New York University Representation of Gender and Sexuality in Anime Paper

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  • field of gender and sexuality studies: are there moments, topics, issues raised by any of the readings, lectures, films, that we’ve discussed this semester that you would like to explore further? You can use any form of cultural representation (film, artwork, performance, etc.) as the focus of your analysis.
  • gender and sexuality in relation to:
      1. nationalism;
      2. war and militarism;
      3. race and racism;
      4. immigration and diaspora;
      5. globalization and transnationalism;
      6. memory and historical trauma;
      7. representational, physical, and psychic violence.

      Japan "before gender" and after importance of anime and manga in Japan, how it represents their culture the tragedy Japan went through in WW2, and how gender and sexuality changed fluidity of gender in Japanese Anime, compared to the very fixed gender rules the west brought, Traps in anime where a character doesn't have their gender specified, so they are shown as both masculine and feminine. Transference compare an anime from post-war to modern anime (look at the most popular genres in these times)how the female body is presented, their innocence and being carefree is used to show them as being unthreatening orientalist and fetishization of Japanese woman in the west.
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    Representation of Gender and Sexuality in Anime Through the lense of Japanese History of War History of Manga - The manga we know today developed after WW2 - With major influences on the Nuclear Family ideal on the “salarymen masculinity” and the full time housewife Sexuality - Gay men are presented as hyper masculine not feminine Male-male love, or nanshoku, is commonly documented in historical documents, primarily amongst samurai and their acolytes; deemed acceptable, if not an admirable bond between warriors Herbivore Men - - - a recent term used in Japan to describe men who have no interest in getting married or finding a girlfriend. The term herbivore men was also a term that is described as young men who had lost their "manliness". The term ‘herbivore’ is derived from the fact that they lack the drive for flesh – thus herbivore. Cute Girls Doing Cute Things - - Genre of anime Officially, their genre tends to be listed as comedy and “slice of life.” Slice of life is sometimes also called iyashikei — a Japanese word meaning literally “healing.” Joyful hyper-femininity Eventually, since the anime girl represents all those repressed emotions in the purest, most concentrated way possible, and as the boy indulges more and more in the media, he is overcome with the desire of becoming like her. A strong identification with the cute anime girl forms. He finally admits he always wanted to be soft and gentle like her, carefree and cheerful like her, enjoy life in its fullest without the heavy chains of masculinity, like her. Shugo Chara - Anime - The message in these final episodes read as follows: “Girls don’t fight. The way they solve the world’s problems is by loving and nurturing until everyone stops fighting. Because they believe that there’s good in everything and everyone, the power of love triumphs.” Sailor Moon - Anime - - There is extreme visual influences from the West, creating an idealised/fantasised stereotypical image of woman Flowing blond hair, pale skin, large blue eyes, coupled with the American cheerleader style outfits
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    Hi, please see the attached paper. Have a look at it and in case of any edit, please let me know. Otherwise, it is my pleasure to have you as my buddy now and future. Until the next invite, Bye!

    Running Head: GENDER IN ANIME


    Gender in Anime
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    Gender in Anime

    Anime is a common word for Japanese animations. Animations have been part and parcel
    of human life for a long time now as they have been useful in providing entertainment as well as
    passing ideas and information. These animations can be in the form of books that is in the paper
    or computer-generated animations which are in video forms. These animations are trendy in the
    modern world amongst the youth. One society that has incorporated animations in its culture is
    Japanese society. The Japanese have a traditional type of animations called manga, which is a
    fundamental part of their culture, and the animations are considered to have originated from
    Japan (MacWilliams, 2014). These animations, like any other pieces of art like stories, films,
    carvings, and others, have been useful in sailing the ideas about gender issues in society. In this
    paper, we shall have a close look at how these animations depict gender and sexuality, as well as
    how this element of gender and sexuality has been changing over time.
    An important aspect is to understand the manga’s concept. Mangas are graphical novels
    or comics that are created by Japanese producers or in the Japanese language, and they conform
    to the style of comics that got produced in, especially during the 19th century. They are a form of
    animated cartoons, and they have a complicated and long history in the art of the Japanese. These
    animations come in various categories and genres, which include comedy, sports, fantasy, drama,
    science fiction, history, action, and adventure. With the development of technology and
    globalization, the animations that are getting produced today can get translated into other
    languages (Schodt, 2014). The western countries like the US are now producing a lot of
    animations, but these animations are widely considered to be Japanese. The production of these
    animations in Japan is of great interest, and by 1995, the market for animations and manga had
    over $7 billion in sales. It is, therefore, true to say that the animations show the Japanese culture.



    The anime gets subdivided into various genres which get termed as per their target audience. For
    instance, Kodomo is for children, Shoujo is for young girls, and shounen is for young tweenaged boys. ...

    Really helped me to better understand my coursework. Super recommended.


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