Beam Design Individual and Group Test Results Paper

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Hi, I just need a half a paper, I have results from a project I did, I just want you to put them nicely together, and paraphrase an introduction..


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Hunter Wheeler Dr. Gerald Angle Engineering 101 26 May, 2019 Individual Testing Results Building The cross-sectional shape that I was in charge of designing an testing was circular. The materials I used while building my small scale model was 3 sheets of standard 20# printer paper, and white glue. I began building by gluing the three sheets of paper together, one on top of the other, making sure the paper lies flat upon the other to eliminate wrinkles. I then began rolling the paper into a hollowed out tube with a gap of around 1 inch, starting from the top of the paper and then rolling towards the bottom. I rolled this way to make the paper thicker, and because the bottom of standard printer paper is around 8 inches. Testing In order to do the testing of my small scale model, I started by tying small 50 g weights to my beam and measuring the amount of deflection from the original point, with my beam being propped up on two stands. As a I would add another 50 g weight, I would record my results. Results Weight (grams) Deflection (inches) 50 g .15 inches 100 g .31 inches 150 g .48 inches Conclusion In conclusion, regarding my small scale model, 150 g is the max amount of weight that can be held by the beam without surpassing the .5 inch deflection mark. These results will be compared to the results attained by my group in order for us to decide which beam can hold the required weight and not surpass the deflection point. BuildingBuilding a scaled beam which fits the 8 inch span while passing the tests, minimal deflection. The cross sectional shape of a triangle with a hollow center was carried out through the building process. The materials used were three sheets of notebook paper, glue, and the pythagorean theorem in order to successfully built a prototype. Folding two sheets into an eighth inch beam while using the third sheet to hoist the beam for additional support. The third sheet was folded in a triangular form then cut at the ends to and be glued to the beam. Folded the two sheets together to make the beam as strong as possible. The third sheet used as a lever to help counteract the downward force of the weight/sign. The cost were minimal, since supplies are very common in households. The pythagorean theorem was to find how long the lever will be. TestingMeasuring deflection initial and final measurements(cm) were taken before and after loading. Using four different amounts of loads 50, 100, 150, and 200 gram weights were added to the edge of the beam ResultsWeight: (grams) Yo:(cm) Y:(cm) Displacement:(cm) 0 0 0 0 50 0 2.2 2.2 100 0 3.0 3.0 150 0 3.5 3.5 200 0 Device broke - Yo= Initial height of the beam Y= Final height after loading weight Displacement = Y - Yo
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here is the paper. talk to me if you need any information removed or added

Hunter Wheeler
Dr. Gerald Angle
Engineering 101
26 May, 2019
Individual Testing Results

This exercise was meant to design a beam that would support an overhead sign post for a
front store in Morgantown. To decide on the kind of beam that serves the purpose best, Group 7
carried out two projects: an individual project and a group project. A beam was constructed in
each project to test, which one will be more suitable in carrying the required weight without
surpassing the deflection mark set at .5 cm.
Individual project
The cross-sectional shape that I was in charge of design testing was circular. T...

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