UCLA Chinese History between Red and Expert in PRC Paper

User Generated



University Of California Los Angeles


The Prompt :

What were the tensions between “Red” and “Expert” in the PRC, and how did the tensions manifest themselves? Be specific.

In your essay, please only use the assigned readings to make your argument ( in the files section) . You can reference the textbook, but you will be primarily evaluated on your use of the assigned readings. You cannot use outside readings.

your paper, I expect a high standard in terms of writing, use of evidence, thesis, and general thoughtfulness.

I want a standard argumentative essay. This means that your essay should have an introduction, a conclusion, and at least 3 body paragraphs. Please don't forget the thesis statement in the introduction and the topic sentences for the body paragraphs.

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Explanation & Answer

Hi, Find attached the paper for your review.Let me know if you need anything edited or changed.Looking forward to working with you again in future.Thank you


In any given conflict incident, it is somewhat challenging to determine the precise action
without a specific means as well as a program of categorizing the primary parties in the


The earliest Chinese politics regarding the tension between the Experts and the Reds
argued that the leading reds included Peng Chen, Liu Shao-chi and Teng Hsiao-p’ing
while the leading experts included Po I-po, Ch’ng Yun and Li Fu-ch’un.


This concern arises from the conception that the Chinese Communists tend to utilize the
phrase red-expert mainly to refer to a relatively new conception of an ideal type of the


In a broad-spectrum, the red-expert regime signified the success of anti-intellectualism as
well as deprecation of formal studies and scholarships which were consistent initially.


The tension between the two parties was mainly a result of the idea to integrate
“expertise” and “redness.” These two parties did act as though professional knowledge
and political rectitude were the same exclusive aspects.


The tension was manifested when the experts were attacked in the Cultural Revolution
era in China, which caused significant damage to both sectors of technology and science
in China.


The tension between Red and expert was also demonstrated in the late 1960s, which was
uniquely embodied by mass experimentation aimed at creating effective solutions.


The significant projects of an expert in this approach included studying the efficiency of
insecticides that are locally produced, collecting essential data on crop varieties.


In conclusion, the debate and tensions between the “red” and “experts” which has a been
center of attention particularly in the 1950s through the 1960s, proved to be an essential
by-product involved in the struggle to uphold the promotion of both in...

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