Need help with HUM 111 Humanities Week 9 Follow-up Question 1

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re the effect of enslavement of people being the limiting or retarding of human progress.  Might be interesting to develop that further into how and where you see some of those effects or limitations.

With respect to the different developments of the Chinese and European trade, do you think there were any factors other than the structural development of the ships that may have accounted for the differences in approach or outcome?  Some of the materials on Zheng-He look at this question. 


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Running head: GLOBAL ENCOUNTERS 1 HUM 111 Humanities Week 9 Discussion 1: Global Encounters Name Institution GLOBAL ENCOUNTERS 2 Global Encounters Both Chinese and European states had different exploration results due to the following reasons. First, the Chinese had better and bigger ship that could navigate through the seas easily. The Chinese ships were better as compared to the European ships during the middle century (Handingam, 2001). The Chinese were therefore able to visit difficult and far routes for exploration than the European could at this time. Thus, they were able to explore different continents and make more trading links and relationship. Secondly, through the coming years, the European states were able to sail better from their improved ships. They conquered countries, made trading relationships worldwide and started the trade in slavery. This further increased their wealth\ During slavery trade by the Europeans, the slaves were kept in very bad conditions in the ship; there was too little space to even turn, there was not enough air in the rooms that they were kept in and there were no toilets for the slaves, they used buckets, which were barely enough and not cared for. Due to these unhygienic conditions, the slaves got infected with diseases easily and eventually dying. It has been researched that around 20 % of the slaves died in the ships (Shazly, 2010). Slavery involves demeaning human beings into the property of other people, without the slave's will. This could reduce human progress, as everyone should be treated with respect and given a right to make his or her own decisions (Shazly, 2010). If humans enslave other humans, then there is no human progress, as people think in the same way that those in the past did. In addition, people are able to accomplish and learn more from each other when there is mutual respect between parties. GLOBAL ENCOUNTERS 3 References Hadingham, Evan. (2001) Ancient Chinese Explorers. Retrieved from The Middle Passage. PBS. Retrieved from Shazly, E. I. (2010). Zheng He (1371-1435): Admiral of the Treasure Ships. Alrahalah. Retrieved from
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