Moral Solutions for Managing Human Population Growth Questions

User Generated




1. Everything about how we exist on this planet can be viewed and experienced through the view of sustainability: what we eat, where we live, what we drive, how we shop, how we interact with other humans and other species, and more. In your opinion, which elements of your lifestyle are most "sustainable" (sensitive to environmental, social and economic impacts), and which elements do you think leave the most room for improvement? Explain your reasoning. Keep in mind, this is sort of introducing you to your classmates, so choose carefully and be honest!

2. In your view, what are the most ethical and moral solutions for managing human population growth?

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Explanation & Answer



Environmental Discussion Questions

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Question #1

Just as mentioned in the prompt, it is indeed very true that everything about how we exist
on this planet can be viewed and experienced through the view of sustainability. This is to mean
what we eat, where we live, what we drive, how we shop, how we interact with other humans
and other species, and more. Personally, I think I have several elements in my lifestyle that I
deem ‘sustainable’. To begin with, I really love recycling. Therefore, I usually buy products with
recycled materials. I believe that by doing so, I complete the loop of recycling. I believe that

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