ENG101 Venice Guidebook Entry Paper

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English 101 + Portfolio Project People’s Guide Entry The Assignment (600-800 words) Choose a neighborhood somewhere in L.A. county and write your own guidebook entry. You CAN use the same neighborhood you researched for essay three, though you should not simply replicate the information you presented on that paper. You should model your entry off of A People’s Guide to Los Angeles. First, write a brief introduction/overview of your neighborhood. Then, choose three to five locations to discuss which have a social/historical significance to your chosen neighborhood. Include a map that places these locations in relationship with one another. List 4-6 “Nearby Sites of Interest” and “Favorite Neighborhood Restaurants.” Lastly, list your research in a “To Learn More” section. Introduction: Write a brief introduction of your neighborhood. Your job here is to give an overview of the neighborhood that creates an alternative narrative that will be supported by the places you choose to highlight. This includes providing a historical overview and explaining how this neighborhood fits in to a bigger picture of Los Angeles. Focused Locations: What are the places in your neighborhood that are especially significant? DO NOT simply look at other guide-books to see which restaurants or clubs are the most reputable. Instead, focus on locations that may often be overlooked but which have a historical/social significance that helps define your neighborhood. Explain the significance of these locations and provide pictures/relevant images of your chosen location or important people. What makes these locations so important and why might they often be overlooked? Nearby Sites of Interest: List 4-6 Nearby sites of interest in your entry. Provide name, address, contact information, website and a brief overview of this site and it’s significant. These are meant to be very brief. Favorite Neighborhood Restaurants: List 4-6 neighborhood restaurants/eateries that are significant in your neighborhood. These need not be five star restaurants. Rather, these are likely the places that locals know of and frequent. These are likely not chains or brand new businesses. These are the places that have stood the test of time. Pulido tends to comment not only on the food, but also on the roles these places may play in fostering diversity etc. You can do the same. To Learn More: List the sources you consulted in this section of your guide. Use MLA format.
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Guidebook Entry
Course Number
State, University


Guidebook Entry
Venice is presumed to be one of the visited places in California Venice is located in the

western part of Los Angeles in the urban region. The place is an attractive place to visit since it is
endowed with beautiful canals and beaches. To the northwest part, Venice is bounded or linked
by the Santa Monica city line. The remarkable waterways also make the Venice neighborhood
attractive to visit. Venice is one of the outstanding neighborhoods in California following its
classic Californian architecture. The nearness to the beach makes Venice an excellent
neighborhood to visit. Venice town is known to have the best waves in the southern part of
California. Venice is endowed with a myriad of designers and artists who make the place
appealing and attractive (Webb, 2013). The locals of Venice enjoy the beautiful scenery of the
place and the creative atmosphere in Venice. Since Venice is endowed with the best waves in the
part of Southern California Coast, it is imperative to denote that the beaches in Venice have
drawn most of the enthusiastic individuals from each corner of the city(Smith, 2014). Fashion
establishment and plentiful food are scattered in Venice town in places such as the Gjelina base.
Most of the homes in Venice are modern, and their designs are beautiful.
Regarding the history of Venice, Venice was init...

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