Intro to Python Programming Instructions

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ARSD India


Module 1: Intro to Python Programming


Module 1 Assignment 2 features writing a simple Python program. Follow the steps below and see the example in the sample program for tips on the common commands to use for program inputs and outputs.


  1. Install Python
  2. Open IDLE. Search for IDLE and open it.
  3. Open the file called linked below these instructions in your M1 Content module in IDLE. The program describes Python inputs and outputs and shows an example.
  4. Create a new file and save it as M1Lab1 with your initials. [example for person whose initials are cc:]
  5. Write a short program that uses inputs and outputs to identify the user’s name, prior Python language experience, and skills with other programming languages. In your program, include these steps:
    1. print a welcome message,
    2. ask the user to input prior Python experience,
    3. ask which programming languages the user studied,
    4. print the results of the variables where you stored the inputs to the console.
  6. Save your program, run it and test it.
  7. Take a screenshot of your program output in the Python console window [Alt Key + PrntScreen].
  8. Right click and Paste the screenshot into the same Word document with your pseudocode.
  9. Upload to M1 Assignment 2 Intro formatted as a .doc, .docx or pdf to Python Programming Assignment Submission Folder.
    1. Your screenshot
    2. Python program

See the Schedule in the Syllabus Module for due dates. Review the Rubric attached to the Assignment Submission Folder for grading information.

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Explanation & Answer

Hello, here is the program. Kindly open the two files and check them. I have submitted a word...

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