Need help to read two article about Rachel Kadish and Arwa Aburawa and write a 3-4 pages paper

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Rachel Kadish- Who Is This Man, and Why Is He Screaming.pdf 

Arwa Aburawa- The Guerrilla Graffiti of Prince Hijab.pdf 

 Essay should be strictly follow this format:
1st paragraph: Introduction
A. Background
Authors introduction
B. Thesis Statement
2nd paragraph: First subtopic
A. First Point
1. supporting evidence ( quote)
2. supporting evidence ( quote)
B. Second point
1 .supporting evidence ( quote)
2. supporting evidence ( quote)
3rd paragraph: Second subtopic
A. First Point
1. supporting evidence ( quote)
2. supporting evidence ( quote)
B. Second point
1 .supporting evidence ( quote)
2. supporting evidence ( quote)
4th paragraph: COUNTERARGUMENT!!!
5th paragraph: Conclusion-A restatement of the main points of your paper

*****No outside resources. Use the essays in attachment ONLY.
*****When you cite the quote, write the exact page number after the quote.

This paper should be 3 - 4 pages. PLEASE follow the requirements.


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