Discussion Question week 4

User Generated




Post responses of 150 or more words regarding the following discussion question. NOTE:ALL responses, initial and ongoingin discussion threads must be at least 150 words to be counted as substantive to include 1 peer reviewed reference unless text reference required.

Question A:

Explain how the differences between leadership and management affect an organization.

Question B:

Explain how the differences between leadership and management affect an organization.

Question C:

Propose an environment that is supportive of team functioning and learning and that allows for sustainable innovation and creativity.

Question D:

Explain the differences among charismatic and transformational leadership as found in Jex and Britt (2008). Do you know examples of either or both type of leadership? Who else do you think is either a charismatic or transformational leader?


Jex, S. M. & Britt, T. W. (2008). Organizational psychology: a scientist-practitioner approach. (2nd ed). Hoboken, NJ:John Wiley and Sons.

Question E:

Discuss some of the causes of intergroup conflict. What circumstances at your work or other activities contribute to this conflict? What interventions would you suggest to reduce this conflict?

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