The Past Is Not Dead It Isnt Even Past William Faulkner Paper

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You will need to pick one of the arguments in the attached file I need a 3-4 page double spaced essay on humanities. The instructions will be attached in the below file. PLEASE MAKE SURE TO FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS WITH NO PLAGIARISM AND GOOD GRAMMAR!

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7. Discuss the meaning and relevance of the following: "If I am not for myself, who will be for me? If I am only for myself, then what am I? If not now, when?" - Hillel 8. Explain the essential ideas of the Stoics and the Epicureans and the relevance of each in modern society. 9. Discuss the meaning and relevance of the following: "One is enough for me, as is one-as is none." - Seneca 10. Explain and discuss the following quotation's relationship to the "humanities" and the concept of becoming a "subject". "The best moments in reading are when you come across something-a thought, a feeling, a way of looking at things which you had thought special and particular to you. Now here it is, set down by someone else, a person you have never met someone even who is long dead. And it is as if a hand has come out and taken yours." - Alan Bennett ALL ESSAYS MUST BY TYPED AND SUBMITTED BY THE EVENING OF MAY 28. HUMANITIES 1 FINAL ESSAY Farrel Broslawsky For the final exam, each student must submit an essay, two to four pages in length on ONE of the following arguments. Each essay must make at least one reference to a reading or discussion from the past semester. For each essay you should explain the argument and your reasons for agreement or disagreement with the thesis. 1. It has been argued that Western Civilization expresses both a tragic" and a Transcendent" approach to existence. What are the sources of each and how do they manifest themselves in the modern world? 2. Discuss the meaning and relevance of the following: "The past is not dead-it isn't even past - William Faulkner 3. Discuss the meaning and relevance of the following: "Even in our sleep, the pain of memory falls drop by drop upon our hearts, Until, even against our will, from our despair comes wisdom, through the awlul grace of God" - Aeschylus 4. The argument has been made that "empathy is an aesthetic as well as a "moral" value. Explain the Greek origins of the concept and show how it may be applicable to modern humanism 5. Discuss the modern lessons that may be learned from the rebellions of the Maccabees, Spartacus and the Masada Zealots. 6. Discuss the legacy of Roman civic virtue as it is manifested in modern society. Be specific in the examples that you present.
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please find the attached document, i will be available in case you have any question. Thank you and goodbye..

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“The past is not dead-it isn’t even past” –William Faulkner
“The past is not dead; it is not even past” is a famous quote from Faulkner’s “Requiem
for a Nun.” Barack Obama used it in his speech during his first presidential campaign. In today’s
world, most people think and hope that as time goes by, they leave behind their past and
concentrate on the future. This assumption is mostly taken when there is a painful history about
the past which a person wants to forget. In most circumstances, this is not the case because the
experiences people go through make up the whole of what they are. A person’s experience
shapes the present and the future because the past deeds always determine and direct what a
person does. Therefore, the past shapes and colors the current and the future experiences of an
individual. People hence carry their past, and they do not forget it even though mo...

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