Need legal help to Finish my essay about chain gangs

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Business Finance


Explain the debate about chain gangs in prison. What are the pros and cons from the conservative and liberal sides?

Must be 650 plus words (I have the intro done already), APA formatted, in-text citation, 3 references and it needs supporting evidence not your opinions. All original work needed. NO PLAGIARISM...will check once I receive the work.

Chain gangs in prison.docx 

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It is said that in the mid-1900s, disturbing stories of the misuse and pathetic states of convict workers started to be advertised through trials and daily paper accounts. The horror of the savagery and debasement of the framework started to turn public opinion against convict leasing. In spite of the fact that numerous subjects and lawmakers needed to abrogate convict leasing, the issue of the cost and trouble of lodging convicts remained. Chain gangs were then created as a mainstream resolution for that issue.
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