presentation assignment

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Business Finance


this presentation assignment group. I`m responsible for Q1 and introduction. please do the power point and write the note what I should say in the presentation . I attached below the power point and the case. continue work on it.

porofessor said : Following questions cover the above topics told by professor.

Q1: include 5 forces model

Q2: include 6s’s

Q3: include green field vs acquisitions

Case 1 - CVS in 2015

Case Objectives:

•To understand the changing nature of the pharmacy services industry.

•To Illustrate how a firm can successfully use M&A activity to maintain and extend its competitive

position in a changing industry.

•To bring the case into the current year by considering the steps CVS should consider next.

Study Questions:

1. Identify the important drivers of competition in the pharmacy industry. (((( this one ))))

2. How does CVS use mergers and acquisitions to extend its position in the changing pharmacy market?

Identify how each of CVS’s acquisitions adds value to the corporation using the 6 S model.

3. Evaluate the post-acquisition integration methods that CVS uses to create an integrated offering.

Why has the company been successful in its integrations processes after acquisitions?

4. What do you recommend for CVS for the company’s continued growths in the industry? For example,

what were the short- or long-term implications of CVS becoming more of a health care provider?

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Explanation & Answer

Find attached work, thank you. Please let me know if everything is ok. I will be happy to help with more assignments in the future.

CVS 2015

Case Objectives:
•To understand the changing nature of the pharmacy services industry.
•To Illustrate how a firm can successfully use M&A activity to maintain and extend its competitive
position in a changing industry.
•To bring the case into the current year by considering the steps CVS should consider next.

Study Questions
Introduction : Mohammad
1. Identify the important drivers of competition in the pharmacy industry. Mohammad
2. How does CVS use mergers and acquisitions to extend its position in the changing pharmacy market?
Identify how each of CVS’s acquisitions adds value to the corporation using the 6 S model. Khyati / Sakila
3. Evaluate the post-acquisiti...

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