ENGLISH102 Southern Nevada Physician Assisted Suicide Legality Paper

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1. 5-7 pages

2. MLA Format!

3. Must have a work cited page!

4. A minimum of 1 in-text citation per paragraph!

5. Research a

NARROW topic!

6. 6-8 academic sources

7. Free of grammatical errors

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Explanation & Answer



(Name) 1
Course Title
Student Name
Professor’s Name
Institution Affiliation
Physician-Assisted Suicide
Physician-assisted suicide (PAS) refers to the act of a health professional or doctor
deliberately assisting a patient in ending his/her life at the voluntary and competent request of the
patient. It is most often done to relieve the patient of his/her unstoppable suffering. It is important
to note that physician-assisted suicide is usually voluntary and a physician's role is only to directly
or indirectly assist the patient to terminate his/her life by administering a lethal substance into
his/her system. Physician-assisted suicide is a little different from euthanasia in such a way that
euthanasia entails the act of helping patients to hasten their deaths to end their suffering but without
the support of any legal authorities (American Medical Association, 2016). One of the most
renowned physicians who assisted in patient suicides was Dr. Jack Kevorkian. He is known for
building two suicide machines, "Thanatron" and the "Mercitron" and assisted several people to
end their lives. Dr. Kevorkian stirred up controversies with his illegal means of assisting people in
ending their lives, even ignoring the laws and forcing the hand of the state by videotaping some of
his ‘mercy killings.' This paper will explore the contentious topic of physician-assisted suicide,
providing some of the current trends, occurrences and policy changes regarding the issue; as well
as looking into the life of Dr. Jack Kevorkian and his victims, including the numerous ways
through which he went against the law, the charges he faced and the outcome that directly or
indirectly contributed to his demise.

(Name) 2
Physician-assisted suicide is legal in seven states in the United States and the District of
Columbia. For physician-assisted suicide to be considered legal in these states, the patient must be
terminally ill and have a diagnosis of having at most six months to live. Therefore, the physicians
cannot be held criminally liable for recommending medications that can hasten the deaths of these
patients. Physician-assisted suicide is mandated by state law in the District of Columbia, Hawaii,
Colorado, Vermont, Oregon, and Washington. In California and Montana, it was mandated ...

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