Lifeskill Activities for Special Children (project)

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Lifeskill Activities for Special Children -project

REQUIRED TEXT Lifeskill Activities for Special Children 2ndEdition

Author: Mannix

ISBN13: 9780470259375

ISBN10:047025937X Format: Paperback Pub. Date: 9/15/2009

Publisher(s): Jossey-Bass

Please carefully follow the instructions

Be sure to cover all the basics required in the explanation found in the syllabus.  

  1. write a 7 page single space or 10 page paper (full page written)
  2. include all references posted in the research discussion board
  3. use APA format for citing references
  4. include a title page and a reference page (word processors do it automatically via their template and create the reference page)
  5. use an introduction and conclusion and paragraphs as per standard writing (use the writing lab and/or Smarthinking to help as needed).


Some examples would be: These are only suggestions.

oHow infancy affects life long experiences

oHow family styles affect our development

oThe way drugs and alcohol affect development

oDo our friends and spouses reflect our family and experiences growing


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