Income Inequality and Discrimination in US News Media Graded Discussion

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News media graded discussion

Much of the content in this module details what makes the news. For this discussion, I want you to think about what does NOT make the news. I noted elsewhere in this module that the news values dictate content, and considerations like importance to society (things the audience really should know) are not among those values; issue "importance" is at best a minor consideration. So scan the news and think about an important issue that is NOT being reported. THIS IS DIFFICULT TO DO. What is "newsworthy" is so ingrained in us as news consumers that it's often difficult to think beyond what is being reported. When I've asked students to do something like this in the past, I've often gotten other events ("this event/this crime/this happening didn't get much coverage and it should've gotten more"). That's missing the point. Try to get outside of this event focus. Pretend like those news values don't exist. You don't have to worry about objectivity or informativeness or simplicity or any of that. If your ONLY news value was importance, what's a story that your news outlet would run?

For this discussion, YOUR STORY IDEA NEEDS TO BE UNIQUE! Unlike some of the other graded discussions, you should not build off of others ideas here. As I also mentioned elsewhere in this module, there are literally billions of possible stories that could be covered. So once someone has posted an idea, that's off the table for everyone else. Be sure to read through the other responses then. It's as if we were putting together an experimental news Web site. At the end, once everyone has posted, we should have a nice, wide variety of important, otherwise uncovered stories that this Web site would contain.

In your post, tell us these three things:

1. What your story topic would be

2. Why this topic is important for the audience to hear/read about (what are the societal implications)

3. Why this topic isn't being covered by mainstream news outlets (hint: it's probably because it doesn't fit the news values very well, so you could explain which values it fails and why)

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Jhon Morales 1. What your story topic would be An important newsworthy issue that is not being covered on the news are the issues on climate change and the reality of how we have roughly 14 years to reverse the damage we've done to the earth before we are all doomed for killing our planet. 2. Why this topic is important for the audience to hear/read about (what are the societal implications) Climate change is a heavily debated topic on whether or not it is a real issue (IT IS!) and many politicians are arguing the facts on whether or not it's real. They focus too much on the little things of what's real and what's not and how they should get rid of some of the regulations we have set in place to help reduce our carbon footprint on the planet but, the news isn't covering the severity of the habits of humanity on this planet. The news doesn't cover how much pollution/garbage is in our oceans, how there are species of animals on the verge of extinction or the fact that we literally have 14 years to try and reverse the damage we've caused this planet. If the public isn't aware of these issues. So yes climate change is being briefly covered and discussed, but not the true and real issues of climate change and the severity of our actions. The way global warming and climate change are discussed in the News, it comes off as "fake news" or they brush it off as something minuscule. 3. Why this topic isn't being covered by mainstream news outlets (hint: it's probably because it doesn't fit the news values very well, so you could explain which values it fails and why) I believe these real and brutal topics aren't being covered because it's not brief and it doesn't fall into what society is currently fighting over at this time. In order to understand the severity of climate change and how it is imperative that we try and work towards saving this planet, we would need to know the extensive knowledge of how badly polluted the earth is or what are other eco-friendly alternatives we could use to help step in the right direction. These topics would not be briefly covered while also including extensive information, it's just not possible thus the news doesn't report on it. Also, the news media has recently been covering the bills on the countries stance on abortion and women's rights. The news has the public in an uproar over the government regulating woman's rights and bodies thus, taking attention away from other issues. As important it is to know about how bad humanity has damaged the earth, society has its beliefs, efforts, and attention pointed in another direction thanks to current news coverage. Ally Badowski 1. What your story topic would be My story topic would be how fast fashion is corrupting our society in negative ways like ruining the envirornemt, working people to death in sweat shops, and also making our culture greedy and materialistic. My topic would be about how a lot of companies and food places are getting rid of straws to help the envirornment. 2. Why this topic is important for the audience to hear/read about (what are the societal implications) This topic is important to read about because straws simpley ruin the envirornemt and also hurt sea turtles and animals in the wild because they choke on them because of they are not biodegradeable, and the shape of them increases choking hazards. Specifically straws are being targeted because although there are many many products out there that are also plastic, not bio-degradeable, and hazardous to animals, straws are a small product that we can slowly take out of our lives and find another way of “drinking” and somethingsnall can make an impact without drastically changing something, and we can also work the make bio degradeable straws besides the other plastic ones. Starbucks has slowly taken straws out of their product line, and many buisnesses offer a top sip lid now instead of the straw lid. 3. Why this topic isn't being covered by mainstream news outlets (hint: it's probably because it doesn't fit the news values very well, so you could explain which values it fails and why) Well, first and foremost it’s about straws, and no one wants to hear about how they cannot use straws anymore, or learn about straws. It’s boring and it does not fit an entertaining benefit for viewers that the news values. People also do not like change and if we take something so simple out of thier daily life (simple as a straw) they might not even notice, so it’s almost as if the secret remaking of straws is a secret, and the world of saving turtles and animals is slowing just trying to slip it out without anyone noticing and getting all upset.
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Hello there, attached is
the complete assignment. Have a look and do not hesitate to ask for any
clarification. Looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you

1. What your story topic would be
My topic would be about income inequality and discrimination in the United States and how it
affects individuals in society today. I will discuss the causes of income inequality and
discrimination and how members of the community respond...

Excellent! Definitely coming back for more study materials.


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