Review Business Models Parts I & II in the Business Model Generation text. After your review, prepare a post highlighting the five (5) major points from your review. The overarching theme for this posting is “Strategic Thinking.” Share your findings in next 5 days, Once i receive this post i will send you post's of 2 classmates. You need to provide a question or comment (50-words minimum) to the postings of two (2) classmates on day 6
Do not forget: The overarching theme for this posting is “Strategic Thinking.”

Explanation & Answer

Synopsis of Chapter
Synopsis of Chapter
Organizations must design the right business model for their industries to accomplish
their strategic goals of delivering sustainable performance expectations to all stakeholders. It is
most the consistent approach for determining the internal and external factors that would prevent
the success of strategic projects regardless of their industry. The first significant point from the
chapters of the text titled Business Model Generation is the importance of understanding the
meaning of a business model and using that knowledge to make strategic decisions about its
various aspects that are relevant to the industry. Secondly, the nine building blocks for the
business model are useful tools for making strategic decisions because they provide insights into
the processes and systems from the core areas of the business that can be used to generate
sustainable financial resources. For example, a customer-centric business model would require
the practical application of the knowledge on market segmentation, value proposition,
relationship management, and business channels to provide the right offer and generate the
income to building sustainable infrastructure.
Furthermore, the third major point from the first two parts of the te...