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Guidebook Entry
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State, University
Guidebook Entry
Venice is presumed to be one of the visited places in California Venice is located in the
western part of Los Angeles in the urban region. The place is an attractive place to visit since it is
endowed with beautiful canals and beaches. To the northwest part, Venice is bounded or linked
by the Santa Monica city line. The remarkable waterways also make the Venice neighborhood
attractive to visit. Venice is one of the outstanding neighborhoods in California following its
classic Californian architecture. The nearness to the beach makes Venice an excellent
neighborhood to visit. Venice town is known to have the best waves in the southern part of
California. Venice is endowed with a myriad of designers and artists who make the place
appealing and attractive (Webb, 2013). The locals of Venice enjoy the beautiful scenery of the
place and the creative atmosphere in Venice. Since Venice is endowed with the best waves in the
part of Southern California Coast, it is imperative to denote that the beaches in Venice have
drawn most of the enthusiastic individuals from each corner of the city(Smith, 2014). Fashion
establishment and plentiful food are scattered in Venice town in places such as the Gjelina base.
Most of the homes in Venice are modern, and their designs are beautiful.
Regarding the history of Venice, Venice was init...