Robert we have to do a group project due this Friday I attach you the rubric but I only need the question 1 The part that i mark in black ink and question 2 the same the one that is in black ink.
We are going to create a mobile to do a screening for the Homestead population because they are at High Risk of STD specific on women's.You can use same background that you use for the windshield survey because is the same population in Homestead florida and also you can use the graphic that you use there because the professor said that it was pretty interesting.You can do 3 slices for the firs part (question 1) and 2 slices for question 2 .
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Hello,I hope everything is great. I just finished writing your power point presentation. In total it has 8 slides including the cover page and the reference page. In the first three slides, I answered the first part of the question in regard to STD prevalence in the Hispanic population in Florida (took your advice and included the graphic from the windshield survey too). I included plenty of pictures and graphics which explains all the information). In the Last slides I discussed the two models which from my point of view best characterizes the screening program:*Health belief model *Theory of planned behaviorI also included the references on the last page together with in-text citations.I am looking forward to hearing from you. In case you need any kind of edits, or if your professor doesn't like any on the information include, please contact me back and I will handle the edits.
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