OSHA Company Workplace Compliance Discussion

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This week for your discussion, you will need to become more aware of your current (or former) employer's compliance practices. What do you now see that might be a result of OSHA compliance?

For your discussion comment on the following:

  • Discuss how the company employs initiatives to ensure OSHA compliance. Provide at least three different examples, one each as health, safety, and security.
  • Explain the positive effect each initiative has on your workplace.
  • Explain any potential "red tape" that has occurred due to these initiatives.

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Company Workplace Compliance
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Occupational safety and health administration (OSHA) regulations help to protect the
workers from injuries and hazards related to the work. Work-related injuries can prove to be very
expensive which can even cost the life of the worker. It reduces employee morale. Maintaining a
safe and comp...

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