Education and Immigration Essay

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6 page essay about education in immigration, need to tell what is the breath history of education, use 4 sources, 1.source of issue, 2. secondary text: opposite, 3.secondary text: support, 4.background information

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Explanation & Answer



Education and Immigration
Institutional Affiliation




The number of immigrants, as seen in the population of people in the United States of
America has grown quite significantly over the past years. The immigrant’s percentage as of
2017 was at 13 percent of the population of the country. This showed that the number of
immigrants living in the country was over 40 million. Studies carried out on the new
immigrants have managed to show that young adults who fall between the ages of fifteen
years and thirty-four and are immigrants have the highest percentage.
The education system, which has been established in the country, has highly benefited
most of the immigrants. Immigrants do not face any discrimination, and this was seen after
the ruling in the case Plyler v. Doe where the United States Supreme Court ruled that
education cannot be denied to students on the basis that they are immigrants. The ruling led
the students to have the opportunity to access the public schooling system that had been
established in the country. The verdict in the case of Lau v. Nichols also led immigrants from
different ethnic backgrounds or national origins to gain access to the school system since no
discrimination would be practiced against them (Mukhopadhyay, 2011).
The impact of the two cases was highly positive since it led to the increase in the
number of immigrants who wanted to study in the United States. An overview of the
educational levels of immigrants’ showed that the percentage of the scientists who had
obtained a PhD by the end of the 20th century was twenty-three percent. Furthermore, forty
percent of the immigrants had managed to study computer engineering, and so on. It has also
be noted that a lag was experienced back in 2016 when it came to immigrants attending the
K-12 education as well as pre-school. However, the number of immigrants who were
studying in universities and colleges was quite higher than that of native-born Americans.
This shows that immigrants will likely pursue their studies further obtaining a college degree.



Some have even managed to further their studies also since they have identified the benefits
which revolve around education.
Education has always been regarded as an essential right that everyone ought to enjoy.
Various countries have managed to set provisions to make sure that their children will have
quality education due to how benef...

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