Write a 175- to 265-word response to the following:

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Health Medical


Although this article primarily explores the use of literature in medical professional education, the same principles apply to students learning about professional, ethical leadership in health care. As you read the article, contemplate how literature can help you develop your own brand of ethical leadership within the health care regulatory environment.

Write a 175- to 265-word response to the following:

Review Fig.1 on p. 6 of the Medical Professionalism article. Select two to three outcomes that are important to you (or that you want to achieve in your professional career) and explain what you are doing (or are going to do) to develop those abilities.

Due Monday (23 pts) 

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Explanation & Answer


Surname 1
Medical professionalism
Thinking critically about the medical profession
It is essential to think of medicine as a profession critically. In this case, there should be
an incorporation of values such as patient empowerment, social justice commitment, honesty,
altruism, and trust. Similarly...

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