In this Assignment, you will write a research paper about social problems where the free markets are not allowed to function, which includes the market for a particular illegal good and service, a regulated market, etc.
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Free Market And Ethnical Issues
Human existence is characterized by limitations and pain which is quite unfortunate but
that does not justify coercion, deceit or fraud in pursuit of making ends meet. The elimination of
such tempting methods allow for the creation and success of a free market where consumers
willingly pay for goods and services rendered as they deem worthy. Numerous discussions on
consumer markets measures imposed by the governing system have developed the reason for
slowed spending, even as it’s’ consumers attempt to improve and sustain of their day to day
needs. Poor innovations, maleficent systems and increased taxation have seen the collapse of key
free markets leading to the production of low quality goods, loss of customers and the use of
inefficient energy methods. This failure in proper planning and execution of strategies in
satisfying customer demand is responsible for the slow growth seen in market. The simple but
powerful logic of supply and demand, has led to the production and distribution of goods and
services without any need for central planning and control driven by greed. The free market is
never the less efficient and acknowledged but with chances of unfair exploitive manipulated by
self interest such as, overlooking social needs. This makes the opposition to free markets more
often than not a moral claim rather than an economic one. Free markets should address the
physical, psychological, spiritual and social-emotional factors of its when one speaks
of what should be consumed, or what a worker should earn, these “shoulds” are moral
considerations without one entity claiming to be morally superior to others.
Area of investigation 1-Social problems facing the free market
Moral ethics of a free market grant the producer or the company unopposed selfish will
that is not influenced by any social standards or belief system. This eliminates the possibility of a
moral wrong because everyone is given freedom to hold on to their own beliefs without
imposing them on others. Social problems can only exist in when there is a conflict of social
interest and therefore cannot exist in isolation from social conditions ( Gergen ,2009). Social
problems such as crime and social control, alcohol and other drug abuse, physical and mental
healthcare abuse are illegal goods or services restricted to act upon given entities. Its well known
that humans act to reduce some strain in their lives because every man is no doubt by nature first
and primarily recommended to his own care, meaning that they have a preference that they seek
to justify via deceitful means so as to be in an entirely different position from the one they are
currently in. This is no different even in terms of their economic actions where the uneasiness is
related to their assets versus their liabilities, with major key characteristic of a true free market
economy is that exchanges taking place are entirely of free will .producers take risks to fulfill
consumer demand with aim to gain profits. Their objective values are solely a function of time
with the product, price, promotion and place of distribution heavily drawing heavily from it.
social problems include; the capitalization on human trafficking which is an exchange of human
being which is prohibited by law due use force, fraud , coercion or the harboring of victims
through recruitment, transport kidnappings or receipt transaction so as to easily lure and
manipulate vulnerable people into slavery, prostitution, slave trading. ( Treviño ,2015). It is a
great violation and serious crime against human rights as it is considered a transnational crime
requiring planning, execution and an anticipated impact majorly affecting the women and
children exposing them to harm’s way for selfish exploitation in the sex industry, manual labor,
servitude, removal of organs, servitude, slavery, or slavery like practices in other social areas.
Human trafficking is not considered a free market commodity, since slavery is not a voluntary
act. With human lives being treated as a good those often affected are from...