Compare the Original Broadway Cast Recordings of Hair and Rent

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Compare the original Broadway cast recordings of Hair and Rent.

Both musicals were heralded by critics as breakthroughs in the form as well as milestones in connecting current musical trends.

Hair, produced in 1969, and Rent, in 1996, are both rock musicals that used current musical trends to bring in younger audiences to the musical form. Understanding that each show is a relic of its time; which is superior?

Avoid any opinion that incorporates personal experience (example I saw "Rent" or the revival of "Hair") simply listen to the recordings of each as a capsule of its era, and then offer an opinion.

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Your post should be at least 300 words.

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Surname 1
May 22, 2019
Hair and Rent
Hair is a truly interesting and inspiring musical that also acts as a cultural and social
phenomenon. It is evident that the music was a product of its time as provides a reflection of the
socio-political climate during that era. The issues mentioned ...

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