DJCG200 The Usa & Iraq During Saddam Husseins Presidency Paper

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DJCG 200 Position Paper

  • Research Process Step 2: Position writing presents an arguable opinion about an issue. The goal of a position paper is to convince the audience that a opinion is valid. Ideas need to be carefully examined in choosing a topic, developing the argument, and organizing the paper. It is very important to address all sides of the issue and present it in a manner that is easy for the audience to understand. Take one side of the argument. It is important to support the argument with evidence to ensure the validity of the claims, as well as to address the counterclaims.
  • This continues the synthesis paper with now taking a position.
  • 6-7 pages of content, Title and References additional, double-spaced in 12pt font. APA Format.
  • 1. Write a 6-7 page essay of content, title and reference page additional.

    2. A formal outline following APA format must be submitted first either in class or email.

    3. Final paper must be submitted to Canvas.

    4. Essay should include introduction including a thesis statement that states the position on the issue.

    5. Body includes examples that develop the thesis with evidence in each paragraph.

    6. Conclusion includes restated thesis, summary, ending, impact, and reflection.

    7. You must include a total of 4-6 researched sources. You can use two from the Synthesis paper. You must then incorporate this material in to the paper and cite the sources correctly in the paper. The sources should then be cited correctly using the APA format as a References page.

    8. The sources must be from the college library database.

    9. Mode is Persuasive. You must take a position on the issue: your are for or against the issue. The paper must convince the reader of the point you are arguing for in the paper. You must prove your thesis.

    10. No first person “I” point of view. The paper is in third person pov.

    11. How does this connect to freedom, equality, justice, and power? How is it important to society, and how does it affect society? Why is this issue important? What is the impact of this position?

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    Running head: JUSTICE AND INJUSTICE Lynn University Iraq vs The United States. Zac Stewart 1 JUSTICE AND INJUSTICE 2 Introduction The conflict between the United States and Iraq has had a long history to it, dating back to the reign of the then ruler of Iraq, Saddam Hussein. The ties that the two countries had were broken with the arrival of the United States army invading Iraq. The invasion was due to Iraq’s, and particularly it's ruler Saddam Hussein defiance of the international law and that of most of the world. The other core reason was alleged, that Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction. This paper shall discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the conflict between the United States and Iraq during the tenure of saddam Hussein. Advantages and disadvantages of the conflict to the United States DeFronzo (2018) explains that America was fighting for the support of the containment policy on Iraq. Amongst some of the advantages that America stands to gain from the containment of Iraq during the tenure of Saddam Hussein in Iraq would have and still remains to be that it would have enabled America and other western countries to maintain the control of oil prices and their supply. This was the very first benefit that the United States pushed for when it was fighting for the containment in Iran. The conflict that resulted amongst the U.S government and that of Saddam Hussein was targeted at dethroning the dictator so that America could fight for taking out of Iraq as an air hub and a potential competitor. This would have seen the Iranian nation move its hub to a different location. The United States would have benefited in the same sense that the containment would have helped move benefited in the sense that the containment would have helped move the business opportunity that existed to the Emirates and Qatar (Hussein, 2018). The other major advantage of conflict was the sanctioning that ought to have followed on Iran, the sanctioning that would have resulted due to the conflict would have meant JUSTICE AND INJUSTICE 3 that all the goods and products that were flowing to Iran had to be transshipped via other alternative ports. In so doing, the United States would have increased its trade relationship with other enemies of Iran and potentially gained an advantage over Saddam Hussein’s Iraq. The disadvantage of the conflict between Saddam's reign in Iraq and the United States was that the conflict ought to have brought about regional instability and thus wiping out the possibility for Chinese and Russian economical growth. The conflict between Iraq and the U.S ought to have impacted the allies of the U.S such as Europe and china who have trade ties with Iraq. This would not have gone down well with the United States since its allies were not in support of the conflict. With the United States starting a war with Iraq, the world opinions which at the time were already anti-American would only have gotten worse with the nation of Iraq garnering sympathy from other nations of the world. With such a conflict coming up, the potential of war was at its highest, and this would have meant that the cost of the United States taxpayers would have gone up in hundreds of billions and such amounts would have potentially been spent on important matters like education. Pros and cons of the conflict to Iran One of the ways that Iraq stood to benefit from the conflict that it had with the united states is that the conflict with Hussein, would have resulted in war, Furthermore this was estimated to cost the united states more revenue. This funding that they were after was initially meant to go towards the controlling of the oil reserves in the country of Iran. Denton-Borhaug (2014) tells us that the war would have expanded the United States budget deficit by an estimated $ 100 billion. This meant that the war with Iran ought to have costed the United States about 1% of its gross domestic product. Like a lot of wars do, the united states would have lost JUSTICE AND INJUSTICE 4 or ought to have lost a high number of its soldiers to the Iranian soldier who were at the time considered to be the fourth largest army in the world, in so doing a lot of American families would have been affected and this would have only served to weaken the position of the united states on the war. In such regards, Iraq’s army also had the capacity to destroy a lot of America’s weaponry, and this would have meant huge losses and deficits to the United States government. Arguably Iraq’s government had very strong ties with the then president of Iraq Saddam Hussein, and Iraq stood to benefit from funding and business treaties from the united states, with the uprising of the conflict and war, Saddam Hussein’s Iraq would have lost all the trade benefits that it had with the united states, and this would have impacted the country’s economy in a very huge way. On top of the displacement issue, the country would also have experienced high poverty rates that the country has never seen before (Denton-Borhaug, 2014). Coupled with the destruction of Iraq’s cultural heritage, this ought to have been the many setbacks that the nation of Iraq would have suffered from its conflict and consequent war with the United States of America. Why Saddam Hussein was good for Iraq Hussein (2018) explains that, despite driving Iraq’s country into disturbance and war with the United States, Hussein had a bright side to his leadership and the various strategies that he employed in running the country of Iran. In the time and tenure of his reign, Saddam Hussein boosted the Iraq revenue generation by effectively trading in oil sales and arms purchase. Despite the numerous mass murders that this president made in public to the Jewish spies in Iraq, he had a selfless need to bring his Iranian country to profitability and stability. He sought to control all the oil wells of the gulf with the aim of increase sales to western countries, including the United JUSTICE AND INJUSTICE 5 States with the sole purpose of increasing Iraq’s gross domestic product. Increasing the country’s gross domestic product ought to have brought economic stability to Iraq’s nation and resultantly increased the living standards of the Iraq people. Even though Saddam Hussein is recognized for his role and participation in the mass murder in Iraq and severe violation of human rights in Iraq, he advocated for a culture in which Iraq’s people needed to stand by their own traditions and believes, unlike the western world where culture and beliefs were not given much consideration. It is clear to see that in today’s society in Iraq, some Iraqis are still nostalgic for Saddam and his leadership. This was mainly made easier by the influence of the positive leadership impact that Iraq, many people argue that the leadership of Hussein was far better than that of the isis that is currently overpowering. The Isis in today’s Iraq has no leadership skills and are often motivated by the desire to kill and create conflict in Iraq’s nation. Such leaders in Isis are not comparable to Saddam Hussein and the benefit that he brought to Iraq’s nation despite the obvious brutality that he promoted. Conclusion This paper has discussed the advantages and disadvantages that the conflict between the United States and Iraq had on both nations during the reign of Saddam Hussein. The conflict that resulted in the war had numerous disadvantages to both countries in the sense that both countries tried to inflict maximum injuries to each other’s both economically and in terms of development. The conflict also ought to have brought huge advantages to the two countries in terms of an economical crisis. JUSTICE AND INJUSTICE 6 References DeFronzo, J., (2018). Impacts of the Iraq War. The Iraq War, 255-288. doi:10.4324/9780429496400-11 Denton-Borhaug, K., (2014). Beyond Iraq and Afghanistan: Religion and Politics in United States War-Culture. Dialog, 51(2), 125-134. doi:10.1111/j.1540-6385.2012.00669.x Hussein, I. U. (2018). State of Repression. doi:10.2307/j.ctvc77jf1 Make Mosa, A. (2010). Der Prozess gegen Saddam Hussein. doi:10.5771/9783845224565
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    DJCG 200 Position Paper
    Thesis statement: This paper will explain the position on U.S. attack to Iraq, was it a good move
    or a wrong move (Voeten and Brewer, 2006).

    The position on the 2003 conflict

    Cost and benefits of U.S. from their conflict with Iraq in 2003

    Was America's war in Iraq necessary?


    Running head: DJCG 200 POSITION PAPER


    DJCG 200 Position Paper
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    The invasion of Iraq in Kuwait at 1990 ended by the defeat of Iraq through the led coalition
    from U.S. at the Gulf War in Persian in 1990 up to 1991. But the Iraqi’s Ba’th party branch led by
    then the president Ṣaddām Ḥussein were able to hold back their power through harshly defeating
    uprisings of minority Kurds for the country along with its majority who were Shīʿite Arabs. To
    start moving Kurds out of Iraq, some allies discovered “safe haven” in the northern Kurdish regions
    of Iraq, as well as the warplanes of the partners, patrolled the zones that were “no-fly” at northern
    together with southern Iraq which represented off-limits for the aircraft of Iraq. Iraq's continued
    flouting for the weapons' ban by U.N. along with its repeated interruption of the inspections
    provoked international community as well as made U.S. Pres. in 1998 led by Bill Clinton to
    demand the bombing for various military installations in Iraq. This even highly increased the
    conflict between the two countries even more. There countries which supported what U.S. did but
    there those which opposed their attack to Iraq. This paper will explain the position on U.S. attack
    to Iraq, was it a good move or a wrong move (Voeten and Brewer, 2006).
    The position on the 2003 conflict
    According Fahmy and Kim (2008, due to the refusal of Saddam Hussein to leave Iraq, it
    was a wise idea for the Americans as well as forces of allies to start the attack on 20th March in the
    early morning. This started the time an aircraft belonging to U.S. dropped different precision
    bombs that were guided on the bunker complex where the president of Iraq was presumed to be
    conducting a meeting with the senior officers. After the bombs, air strikes followed in series
    towards the government al...

    This is great! Exactly what I wanted.


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