MGT230 University of Phoenix WK5 Management Management Action Plan Paper

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University of Phoenix


Create an action plan to help you become a successful manager. In your plan, explore, examine, and determine the four functions of management skills that are necessary for you to become a successful manager.

Use the Management Action Plan Template to complete your assignment. (Attached)

Textbook: Exploring Management

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Management Action Plan Template MGT/230 Version 6 University of Phoenix Material Mangement Action Plan Template Complete the following chart in a total of 700 to 1050 words to develop your Management Action Plan. Functions of Management Skills Needed Planning What type of planning activities will you need to use as a manager? Review planning activities from the textbook to help describe the planning process you would use as a manager. Organizing How will you use organizing as a manager? Review organizing approaches from the textbook to help describe the organizing approaches you would use as a manager. Leading What type of leadership characteristics do you want to demonstrate? Review leadership characteristics from the textbook to help describe the leadership approaches you would use as a manager. Controlling Which controlling techniques would you use to measure performance? Review controlling techniques from the textbook to help describe the controlling approaches you would use as a manager. Copyright © 2018 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. 1
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Management Action Plan Template
MGT/230 Version 6


University of Phoenix Material
Mangement Action Plan Template
Complete the following chart in a total of 700 to 1050 words to develop your Management Action Plan.

Functions of
What type of planning
activities will you need
to use as a manager?

How will you use
organizing as a

Skills Needed

As a successful
manager, planning is
very vital to not only tell
me what to do, but also
guide me on what I am
not supposed to do.
any organization
always has some goals
in place that needs to
be achieved at the end
of the day.Therefore,as
a manager, I can use
strategic, operational,
budgetary and
contingency planning
activities to achieve my
organizations desired
activities aid each other
to achieve a firms
goals.Additionally back
up plans are put in
place in case the plan
fails, as a contigency.

After planning, I know I
have to organize
everything according to
plan. This means
ensuring that I am
putting everyone and
everything involved in
the process in their
rightful place according
to my plan. this would
involve assigning tasks
to all the employees I
have organized to
ensure they are utilizing


Just the thing I needed, saved me a lot of time.


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