Central Florida Driving Miss Daisy American Comedy Drama Film Analysis

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Central Florida College - Winter Park


Scholarly Paper

1. This paper will be based on watching the movie “Driving Miss Daisy”

2. Remember to use APA format with title page, running head, citations and references.

3. Be sure to include a conclusion/summary at the end of the video report.

4. The paper should be at least 7 pages long including title and reference pages. After carefully watching the movie, write a scholarly paper based on instructions below. You may have to view the movie more than once in order to complete a critical analysis. The movie is available for viewing in Course Materials.

Part I: Analyze the movie, dissecting it into its basic elements Support your analysis with at least two scholarly references: 1. Plot (basic situation, conflicts, climax, and resolution

2. Characters (protagonists/antagonists, dynamic/static)

3. Theme

4. Point of view

5. Setting

6. Symbolism (deeper meaning)

Part II: Express your perspective of the movie. Has your thinking about relating to individuals from other cultures changed in any way? Did watching the movie leave any lasting impressions with you? Did you identify any trans-cultural concepts, behaviors or practices in the movie which have been presented in class?

Part III: Compare and contrast two characters of differing cultures in the movie. How were they similar? How were they different?

Part IV: Summarize your discussion, including lessons learned, with examples, from viewing the movie.

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Explanation & Answer

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Driving Miss Daisy
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Driving Miss Daisy
Part One

Driving Miss Daisy is a comedy-drama that was released back in 1989. Just like the
little suggests, this play revolves around a woman who is so old to drive herself and her son is
forced to her a driver despite the fact that she is so resistant to that idea. This story was
written by Alfred Uhry with the aim of communicating to the public the issue of racism in the
United States. Daisy is an old woman who is very wealthy and independent. In other words,
she is a kind of a lady that prefers to do her own things instead of depending on other people
for help. She is now at the age of 72 years and driving her car becomes a huge problem to the
extent that she ends up driving into her neighbour’s yard. After this incident, Boolie who is
her son decides to hire a driver for her. The driver is known as Hoke who is an African
American middle-aged man.
Things were very hard for Mr Hoke because Miss Daisy could not allow anyone to
drive her. The two seems not to agree at all and in one of the episodes, Daisy accuses Hoke of
stealing. After a period of time, Hoke gains appreciation due to his many skills apart from
driving and they get along with Miss Daisy who is now getting old with time. After the death
of Adella who is the house help, Miss Daisy decides to do her own chores with the help of
Hoke. The two are able to understand each other to an extent that they attend a dinner
together and the speech is given by DR. Martin Luther though Hoke was left at the car as
Miss Daisy goes inside since her son Boolie refused to join her. Later on, she is taken to a
retirement home after showing signs of dementia. Both Boolie and Hoke keep visiting Miss
Daisy despite the old age of Mr Hoke who is now 85 years.
When it comes to the characters, there are four primary characters addressed in the
play. One of them who is a protagonist is Miss Daisy. This is the protagonist because the



story revolves around her life. She seems to be the cause of everything that is discussed in the
play. At first, she shows hatred towards her new driver and this is a good example of how
African American used to suffer due to racism. From her, people are able to learn more and
she also affects all the other characters in the play. The second character is Mr. Hoke who is
the driver. There are many things that the viewers can learn from him. One is patient because
even after being rejected by her boss, he tries to d...

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