Analysis of Various Stages in Child Development Questions

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Rathus, S. (2016). Childhood: Voyages in development (6th ed.). New York: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

ISBN-13: 978-1-305-50459-2


Thank you for a wonderful semester. I hope you come away with some tools to aid you further in your careers and in life. Each portion of this final is worth 8 points so please take your time in answering them! Each question should be at least one paragraph.

Answer the questions in bold:

  1. Analyze major milestones for children from conception through adolescence in the areas of physical, psychosocial, cognitive, and language development using standard research methodologies. Discuss 1 piece of knowledge you took away from each level of development (conception, infancy/toddler, early childhood, middle childhood, adolescence) in regards to the areas listed above (physical, psychosocial, cognitive, and language development). For full credit please make sure to connect directly to course content.
  2. Analyze how cultural, economic, political, historical contexts affect children’s development.

Choose a contexts and in regard to a level of development (conception, infancy/toddler, early childhood, middle childhood, adolescence discuss 3 pieces of knowledge you took away as most important and why. For example you may discuss breastfeeding laws which connects political with infancy/toddler. For full credit please make sure to connect directly to course content.

  1. Compare and contrast various theoretical frameworks that relate to the study of human development. Choose two to compare and contrast: Piaget, Freud, Erikson, Vygotsky, Skinner, Bandura, Maslow, etc.
  2. Integrate and apply current theory and research to the observation, documentation and unbiased analysis of a preschool child’s behavior. How did you participate in this learning? What did you take away?
  3. Differentiate characteristics of typical and atypical development at various stages.

What did you take away from this course in regards to typical and atypical development? For example, why it is important to know critical or sensitive periods of development.

  1. Analyze the interaction of genetic/nature and environment/nurture on various areas of development. Discuss where you stand on this debate and back up your position with specific course content.

*2 point questions: What advice would you give to an incoming student?

I would like you to showcase your learning that you completed throughout this semester:

  • Connect each SLO to a theory, though, idea, or project we did this semester.
  • Make sure to cite your sources.
  • This is your chance to flex your knowledge and let me know what you have retained

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Explanation & Answer

Here you go! Let me know if you need any edits or have any questions

Topic: Child Development
Thesis Statement: The major child development milestones are conception stage, toddler
or infancy stage, early childhood stage, middle childhood stage and adolescence stage. Each of
these child developmental stages has different levels of development in terms of language,
cognitive, psychosocial, and physical developments. Conception is the first stage of the child
development process. Pregnancies take approximately 40 weeks before the child is born (Rathus,
2016). There are three trimesters during the pregnancy period with different changes in the child
while still in the mother's womb. At the end of the third trimester before birth, the baby has
developed and is able to see light through the mother's womb and is also able to hear. During the
fetal stage, the body adds weight and the brain continues to grow until when the baby is ready for
birth. The mother goes through physical and psychological changes during pregnancy.



Question 1-Major Milestones for Children
Question 2- cultural, economic, political, historical contexts on children’s development
Question 3- Theories of Development.
a. Piaget’s theory of Cognitive Development
b. Erik Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial Development theory
Question 4-Preschool Child’s Behavior
Question 5- Typical and Atypical Development in Children
Question 6- The Interaction of Nature and Environment on Child Development
Question 7- Advice to incoming students.



Analysis of Various Stages in Child Development
Institution Affiliation:



Question 1-Major Milestones for Children
The major child development milestones are conception stage, toddler or infancy stage,
early childhood stage, middle childhood stage and adolescence stage. Each of these child
developmental stages has different levels of development in terms of language, cognitive,
psychosocial, and physical developments. Conception is the first stage of the child development
process. Pregnancies take approximately 40 weeks before the child is born (Rathus, 2016). There
are three trimesters during the pregnancy period with different changes in the child while still in
the mother's womb. At the end of the third trimester before birth, the baby has developed ...

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