Patient (you):
I knew you were going to say that, but I
don’t have time in my schedule. I can’t
afford to take an hour to go to the gym every
I understand that. I don’t have an hour to go
to the gym every day either, but one of the
great things about physical activity is that
any amount of any type of activity can be
very helpful. For example, let’s think about
some activities that you enjoy doing.
Patient (you):
I like to walk.
Me too.
Patient (you):
Wait a minute. Isn’t walking too mild to
help you lose weight though?
Actually, even just a few minutes of walking
is really healthy and worthwhile and then
when you have time to do even more, that’s
great. Walking is also great because you can
do it anywhere. It doesn’t need to be at the
Patient (you):
Oh wow, that sounds good. You know
what? Come to think of it - I have some time
before I have to go back to work and I saw
a nice park on the way over here. Maybe I
could take a short walk after this
That sounds great.
Stigmatizing Condition
Well, I’m glad we figured that out and I
think you’ll feel better over the next few
Patient (you):
Oh, thanks so much Doctor. I’ll just take it
easy for a couple of days.
(Appendices continue)
Well, since I have you here and we still have a
few minutes left, I’d like to bring up another
topic. You know, when I saw you at the last
appointment, I told you that you needed to lose
weight. It doesn’t seem like you’ve been working at it. You can’t even fit into the chair.
Control Condition
Well, I’m glad we figured that out and I
think you’ll feel better over the next few
Patient (you):
Oh, thanks so much Doctor. I’ll just take it
easy for a couple of days. Before I go, I was
wondering if you could take a look at my
wrist? It’s been quite sore for a couple of
days now.
Hmm . . . can you think of anything you’ve
done that might have caused you to sprain or
injure your wrist?
Patient (you):
I’m not sure. I might have accidentally hit it
against the edge of a table the other day.
Are you having trouble using your wrist?
Patient (you):
It’s a bit uncomfortable and there’s a little
pain, but it’s nothing too serious, is it?
A slight sprain on the wrist isn’t too serious.
I’ll provide you with a light brace to help
with the healing process, but you might
want to take it easy for a couple of days.
Patient (you):
But I need to use my wrist for work and I
still need to care for the kids.
You can still use your wrist, but try not to
put too much pressure on it. Take regular
breaks and, with time, you should feel better
Patient (you):
Okay, I’ll try that. Thank you Doctor.
If there’s any further pain or discomfort, let
us know and I’ll see you soon for the next
Patient (you): I know, but I was thinking abou—
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
I’ve told you the same thing over and over.
You’re obese. Being obese can kill you. Don’t
you understand that? Obesity causes diabetes
and heart disease. Don’t you want to do something about it?
Patient (you): Honestly, Doctor, I really do want to try and I
really want to lose weight. Part of the issue is
that I have a very busy job and I have three
kids. There’s not much time left in the day to
go to the gym or cook meals or—
That’s what everybody says and it sounds like
an excuse to me. I don’t think you’re doing all
that you can. You just have to work harder.
Everyone has time. You just have to make it a
priority in your life.
Patient (you): I don’t know. I just—
If you just do what I tell you, you’ll lose
weight and you can get off all these
Patient (you): OK, fine. What do you want me to do?
Take this - I put together a sheet for you. Take
that home. Follow it; 1,200 calories a day,
exercise for an hour a day, 6 days a week and
really focus hard on this because your life
depends on it, OK? I don’t want to see you
back here until you get this weight off.
(Appendices continue)
Appendix B
Study 2 Experimental Manipulation: Doctor-patient Interaction Transcripts
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
Supportive ⴙ Mild Recommendation Condition
Well, I’m glad we figured that out and I
think you’ll feel better over the next few
Patient (you):
Oh, thanks so much Doctor. I’ll just take it
easy for a couple of days.
Well, since I have you here and we still have
a few minutes left, I’d like to bring up
another topic. I’ve noticed that your blood
pressure and your weight have been climbing a bit over the past few years. We haven’t
really had time to talk about this much before and I may be able to offer some useful
strategies. Would it be okay if we discussed
weight and health for a few minutes?
Patient (you):
Yeah, I suppose. I know my weight is a
problem, but every time I try to take it off, I
end up gaining it back. I don’t know what to
I know how you feel. Managing weight can
be frustrating. Maybe we can just start trying to figure it out together and I’ll be here
to help you through the challenges.
Patient (you):
Okay, thank you Doctor. But I’m just concerned about how I can possibly lose weight
now since work is so busy and the kids take
up so much of my time.
Yeah, that’s certainly understandable. We
both know that there’s a lot that plays into
weight management - but there’s no need to
figure it all out today, especially since things
are so busy for you right now. Maybe we
could put our heads together and think about
something small that fits reasonably into
your life, and then we can take further steps
when you’re ready.
Patient (you):
Okay, that sounds great. So, what should I
Well, let’s see. One of the things that’s
involved in managing weight and health is
being active. Physical activity benefits the
whole body. It’s healthy for our joints, our
stress levels, and especially for weight management. Perhaps we could talk about some
ways of adding activity that fits into your
Patient (you):
I knew you were going to say that, but I
don’t have time in my schedule. I can’t
afford to take an hour to go to the gym every
I understand that. I don’t have an hour to go
to the gym every day either, but one of the
great things about physical activity is that
any amount of any type of activity can be
very helpful. For example, let’s think about
some activities that you enjoy doing.
Patient (you):
I like to walk.
Me too.
Patient (you):
Wait a minute. Isn’t walking too mild to
help you lose weight though?
Actually, even just a few minutes of walking
is really healthy and worthwhile and then
when you have time to do even more, that’s
great. Walking is also great because you can
do it anywhere. It doesn’t need to be at the
Patient (you):
Oh wow, that sounds good. You know
what? Come to think of it - I have some time
before I have to go back to work and I saw
a nice park on the way over here. Maybe I
could take a short walk after this
That sounds great. And would you mind if
we briefly talked about eating habits as
Patient (you):
Yeah, sure, I mean I do my best to eat
healthy and I’m pretty good at eating fruit
and vegetables. Sometimes I just find it hard
not to eat more than I need.
(Appendices continue)
I can understand that, and it will take time to
change these habits. Often we engage in these
behaviors out of habit, leading us to eat even
when we’re not hungry. Perhaps for the next
little while you can start by simply trying to be
more mindful of how much you’re eating and
how full you feel when you are eating. What
do you think?
Patient (you):
Okay, I understand. So, what should I do?
Well, let’s see. One of the things that’s
involved in managing weight and health is
being active. Physical activity benefits the
whole body. It’s healthy for our joints, our
stress levels, and especially for weight management. Perhaps we could talk about some
ways of adding activity that fits into your
Patient (you):
I knew you were going to say that, but I
don’t have time in my schedule. I can’t
afford to take an hour to go to the gym every
I understand that. I don’t have an hour to go
to the gym every day either, but perhaps you
can find some time just a few days a week?
Exercising for an hour just 3 days a week is
really good for your health. It doesn’t even
have to be in a single block of time, which
can be hard to do; you can do 10 –15 min a
few times a day if that works better for you.
Patient (you):
OK Doctor, I’ll try that, thanks for your
That sounds great. And would you mind if
we briefly talked about eating habits as
Patient (you):
Yeah, sure, I mean I do my best to eat
healthy and I’m pretty good at eating fruit
and vegetables. Sometimes I just find it hard
not to eat more than I need.
I can understand that, and it will take time to
change these habits. Often we engage in
these behaviors out of habit, leading us to
eat even when we’re not hungry. Perhaps for
the next little while you can try to be more
mindful of how much you’re eating and try
make a few small changes here and there.
Those small changes can add up. What I’d
like you to be thinking about is trying to
consume less than 1,800 calories each day.
What do you think?
Patient (you):
That sounds good Doctor, I will do my best.
Great, I’m glad we got this opportunity to
Patient (you): That sounds good Doctor, I will do my best to
be more mindful of it.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
Great, I’m glad we got this opportunity to talk.
Supportive ⴙ Moderate Recommendation Condition
Well, I’m glad we figured that out and I
think you’ll feel better over the next few
Patient (you):
Oh, thanks so much Doctor. I’ll just take it
easy for a couple of days.
Well, since I have you here and we still have
a few minutes left, I’d like to bring up
another topic. I’ve noticed that your blood
pressure and your weight have been climbing a bit over the past few years. We haven’t
really had time to talk about this much before and I may be able to offer some useful
strategies. Would it be okay if we discussed
weight and health for a few minutes?
Patient (you):
Yeah, I suppose. I know my weight is a
problem, but every time I try to take it off, I
end up gaining it back. I don’t know what to
I know how you feel. Managing weight can
be frustrating. Maybe we can just start trying to figure it out together and I’ll be here
to help you through the challenges.
Patient (you):
Okay, thank you Doctor. But I’m just concerned about how I can possibly lose weight
now since work is so busy and the kids take
up so much of my time.
Yeah, that’s certainly understandable. We
both know that there’s a lot that plays into
weight management - but there’s no need to
figure it all out today, especially since things
are so busy for you right now. Maybe we
could put our heads together and think of a
course of action that will work for you.
(Appendices continue)
Supportive ⴙ Extreme Recommendation Condition
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
Well, I’m glad we figured that out and I
think you’ll feel better over the next few
Patient (you):
Oh, thanks so much Doctor. I’ll just take it
easy for a couple of days.
Well, since I have you here and we still have
a few minutes left, I’d like to bring up
another topic. I’ve noticed that your blood
pressure and your weight have been climbing a bit over the past few years. We haven’t
really had time to talk about this much before and I may be able to offer some useful
strategies. Would it be okay if we discussed
weight and health for a few minutes?
Patient (you):
Yeah, I suppose. I know my weight is a
problem, but every time I try to take it off, I
end up gaining it back. I don’t know what to
I know how you feel. Managing weight can
be frustrating. Maybe we can just start trying to figure it out together and I’ll be here
to help you through the challenges.
afford to take an hour to go to the gym every
I understand that, our lives are so busy these
days, I know it can be difficult to find time
to exercise. Perhaps we can think about how
you could better prioritize it in your life. To
get the most benefit for your health, it is
important that you try to exercise for an
hour a day 6 days a week. But it doesn’t
have to be in a single block of time, which
can be hard to do; you can do 10 –15 min a
few times a day if that works better for you.
Patient (you):
OK Doctor, I’ll try that, thanks for your
That sounds great. And would you mind if
we briefly talked about eating habits as
Patient (you):
Yeah, sure, I mean I do my best to eat
healthy and I’m pretty good at eating fruit
and vegetables. Sometimes I just find it hard
not to eat more than I need.
I can understand that, and it will take time to
change these habits. Often we engage in
these behaviors out of habit, leading us to
eat even when we’re not hungry. Perhaps for
the next little while you can try to be more
mindful of how much you’re eating and
making a few small changes here and there.
Those small changes can add up. You’ll
need to work toward consuming less than
1,200 calories each day. I know that sounds
hard but, once you start making changes,
you’ll see that it becomes easier. What do
you think?
Patient (you):
Okay, thank you Doctor. But I’m just concerned about how I can possibly lose weight
now since work is so busy and the kids take
up so much of my time.
Yeah, that’s certainly understandable. We
both know that there’s a lot that plays into
weight management - but there’s no need to
figure it all out today, especially since things
are so busy for you right now. Maybe we
could put our heads together and think of a
course of action that will work for you.
Patient (you):
Okay, I understand. So, what should I do?
Patient (you):
That sounds good Doctor, I will do my best.
Well, let’s see. One of the things that’s
involved in managing weight and health is
being active. Physical activity benefits the
whole body. It’s healthy for our joints, our
stress levels, and especially for weight management. Perhaps we could talk about some
ways of adding activity that fits into your
Great, I’m glad we got this opportunity to
Patient (you):
I knew you were going to say that, but I
don’t have time in my schedule. I can’t
Stigmatizing ⴙ Mild Recommendation Condition
Well, I’m glad we figured that out and I
think you’ll feel better over the next few
Patient (you):
Oh, thanks so much Doctor. I’ll just take it
easy for a couple of days.
(Appendices continue)
Patient (you):
Oh, thanks so much Doctor. I’ll just take it
easy for a couple of days.
Well, since I have you here and we still have
a few minutes left, I’d like to bring up
another topic. You know, when I saw you at
the last appointment, I told you that you
needed to lose weight. It doesn’t seem like
you’ve been working at it. You cannot even
fit into the chair.
Patient (you):
I know, but I was thinking abou—
I’ve told you the same thing over and over.
You’re obese. Being obese can kill you.
Don’t you understand that? Obesity causes
diabetes and heart disease. Don’t you want
to do something about it?
Patient (you):
Honestly, Doctor, I really do want to try and
I really want to lose weight. Part of the issue
is that I have a very busy job and I have
three kids. There’s not much time left in the
day to go to the gym or cook meals or—
That’s what everybody says and it sounds
like an excuse to me. I don’t think you’re
doing all that you can. You just have to
work harder. Everyone has time. You just
have to make it a priority in your life.
Patient (you): OK, fine. What do you want me to do?
Patient (you):
I don’t know. I just—
If you just do what I tell you, you’ll lose
weight and you can get off all these
Patient (you):
OK, fine. What do you want me to do?
Take this - I put together a sheet for you.
Take that home. Follow it. Be mindful of
how much you’re eating and eat less than
1,800 calories a day. Exercise for an hour a
day, 3 days a week. And really focus hard
on this because your life depends on it, OK?
I don’t want to see you back here until you
get this weight off.
Well, since I have you here and we still have a
few minutes left, I’d like to bring up another
topic. You know, when I saw you at the last
appointment, I told you that you needed to lose
weight. It doesn’t seem like you’ve been working at it. You cannot even fit into the chair.
Patient (you): I know, but I was thinking abou—
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
I’ve told you the same thing over and over.
You’re obese. Being obese can kill you. Don’t
you understand that? Obesity causes diabetes
and heart disease. Don’t you want to do something about it?
Patient (you): Honestly, Doctor, I really do want to try and I
really want to lose weight. Part of the issue is
that I have a very busy job and I have three
kids. There’s not much time left in the day to
go to the gym or cook meals or—
That’s what everybody says and it sounds like
an excuse to me. I don’t think you’re doing all
that you can. You just have to work harder.
Everyone has time. You just have to make it a
priority in your life.
Patient (you): I don’t know. I just—
If you just do what I tell you, you’ll lose
weight and you can get off all these
Well, you’re going to need to start by walking
whenever you can. You’re also going to need
to start focusing on being more mindful of how
much you’re eating. Start small and build up
from there. And really focus hard on this because your life depends on it, OK? I don’t want
to see you back here until you’ve got this
weight off.
Stigmatizing ⴙ Moderate Recommendation Condition
Well, I’m glad we figured that out and I
think you’ll feel better over the next few
(Appendices continue)
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
Stigmatizing ⴙ Extreme Recommendation Condition
Well, I’m glad we figured that out and I
think you’ll feel better over the next few
Patient (you):
Oh, thanks so much Doctor. I’ll just take it
easy for a couple of days.
Well, since I have you here and we still have
a few minutes left, I’d like to bring up
another topic. You know, when I saw you at
the last appointment, I told you that you
needed to lose weight. It doesn’t seem like
you’ve been working at it. You cannot even
fit into the chair.
three kids. There’s not much time left in the
day to go to the gym or cook meals or—
That’s what everybody says and it sounds
like an excuse to me. I don’t think you’re
doing all that you can. You just have to
work harder. Everyone has time. You just
have to make it a priority in your life.
Patient (you):
I don’t know. I just—
If you just do what I tell you, you’ll lose
weight and you can get off all these
Patient (you):
OK, fine. What do you want me to do?
Patient (you):
I know, but I was thinking abou—
I’ve told you the same thing over and over.
You’re obese. Being obese can kill you.
Don’t you understand that? Obesity causes
diabetes and heart disease. Don’t you want
to do something about it?
Take this - I put together a sheet for you.
Take that home. Follow it. Be mindful of
how much you’re eating and eat less than
1,200 calories a day. Exercise for an hour a
day, 6 days a week. And really focus hard
on this because your life depends on it, OK?
I don’t want to see you back here until you
get this weight off.
Patient (you):
Honestly, Doctor, I really do want to try and
I really want to lose weight. Part of the issue
is that I have a very busy job and I have
Received August 8, 2018
Revision received February 18, 2019
Accepted February 20, 2019 䡲
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