Module 2 Week 2 General Mills SWOT Analysis Discussion And Responses

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In Module 2, we focus on SWOT. In order to complete a SWOT, we are required to identify and analyze the key opportunities and threats in the external environment. Then, we need to identify and analyze the company’s key strengths and weaknesses (internal analysis).

a) Assess what you believe to be the most important aspects of the internal environment at General Mills. Do not try to analyze every aspect of the internal organization -- rather, identify a minimum of two internal strengths and/or weaknesses. Do your best not to repeat the observations made by your peers, although you are encouraged to build on each other's observations (or to disagree).

b) Complete your SWOT by integrating the external environmental analysis you completed in Week 1 with your Week 2 internal analysis. Use your SWOT to conclude whether the organization’s overall outlook is more – or less – favorable.

It is very important for a company to assess its strengths so that it can use them to neutralize (or better yet, to eliminate) environmental threats and take advantage of opportunities. The organization must recognize (and it must work to shore up) its weaknesses so that opportunities are not missed, and such that threats are much less likely to put the company at risk.

Be sure to respond to the conclusions of your classmates.

Response #1

Mod2 Week2

May 21, 2019 7:39 PM

Hello Class,

General Mills has two strengths that can help it over come the threats identified last week. Those strengths are maintaining brand loyalty and community contributions. Brand loyalty is what stops a customer from purchasing a comparable product. Regardless of the price, a faithful customer sticks with their brand and does not choose a substitute. Contributing to the community is a great way to market the company and gain new customers.

Being involved in the community helps build brand loyalty and overcome the threat of substitutes. It shows the community that you care and that means a lot to people in need. General Mills has food banks and partnerships with foundations and humanitarian groups in multiple countries around the world that assist with feeding the less fortunate and providing school supplies to students in need. (General Mills, n.d.)

Since these strengths can mitigate some of their threats, their overall outlook is favorable. If they don't use these strengths to their advantage, they can still increase market share by being involved in the community.


Response #2

Module 2 Week 2

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posted May 21, 2019 1:28 PM

Based on what is presented on their website, General Mills seems to have a vested interest in the social and political aspects of their internal environment. Their inherent strengths are its ability to produce quality products that obviously attract and retain customers. Also, they have a strength in marketing their humanitarian and progressive ideals to the public in a way that the message is received effectively. General Mills weaknesses based on what can be viewed about them in the news, they are its dependence on the US market and few domestic customer loyalty.

Reviewing the internal SWOT for General Mills reveals a bit about the company. Overall, internally I'd rate the company at a 7 instead of a 9 for the external environment. I'd rate them lower internally because they their main weakness is their dependency on the US market and others as well. This can place the company in a bad spot if the economy for the US goes down or if the foreign economies struggle as well. Overall, the outlook is less favorable in my opinion internally.


(2019). General Mills. General Mills. Retrieved from

(201). General Mills SWOT Analysis. MBA School. Retrieved from

General Mills. (n.d.). Programs and partnerships. Responsibility. Retrieved from

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