Duties of Three Homeland Security Agencies Paper

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Business Finance


Briefly describe the duties of three Homeland Security agencies of your choice. Choose from the agencies listed in the website USA. The assignment should be two paragraphs for each agency. Include the mission, duties and career opportunities.

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Homeland Security Agencies
The United States Department of Homeland Security aims to mend America's sanctuary.
The "US Homeland Security agencies" control immigration, customs, and borders as well as
respond to cybersecurity and natural disasters. The department's central vision is to ensure security,
refuge, and resistant against radicalism and other hazards.
US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency imposes federal laws to govern borders and
regulate taxes, trade, and immigration. The ICE primary mission is to shield America's border by
controlling felony and unlawful entry that hover state and public security. The ICE achieves this
mission by performing the following duties. They have started the immigration administration to
prevent violence and fight the illicit transfer of people and merchandises. ICE's primary function
is to control immigration; they handle reports made about al...

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