that in societieswith sufficient resources,the right to welfare shouldbe unconditional.
On this view, the right to receivebenefits shouldnot dependon one's attitude or behavior-on one's willingness to work, for example-but simply on need.Two other
articles in this chapteralso focus on issuesregardingwelfare, more particularly, the
social-welfare system in the United States.Charles Murray arguesthat all socialwelfare programs should be taken out of the hands of the federal governmentand
left to local governments.Nancy Fraseris concernedwith the way the welfare system interprets women's needsandthe different assumptionsunderlying thosesocialwelfare programs whose primary recipients are women and thosedesignedprimarily with men in mind.
JaneS. Zembaty
What Libertarianism Is
John Hospers
JohnHospersis professoremeritusof philosophyat the Universityof SouthernCalifornia
and past editor of Pacific Philosophical Quarterly. His books include Human Conduct: Problems of Ethics (1972), Libertarianism: A Political Philosophy for Tomorrow (1971), Understanding the Arts (1982), and An Introduction to Philosophical Analysis (3d ed., 1988).
Hospersdefends two ideas central to libertarianism: (1) Individuals own their
own lives. They, therefore, have the right to act as they choose unless their
actions interfere with the liberty of others to act as they choose. (2) The only
appropriate function of government is to protect human rights, understood as
negative rights (i.e., rights of noninterference).
dI II .
The political phi,losophythat is called libertarianism (from the Latin libertas, liberty)c,Ao:D\
is the doctrine that every personis the owner of his own life, and that no one is the II"-
owner of anyoneelse's life; and that consequentlyevery human being has the right q:
to act in accordance with his own~j
unlessthoseactionsinfringe on the equal
liberty of other human beings to act in accordancewith their choices.
There are ~everalother ~ays of stating the s~e libertarian thesis:.
1 No one ,~ anyone else.s~aster, and no one ,~ anyoneelse's.slave.SmceI am P'" i/~c.l..
the one to decIdehow my hfe ISto be conducted,Just as you decIdeabout yours, I ftfr'J
have no right (even if I had the power) to make you my slave and be your master,
nor have you the right to becomethe masterby enslavingme. Slavery isforced servitude, and since no one owns the life of anyoneelse,no one has the right to enslave
Reprinted with permission of Nelson-Hall Inc., Publishers from Tibor R. Machan, ed., The Libertarian
another. Political theories past and present have traditionally been concerned wi
who should be the master (usually the king, the dictator, or governmentbureaucrac
and who should be the slaves, and what the extent of the slavery should be. Libe
tarianism holds that no one has the right to use force to enslave the life of anoth
or any portion or aspect of that life.
2 Other men's lives are not yours to dispose of. I enjoy seeing operas; but oper
are expensive to produce. Opera-lovers often say, "The state (or the city, etc.) shou
subsidize opera, so that we can all see it. Also it would be for people's betterme
cultural benefit, etc." But what they are advocating is nothing more or less than i
galized plunder. They can't pay for the productions themselves, and yet they w
to see opera, which involves a large number of people and their labor; so what th
are saying in effect is, "Get the money through legalized force. Take a little bit mo
out of every worker's paycheck every week to pay for the operas we want to see
But I have no right to take by force from the workers' pockets to pay for what I w
Perhaps it would be better if he did go to see opera-then I should try to convin
him to go voluntarily. But to take the money from him forcibly, because in my opi
ion it would be good for him, is still seizure of his earnings, which is plunder.
Besides, if I have the right to force him to help pay for my pet projects, hasn't
equally the right to force me to help pay for his? Perhaps he in turn wants the go
emment to subsidize rock-and-roll, or his new car, or a house in the country? If
have the right to milk him, why hasn't he the right to milk me? If I can be a mor
cannibal, why can't he too?
We should beware of the inventors or utopias. They would remake the world a
cording to their vision-with
the lives and fruits of the labor of other human being
Is it someone' s utopian vision that others should build pyramids to beautify the:lei1
scape? Very well, then other men should provide the labor; and if he is iri a positio
of political power, and he can't get men to do it voluntarily, then he must camp
them to "cooperate"-i..e. he must enslave them.
A hundred men might gain great pleasure from beating up or killing just one i
significant human being; but other men's lives are not theirs to dispose of. "In ord
to achieve the worthy goals of the next five-year-plan, we must forcibly collectiviz
the peasants. . ."; but other men's lives are not theirs to dispose of. Do you want t
occupy, rent-free, the mansion that another man has worked for twenty years to buy
But other men's lives are not yours to dispose of. Do you want operas so badly th
everyone is forced to work harder to pay for their subsidization through taxes? B
other men's lives are not yours to dispose of. Do you want to have f~me~al
at the expense of other people, whether they wish to provide it or not? But this woul
require them to work longer for you whether they want to or not, and other men'
lives are not yours to dispose of.
Thefreedom to engagein any type of enterprise,to produce, to own and control property,
to buy and sellon .thefree market; is derived from the rights to life, liberty, and property
. . . which are stated in the Declaration of Independence. . . [but] when a government guar-
anteesa "right" to an educationor parity onfarm products or a guaranteedannual income,it is staking a claim on theproperty of one group of citizensfor the sakeof another
group. In short, it is violating one of thefundamental rights it was instituted to protect.!
3 No human being should be a nonvoluntary mortgage on the life of another. I
cannot claim your life, your work, or the products of your effort as mine. The fruit
of one man's labor should not be fair game for every freeloader who comes along
and demandsit ashis own. The orchardthat hasbeencarefully grown, nurtured, and
harvestedby its owner should not be ripe for the plucking for any bypasserwho has
a yen for the ripe fruit. The wealth that somemen have produced should not be fair
game for looting by government,to be used for whatever purposesits representa-:tives determine,no matter what their motives in so doing may be. The theft of your
moneyby a robberis not justified by the fact that he usedit to help his injured mother.
It will already be evident that libertarian doctrine is embeddedin a view of the
rights of man. Each human being has the right to live his life as he chooses,compatibly with the equalright of all otherhumanbeingsto live their lives asthey choose.
All man's rights are implicit in the above statement.Each man has the right to
life; any attemptby others to take it away from him, or even to injure him, violates
this right, through the useof coercion againsthim. Eachman has the right to liberty:
to conduct his life in accordancewith the alternativesopen to him without coercive
action by others.And every man hasthe right to property: to work to sustainhis life
(and the lives of whichever others he choosesto sustain,such as his family) and to
retain the fruits of his labor.
Peopleoften defendthe rights of life and liberty but denigrateproperty rights, and
yet the right to property is as basic as the other two; indeed,without property rights
no otherrights arepossible.Depriving you of property is depriving you of the means
by which you live.
. . . All that which an individual possessesby right (including his life and property) are
morally his to use, dispose of and even destroy, as he seesfit. If] own my life, then it fol-
lows that] amfree to associatewith whom] pleaseand not to associatewith whom] please.
If] own my knowledgeand services,it follows that] may ask any compensation] wishfor
providing themfor another, or] may abstainfrom providing themat all, if] so choose.If
] own my house,it follows that] may decorate it as ] please and live in it with whom]
please. If] c~ntrol ~y own business, itfollows t~at] may charge what] please!or my pro~-
ucts or services,hire whom I please and not hire whQm] please.All that which] own m
fact, ] ~y dis~oseof as ] .chooseto in reality. For anyoneto attempt to limit myfreedom p
to do so ISto vlolate my rights.
Wheredo my rights end? Whereyours begin. ] may do anything] wish with my own
life, liberty and property without your consent,. but] may do nothing with your life, liberty and property without your consent. If we recognize the principle of man's rights, it
follows that the individual is sovereign of the domain of his own life and property, and is
sovereign of no other domain. To attempt to interfere forcibly with another's use, disposal
or destruction of his own property is to initiate force against him and to violate his rights.
I haveno right to decidehow you shouldspendyour time or your money.I can
makethat decisionfor myself,but not for you, my neighbor.I may deploreyour
choiceof life-style,andI ~aytalk with you aboutit p~ovidedyou arewil.iingto listen to me. But I haveno nght to useforce to changeIt. Nor haveI the nght to decidehow you shouldspendthemoneyyou haveearned.I mayappealto you to give
it to the Red Cross, and you may prefer to go to prizefights. But that is your deci-
sion, and however much I may chafe about it I do not have the right to interfere
forcibly with it, for exampleby robbing you in order to usethe money in
with my choices. (If I have the right to rob you, have you also the right to rob me?)
When I claim a right, I carve out a niche, as it were, in my life, saying in effect,
"This activity I must be able to perform without interferencefrom others.For you
and everyoneelse,this is off limits." And so I put up a "no trespassing"sign, which
marks off the area of my right. Each individual's right is his "no trespassing"sign
in relation to me and others.I may not encroachupon his domain any more than he
upon mine, without my consent.Every right entails a duty, true-but the duty is only
that of forbearance-that is, of refraining from violating the other person'sright. If
you have a right to life, I have no right to take your life; if you have a right to the
products of your labor (property), I have no right to take it from you without your
consent.The non-violation of theserights will not guaranteeyou protection against
natural catastrophessuch as floods and earthquakes,but it will protect you against
the aggressiveactivities of other men.And rights, after all, have to do with one's relations to other human beings, not with one's relations to physical nature.
Nor were theserights createdby government;governments-some governments,
obviously not all-recognize and protect the rights that individuals already have..
Governmentsregularly forbid homicide and theft; and, at a more advancedstage,
protect individuals against such things as libel and breachof contract. . . .
Government is the most dangerous institution known to man~Throughout history
it has violated the rights of men more than any individual or group of individuals
could do: it haskilled people, enslavedthem, sentthem to forced labor and concen-'
tra:tioncamps,and regularly robbedandpillaged them of the fruits of their expended
labor. Unlike individual criminals, governmenthas the power to arrestand try; unlike individual criminals, it can surroundand encompassa persontotally, dominating every aspectof one's life, so that one has no recoursefrom it but to
country (and in totalitarian nationseven that is prohibited). Government
history has a much sorrier record than any individual, even that of a ruthless
murderer.The signswe seeon bumperstickersarechillingly accurate:"Beware:
Governmentis Armed and Dangerous."
The only proper role of government,accordingto libertarians, is that of the
tector of the citizen against aggressionby other individuals. The government,
course,should never initiate aggression;its proper role is as the embodimentof
retaliatory use of force againstanyonewho initiates its use.
If each individual had constantly to defend himself againstpossible aggressors,
he would have to spend a considerableportion of his life in target p~actice,karate
exercises,and other meansof self-defenses,and evenso he would probably be
less againstgroupsof individuals who might try to kill, maim, or rob him. He
havelittle time for cultivating thosequalities which areessentialto civilized life, nor
would improvementsin science,medicine, and the arts be likely to occur. The tunc,
tion of governmentis to take this responsibility off his shoulders:the government
undertakesto defend him againstaggressorsand to punish them if they attack him;
When the governmentis effective in doing this, it enablesthe citizen to go abouthis
businessunmolestedand without constantfear for his life. To do this, of course,gov-
ernmentmust have physical power-the police, to protect the citizen from aggression within its borders, and the armed forces, to protect him from aggressorsoutside.Beyond that, the governmentshould not intrude upon his life, either to run his
business,or adjusthis daily activities,or prescribehis personalmoral code.
to betheindividual'sprotector;buthistoricallygov-
ernmentshave gone far beyond this function. Since they already have the physical
power,theyhavenot hesitatedto useit for purposesfar beyondthat which wasentrustedto themin the first place.Undertakinginitially to protectits citizensagainst
it hasoftenitself becomeanaggressor-afar greateraggressor,
thanthe criminals againstwhom it was supposedto protect its citizens. Governments
have done what no private citizen can do: arrestand imprison individuals without a
trial andsendthemto slavelaborcamps.Governmentmusthavepowerin orderto
be effective-and yet the very meansby which aloneit can be effective make it vuJnerableto the abuseof power, leading to managingthe lives of individuals and even
inflicting terror upon them.
What then should be the function of government?,In a word, the protection of
human rights.
1 The right to life: libertarians supportall suchlegislatien;:as-wiIfprotecthuman
beingsagainstthe useof force by others,for-example,laws againstkilling, attempted
killing, maiming, beating, and all kinds of physical violence.
2 The right to liberty: there should be no laws compromising in any way freedom of speech,of the press, and of peaceableassembly.There should be no censorshipof ideas,books, films, or of anything else by government.
3 The right to property: libertarians supportlegislation that protectsthe property
rights of individuals againstconfiscation,nationalization,eminent domain, robbery,
trespass,fraud and misrepresentation,patent and copyright, libel and slander.
Someonehasviolently assaultedyou. Should he be legally liable? Of course.He
hasviolated one of your rights. He hasknowingly injured you, and sincehe hasini-
againstyou he shouldbe madeto expiate.
Someonehas negligently left his bicycle on the sidewalk where you trip over it
in the dark and injure yourself. He didn't do it intentionally; he didn't meanyou any
harm. Should he be legally liable? Of course;he has, however unwittingly., injured
you, and sincethe injury is causedby ,himand'youare"the victim, he should pay.
Someoneacrossthe street is unemployed.Should you be taxed extra to pay for
his expens~s?Not at all. You have not injured him, you are not responsiblefor the
fact that he is unemployed(unlessyou are a senatoror bureaucratwho agitated for
further curtailing of business,which legislationpassed,with the result that your neighbor was laid off by the curtailed business).You may voluntarily wish to help him
out, or better still, try to get him ajob to put him on his feet again; but sinceyou have
initiated no aggressiveact againsthim, and neither purposely nor accidentally injured him in any way, you should not be legally penalizedfor the fact of his unemployment. (Actually, it is just suchpenaltiesthat increaseunemployment.)
One man, A, works hard for yearsandfinally earnsa high salary asa professional
man.A secondman,B, prefersnot to work at all, andto spendwastefully what money
he has (through inheritance), so that after a year or two he has nothing left. At the
end of this time he has a long siege of illness and lots of medical bills to pay. He demands that the bills be paid by the government-that is, by the taxpayers of the land,
including Mr. A.
But of course B has no such right. He chose to lead his life ina certain way-that
was his voluntary decision. One consequence of that choice is that he must depend
on charityin caseof laterneed.Mr. A chosenot to live thatway. (And if everyone
lived like Mr. B, on whom would he depend in case of later need?) Each has a right
to live in the way he pleases, but each must live with the consequences of his own
decision (which, as always, fall primarily on himself). He cannot, in time of need,
claim A' sbeneficence as his right. . . .
Laws may be classified into three types: (1) laws protecting individuals against
themselves, such as laws against fornication and other sexual behavior, alcohol, and
drugs;(2) lawsprotectingindividualsagainstaggressions
by otherindividuals,such
as laws against murder, robbery, and fraud; (3) laws requiring people to help one another; for example, all laws which rob Peter to pay Paul, such as welfare.
Libertarians reject the first class of laws totally. Behavior which harms no one
else is strictly the individual's own affair. Thus, there should be no laws against becoming intoxicated, since whether or not to become intoxicated is the individual's
own decision; but there should be laws against driving while intoxicated, since the
drunken driver is a threat to every other motorist on the highway (drunken driving
falls into type 2). Similarly, there should be no laws against drugs (except the prohibition of sale of drugs to minors) as long as the taking of these drugs poses no threat
to anyone else. Drug addiction is a psychological problem to which no present solution exists. Mpst of the social harm caused by addicts, other than to themselves, is
the result of thefts which they perform in order to continue their habit-and then the
legal crime is the theft, not the addiction. The actual cost of heroin is about ten cents
a shot; if it were legalized, the enormous traffic in illegal sale and purchase of it would
stop, as well as the accompanying proselytization to get new addicts (to make more
money for the pusher) and the thefts performed by addicts who often require eighty
dollars a day just to keep up the habit. Addiction would not stop, but the crimes would:
it is estimated that 75 percent of the burglaries in New York City today are performed
by addicts, and all these crimes would be wiped out at one stroke through the legal".
ization of drugs. (Only when the taking of drugs could be shown to constitute a threat
to others, should it be prohibited by law. It is only laws protecting people against
themselves that libertarians oppose.)
Laws should be limited to the second class only: aggression by individuals against
other individuals. These are laws whose function is to protect human beings against
encroachment by others; and this, as we have seen, is (according to libertarianism)
the sole function of government.
Libertarians also reject the third class of laws totally: no one should be forced by
law to help others, not even to tell them the time of day if requested, and certainly
not to give them a portion of one's weekly paycheck. Governments, in the guise of
humanitarianism, have given to some by taking from others (charging a "handling
fee" in the process, which, becauseof the government's waste and inefficiency, some-
times is severalhundred percent).And in so doing they have decreasedincentive,
violated the rights of individuals, andlowered the standardof living of almosteveryone.
All such laws constitute what libertarians call moral cannibalism. A cannibal in
the physical senseis a personwho lives off the flesh of other humanbeings.A moral
cannibal is one who believeshe hasa right to live off the "spirit" of other humanbeings-who believes that he has a moral claim on the productive capacity, time, and
effort expendedby others.
It hasbecomefashionableto claim virtually everything that one needsor desires
as one's right. Thus, many people claim that they have a right to ajob, the right to
free medical care,to free food and clothing, to a decenthome,and so on. Now if one
asks,apartfrom any specific context, whetherit would be desirableif everyonehad
thesethings, onemight well sayyes.But thereis a gimmick attachedto eachof them:
At whose expense?Jobs, medical care, education,and so on, don't grow on trees.
Theseare goodsand servicesproduced only by men.Who, then, is'to provide them,
and under what conditions?
If you have a right to ajob, who is to supply it? Must an employer supply it even
if he doesn't want to hire you? What if you areunemployable,or incurably lazy? (If
you say "the governmentmust supply it," doesthat meanthat a job must be created
for you which no employer needsdone,and that you must be kept in it regardlessof
how much or little you work?) If the employer is forced to supply it at his expense
even if he doesn't need you,\then isn't he being enslavedto that extent? What ever
happenedto his right to conduct his life and his affairs in accordance with his
If you have a right to free medical care,then, sincemedical care doesn't exist in
nature as wild applesdo, somepeople will have to supply it to you for free: that is,
they will have to spendtheir time and money and energytaking careof you whether
theywantto or not. Whateverhappened
to their right to conducttheir lives asthey
s~efit? Or do you have a right to violate theirs?Cantherebe a right to violate rights?
All those who demandthis or that as a "free service" are consciously or unconsciously evading the fact that there is in reality no such thing as free services.All
man-madegoods and servicesare the result of human expenditure of time and effort. There is no suchthing as "something for nothing" in this world. If you demand
somethingfree, you are demandingthat other men give their time and effort to you
,:"ithout compensation.If they voluntarily chooseto do this, thereis no problem; but
If you demandthat they beforced to do it, you are interfering with their right not to
do it if they so choose."Swimming in this pool ought to be free!" saysthe indignant
passerby.What he meansis that others should build a pool, others should provide
the materials,andstill othersshouldrun it andkeepit in functioningorder,so that
he can use it without fee. But what right has he to the expenditureof their time and
effort? To expectsomething"for free" is to expectit to bepaid for by others whether
they chooseto or not.
Many questions,particularly about economic matters,will be generatedby the
libertarianaccountof humanrightsandtherole of government.
have no role in assistingthe needy,in providing social security, in legislating min-
imum wages,in fixing prices and putting a ceiling on rents, in curbing monopolies,
in erecting tariffs, in guaranteeingjobs, in managing the money supply? To these
and all similar questionsthe libertarian answerswith an unequivocal no.
"But then you'd let people go hungry!" comesthe rejoinder. This, the libertarian
insists, is precisely what would not happen;with the restrictions removed,the economy would flourish as never before. With the controls taken off business,existing
enterpriseswould expandand new oneswould spring into existencesatisfying more
and more consumerneeds; millions more people would be gainfully employed insteadof subsistingon welfare, and all kinds of researchandproduction,releasedfrom
the strangleholdof government,would proliferate, fulfilling man's needsanddesires
as never before. It has always been so whenevergovernmenthas permitted men to
be free traders on a free market. But why this is so, and how the free market is the
best solution to all problems relating to the material aspectof man's life, is another
and far longer story. . . .
1 William W. Bayes, "What Is Property?" The Freeman,July 1970,p. 348.
1 Somelibertariansarguethat from a moral standpointthereis no differencebetweenthe ac~
tions of an ordinary thief and those of a governmentwhen it seizesmoney from someiq
order to supportothers.They assumethat if the former arewrong, then so arethe latter. Ar~
they correct?
2 Do you agreethat the governmentshould have no role in assistingthe needy?What reasonscan you advanceto defendyour answer?
A Moral Casefor Socialism
Kai Nielsen
Kai Nielsen is professoremeritusof philosophy at the University of Calgary, Canada.
the author of Equality and Liberty: A Defenseof Radical Egalitarianism (1985), God, ScepticismandModemity (1989), and Ethics without God (1990).
Nielsen puts forth a moral casefor socialism.He identifies and explicatesa
cluster of valuesthat are basic to our culture-freedom and autonomy,equality,
justice, rights, and democracy-and then compares"pure socialism" and "pure
capitalism" in Tespectto thesevalues.Nielsen concludesthat a socialist systemis
much more likely to exemplify our basic valuesthan a capitalist system.
Reprintedwith pennissionfrom CriticalReview,vol. 3, SummerlFall1989,
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