NURS3421 Wayland Baptist University Mobile Women Health Screening Project

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Health Medical

Wayland Baptist University


Robert we have to do a group project due this Friday I attach you the rubric but I only need the question 1 The part that i mark in black ink and question 2 the same the one that is in black ink.

We are going to create a mobile to do a screening for the Homestead population because they are at High Risk of STD specific on women's.You can use same background that you use for the windshield survey because is the same population in Homestead florida and also you can use the graphic that you use there because the professor said that it was pretty interesting.You can do 3 slices for the firs part (question 1) and 2 slices for question 2 .

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Course: NURS 342L COMMUNITY ACTION GROUP PROJECT & RUBRIC After your Community Assessment, identify a health concern or public health problem in your community. 1. Develop a plan to address the identified health concern or problem. a. Provide an introduction to identified health concern/problem. This may be based on your community assessment project. What is the identified health concern? Why? What is the community setting and population? b. Provide supportive data from assessment of community, including at least two reputable statistical references from community to support your identified concern. c. Describe your plan/project you did to assist with the health concern/problem for your community. (Include pictures of your group in action) d. Include at least four literature reviews to support the plan you are developing which is current (within the last five years). e. Describe how you will plan on evaluating this plan in measurable goals. f. Design and print applicable materials, handouts, etc. needed for your plan. 2. Describe the material to the class. Is it at the appropriate 5th grade reading level if applicable for clients to review? a. Provide at least two references either a learning theory or a health promotion model (Example: Pender's Health Promotion Model) for this material or handout that best fits your community and described how you used this theory in your project. b. How will this benefit this community? c. Provide the materials or handouts to the class or provide in PowerPoint presentation if applicable. 3. Involve any appropriate community agency that has a similar interest in the problem a. Describe your agency. b. How are they meeting/or not meeting the needs of the community you have identified the health concern or problem. c. How did you assist them? d. Who did speak with? (Name and title) 4. Prepare to present a 3-minute presentation to a governing board about your concern such as a city council, school board, etc. a. Plan to present this to the class as if you were planning to present to a governing board, etc. as time may not permit actual presentation. b. Submit this presentation or per the directions of your instructor. 5. This community action plan should or may also incorporate the Community Teaching Assignment. 6. Ideas for Community Action Plans may include: a. Development of a program plan to address a concern b. Plan and participate in a community health fair c. Plan and participate in a community vaccination project Page 1 of 5 Course: NURS 342L COMMUNITY ACTION GROUP PROJECT & RUBRIC d. Develop a promotional event for your agency related to your concern i.e. sock drive for homeless children, etc. e. Develop a fundraiser for a community agency that addresses your concern f. Develop a resource book related to your community problem Page 2 of 5 Course: NURS 342L COMMUNITY ACTION GROUP PROJECT & RUBRIC Community Action Project Rubric NAME: COURSE: DATE: COMMUNITY AGENCY: ________________________________________ COMMUNITY PROJECT TITLE: 1 (Does Not Meet Expectations)  Assessment was limited with poor understanding of the community. 4 (Exceeds Expectations) 3 (Meets Expectations) Assessment  Assessment of the health concern was explained in detail including a thorough description of the community setting and population.  Assessment was explained in some detail with moderate description of the community setting and population.  Assessment was explained in limited detail with a marginal description of the community and population. Supportive Data  Correctly identifies two appropriate references from the community to support identified concern. Correctly sites references using APA Format.  Shows steps on how you planned to assist with health concern for the community thoroughly explained.  Four appropriate literature reviews are included (within the last five years). Properly cited using APA Format.  Thorough description of evaluation is done with Correctly identifies one appropriate reference from community to support identified concern. Correctly sites reference using APA Format.  Shows steps on how you planned to assist with health concern for the community is moderately explained.  Three appropriate literature reviews are included (within the last five years). Properly cited using APA Format.  Moderate description of evaluation is done with  Correctly identifies resources. References not cited.  No community references are identified. X2  Marginal description of planning  Planning is not explained. X2  Two appropriate literature reviews are included (within the last five years). Properly cited using APA Format.  Vague description of evaluation is done with  No literature reviews are included. X2  No description of evaluation or goals X2 Criteria Evidence of Planning Supportive Literature Evaluation Page 3 of 5 2 (Approaching Expectations _ Weight X3 Course: NURS 342L COMMUNITY ACTION GROUP PROJECT & RUBRIC Criteria 4 (Exceeds Expectations) two measureable goals identified. 3 (Meets Expectations) 2 (Approaching Expectations one measureable goal identified. goals identified, not measureable. 1 (Does Not Meet Expectations) included. Weight Project Description  Thoroughly describes project to class including materials developed for your project. Meets the requirement of being at the 5th grade reading level if applicable. Provides thorough explanation of benefits for the community.  Moderate description of project to class including materials developed for your project. Meets the requirement of being at the 5th grade reading level if applicable with moderate explanation of benefits for the community.  Vague description of project to class. Meets the requirement of being at the 5th grade reading level with a vague explanation of benefits for the community.  Project is not described. X3 Learning Theory/Health Promotion Model  Identifies two references, either a learning theory or health promotion model.  Describes how this theory was used in your project.  Correctly citing references using APA format.  Community agency identified with thorough description provided. Discussion of benefits or lack of benefits the agency provides.  Identifies one reference, either a learning theory or health promotion model.  Described somewhat how this was used in your project.  Correctly citing references using APA format.  Identifies references, either a learning theory or health promotion model.  No description on how used in your project.  References not cited.  No Learning Theory or Health Promotion model or  vaguely discussed with  No references cited. X2  Community agency identified with moderate description provided. Discussion of benefits or lack of benefits the agency provides.  Community agency identified with vague description provided. Benefits or lack of benefits not included.  No description how you assisted them.  Community agency not included. X1 Community Agency Page 4 of 5 Course: NURS 342L COMMUNITY ACTION GROUP PROJECT & RUBRIC Criteria Presentation to a Governing Board 4 (Exceeds Expectations) 3 (Meets Expectations)  Described how you assisted the agency.  Name and title of agency person included.  3-minute presentation prepared and completed in allotted time frame providing a thorough explanation of identified problem and action to be taken.  Vague description of how you assisted them.  Name and title of person included.  3-minute presentation completed in allotted time frame with a moderate explanation of identified problem and action to be taken. 2 (Approaching Expectations 1 (Does Not Meet Expectations)  No name of person identified.  3-minute presentation unprepared but completed in allotted time frame with a vague explanation of identified problem and action to be taken.  3-minute presentation not included or not completed in the 3minute time. Total Possible Points: X1 /72= % COMMENTS: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ STUDENT SIGNATURE: _______________________________________ DATE: INSTRUCTOR SIGNATURE: _____________________________________ DATE: Page 5 of 5 Weight
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Hello,I hope everything is great. I just finished writing your power point presentation. In total it has 8 slides including the cover page and the reference page. In the first three slides, I answered the first part of the question in regard to STD prevalence in the Hispanic population in Florida (took your advice and included the graphic from the windshield survey too). I included plenty of pictures and graphics which explains all the information). In the Last slides I discussed the two models which from my point of view best characterizes the screening program:*Health belief model *Theory of planned behaviorI also included the references on the last page together with in-text citations.I am looking forward to hearing from you. In case you need any kind of edits, or if your professor doesn't like any on the information include, please contact me back and I will handle the edits.

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