LDR300 Phoenix Week 4 Training Methods Assessment Help

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University of Phoenix


Write an academic essay. Be sure to format for APA. Use your APA guidelines. Use at least one in-text citation. Make sure you list your references.

Describe in 500-700 words the training method or combination of training methods that you would recommend for training in the scenario.

Justify in 350- to 525- words your choice of method(s). In other words, Explain your reasoning for your recommendations in this scenario.

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Training Needs Assessment Exercise HRM/300 Version 7 University of Phoenix Material Training Needs Assessment Exercise Instructions: Read the Grand View Grocers Corporation case. Grand View Grocers Corporation, headquartered in Clewiston, Florida, is among the nation’s top grocery chain companies, with over $34 billion in revenue. It operates and owns approximately 1,500 grocery stores in 10 states and will be expanding operatons to Washington, D.C. in the near future. Grand View Grocer’s Corporation’s operating strategy distinguishes it from other grocery chain companies. Each grocery store has a Training and Development Methods manager that allows decisions to be made locally, close to the client. This also makes Grand View Grocer Corporation’s service more responsive, reliable, and empathetic to its customers. Recently, Grand View Grocers Corporation has identified a that there is an increase in the annual turnover rate for cashiers nationwide. The increase was found in newly hired cashiers, so it was determined that on-the-job training was ineffective. Under the direction of the store manager, cashiers perform a variety of tasks, including: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Receive payment by cash, check, credit cards, vouchers, or automatic debits. Issue receipts, refunds, credits, or change due to customers. Count money in cash drawers at the beginning of shifts to ensure that amounts are correct and that there is adequate change. Greet customers entering establishments. Maintain clean and orderly checkout areas. Establish or identify prices of goods, services or admission, and tabulate bills using calculators, cash registers, or optical price scanners. Issue cashier’s checks, money orders, mailing stamps, and redeem food stamps and coupons. Resolve customer complaints. Answer customers' questions, and provide information on procedures or policies. Cash checks for customers. Weigh items sold by weight in order to determine prices. Calculate total payments received during a time period, and reconcile this with total sales. Compute and record totals of transactions. Sell lotto tickets and other items to customers. Keep periodic balance sheets of amounts and numbers of transactions. Bag, box, wrap, or gift-wrap merchandise, when needed. Sort, count, and wrap currency and coins. Process returns and exchanges. Request information or assistance using paging systems. Stock shelves, and mark prices on shelves and items, when needed. Compile and maintain non-monetary reports and records. Essential cashier functions include the following: • • Perform for or Working Directly with the Public -- Performing for people or dealing directly with the public. This includes serving customers in restaurants and stores, and receiving clients or guests. Establish and Maintain Interpersonal Relationships -- Developing constructive and cooperative Copyright © 2018 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. 1 Training Needs Assessment Exercise HRM/300 Version 7 • • • working relationships with others, and maintaining them over time. Get Information -- Observing, receiving, and otherwise obtaining information from all relevant sources. Identify Objects, Actions, and Events -- Identifying information by categorizing, estimating, recognizing differences or similarities, and detecting changes in circumstances or events. Process Information -- Compiling, coding, categorizing, calculating, tabulating, auditing, or verifying information or data. Write an academic essay. Be sure to format for APA. Use your APA guidelines. Use at least one in-text citation. Make sure you list your references. Describe in 500-700 words the training method or combination of training methods that you would recommend for training. Justify in 350- to 525- words your choice of method(s). Copyright © 2017 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. 2
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Training Methods
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Employee Training

Among the most critical parts of employee experience is employee training. When a new
employee is absorbed into a given company, the first thing is to make them understand various
roles and responsibilities concerning the job. Additionally, the existing employees are advised to
undergo training programs that will equip them with the necessary skills that will boost their
previous skills. However, with so many training methods available to choose from, managers
find themselves in a diverged path when it comes to determining the best training method. Some
training methods, such as job training, are considered ineffective due to the high costs incurred
(Lum, 2012). The most effective way to help employees learn new and retain old information is
by using available methods for training sessions. In this paper, we are taking a close and critical
look at various training methods used by examining both the advantages and disadvantages. For
the case of Grand View Grocers Corporation, the following training methods are recommended.
Computer-based and e-learning training
This is a digital training method which applies classroom learning style during the
training process. Visual contents are displayed on the screen to support lecturer’s voice.
Sometimes reading and video content is used to support the course work. Over 70% of the
American countries have adopted the use of this training style. The reason why companies have
adopted this method is that it can hold a large number of those to be trained at the same time. On
the other h...

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