PHIL1040 Introduction to Ethics Disputed Moral Issues of Mark Timmons

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Write a short reflection statement after reading chapter 15 of the textbook " Disputed Moral Issues" of Mark Timmons (4th edition). Respond in writing these items:

1/ Describe a few proposed approaches to global warming that Lomborg believes are problematic and explain why he thinks they are problematic. Do you agree with Lomborg that these approaches are in fact problematic? why or why not? Lastly, which approach do you consider the most viable and effective, and why?

2/ What are the four goals Baxter proposes in order to develop a solution to the problems of human organization? which of these goals do you find most compelling, and which do you find least compelling. why?

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Explanation & Answer


Reflection on Disputed Moral Issues
1. Approaches to Global Warming by Lomborg
2. The Four Goals Proposed by Baxter
3. References


Reflection on Disputed Moral Issues
Institutional Affiliation




Reflection on Disputed Moral Issues
Approaches to Global Warming by Lomborg
There are several perspectives that have been espoused by different people across the
world today regarding global warming. According to Lomborg, some of these perspectives are
erroneous and problematic. For him, something bad could happen particularly if the cost of
damage could range between 2-3 percent of the global health. Equally, he argues that much of
the anthropogenic or man-made global warming could be accompanied by diverse and long
arguments, especially regarding ways in which emission from greenhouses has increased
temperatures over the past.
For many reasons, Lomborg has over the recent become very famous for his controversial
and skeptical views on the environment. Fundamentally, being a skeptical environmentalist has
perhaps made him the global icon and one of the best-recognized censors of the mainstream
scientific views of global warming, climate change, and their causal factors. In equal measures,
his productive output and criticism have been nearly paralleled by books and materials that have
attempted to rubbish his work. For instance, his major opponents argue that he is biased,
confused, as well as unethical. In some part, he has also been likened to Adolf Hitler, especially
for his statistical tendency of treating people like numbers.
He advocates that attention and resources ought to be focused on climate change
engineering methods, including such approaches as whitening clouds to reflect back much of the
sun’s heat. In this sense, Lomborg appears to be significantly resigned to heat. However, in most
cases, his records on climate change tend to be highly nuanced that some of the stereotypes that
he suggests. For him, global warming is something that is exclusively caused by human beings
through their different anthropogenic activities on earth. Nevertheless, he also appears to be
constantly critical about...

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