topic 2 check my grammar and english

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ELM 500

Dr Franciamore


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Assessment Practices There are various assessment strategies. One strategy, questioning, gives insight into students’ understandings and misconceptions and adjusts instruction accordingly. Assessing students before, during, and after instruction guides the teacher in how to modify and adjust instruction to meet the various learning needs of students. Teachers should use a variety of assessment strategies. Part 1: Assessment Table Using the math and ELA standards and learning objectives that you created in Topic 1, you will complete the “Assessment Table” graphic organizer that identifies two pre-assessment questions (assessing students’ prior knowledge), two formative assessment questions (assessing students’ progress), and an example of a summative assessment that can aligns to the selected content standard. Part 2: Reflection In 250-500 words, summarize and explain your reasoning for choosing the formative assessments, questions, and summative assessment. Include responses to the following: 1. 2. 3. How do the assessments align to the learning objectives and standards? Discuss the importance and purpose of multiple forms of assessments, and how the assessments inform instruction. Explain how you will use your findings in your future professional practice. Support your findings with a minimum of three scholarly sources. Submit the “Assessment Table” and reflection as one deliverable. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Clinical Field Experience A: Instructional Strategies Observation Allocate at least 2 hours in the field to support this field experience. Part 1: Observation Observe a Grade K-8 teacher and take note of the instructional strategies he or she uses to teach a certain concept or skill. During your observation, complete the "Observation Form." After the observation, discuss the lesson you observed with your mentor teacher and allow the mentor teacher to explain the instructional strategies used. Speak with your mentor teacher and, provided permission, use any remaining field experience time to seek out opportunities to observe and/or assist your mentor teacher and/or work with a small group of students on instruction in the classroom. Part 2: Reflection Write a 250-500 word summary and reflection of the instructional strategies observed and discussed. Include any technology used in the lesson and strategies that could have been implemented to make the lesson more effective and create student engagement. Explain how you will use your findings in your future professional practice. Support your findings with a minimum of two scholarly resources. Submit your "Observation Form" and reflection as one deliverable. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is/is not required. This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Document the locations and hours you spend in the field on your Clinical Field Experience Verification Form. Submit the Clinical Field Experience Verification Form to LoudCloud in the last topic. Directions for submitting can be found on the College of Education site in the Student Success Center. Observation Form Part 1: Instructional Strategies Observation Form Grade/Subject: Standard: Learning Objective: Questions for the Observation What types of instructional strategies were used? Observation What was the anticipatory set of the instruction? How did the teacher create engagement? What technology was used during instruction? What activities/tasks were students asked to do to demonstrate their learning? What activities/tasks was the teacher doing during the lesson? How did the teacher monitor student progress during the class? © 2017. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Part 2: Reflection Assessment Table Part 1: Assessment Table Math Math Standard and Grade Level (from Topic 1): Learning Objective (from Topic 1): Example of formative assessment that aligns with content standard: Pre-assessment questions that assess students’ prior knowledge: Formative assessment questions that assess students’ progress: Example of summative assessment that aligns to content standard: © 2017. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. English Language Arts ELA Standard and Grade Level (from Topic 1): Learning Objective (from Topic 1): Example of formative assessment that aligns with content standard: Pre-assessment questions that assess students’ prior knowledge: Formative assessment questions that assess students’ progress: Example of summative assessment that aligns with content standard: Part 2: Reflection © 2017. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Lesson Planning: A Research-Based Model for K-12 Classrooms Read Chapter 5. URL: Read “Formative Assessment That Truly Informs Instruction,” located in the NCTE website. URL: Read “Empowering Teachers with Tech-Friendly Formative Assessment Tools,” located on the Edutopia website (2015). URL: Read “Did Students Get it? Self-Assessment as Key to Learning,” by Louis and Harada, from School Library Monthly (2012). URL: 39706&site=ehost-live&scope=site Read “Teacher-Made Assessments Show Children’s Growth,” by Ferguson and Green, located in Young Children (2013). URL: 07690&site=ehost-live&scope=site
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Hello, review the attached document and contact me in case you need any changes. Otherwise, good luck in your study and if you need any further help in your assignments, please let me know. Always invite me to answer your questions.

Assessment Table
Part 1: Assessment Table
Math Standard and Grade Level (from Topic 1):
Numbers and operations standards-fractions; grade k-8
Learning Objective (from Topic 1):
Understanding fractions and their basic operations using visual aids
Example of formative assessment that aligns with content standard:
Self-evaluations among the students
Pre-assessment questions that assess students’ prior knowledge:
Asking students such questions like whether they know fractions
Giving a representation of a specific portion and requiring the student to name the fraction
Formative assessment questions that assess students’ progress:
The formative assessment for the students’ progress would include assessing the students on every
stage after teaching.
For instance, after demonstrating the various examples, give the students a few problems to name or
Example of summative assessment that aligns to content standard:
Student self-evaluation, in which the students will be evaluated on what they have learned based on
the rubrics, checklists, and exit slips.

© 2017. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

English Language Arts
ELA Standard and Grade Level (from Topic 1):
Using Demonstrative figures
Learning Objective (from Topic 1):
To use visual aids in teaching fractions to grade 8 students
Example of formative assessment that aligns with content standard:
Artefacts of learning; collecting of different sources of information from a single learner to promote a
learning pattern across the set data
Pre-assessment questions that assess students’ prior knowledge:
Asking the students what they can use to relate to fractions, an example is cutting an apple into four
pieces. One part is a quarter of the fruit.
Stacking up to five books and lifting two from the group, ask the students of the missing fraction
from the group.
Formative assessment questions that assess students’ progress:
The formative assessment for the students’ progress would include assessing the students on every
stage after teaching.
For instance, after demonstrating the various examples, give the students a few problems to name or
Example of summative assessment that aligns with content standard:
Observations-observe and make notes on the preselected learning behaviours or interactions among
students and the teacher during the learning process (Keeley, 2015).

© 2017. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

Part 2: Reflection
The adopted formative assessments selected for a math lesson with the deaf students
helped in giving insight on the progress as well as understanding and misconceptions of the
students regarding the topic on fractions. The objective of the lesson was to teach hearingimpaired students fractions and the various associated operations using visual aids. The selected
assessment strategies include observations and self-evaluation strategies. Each of these
assessment approaches gives the teacher first-hand data from students. Observations can provide
insights during the lessons, before and even after the evaluation. The teacher can observe and
make notes on the preselected learning behaviours or interactions among students and the teacher
during the learning process (Van der Vieren, 2019). The students do self-evaluations. Based on
the responses from the students, the teacher will identify and understand any gaps and address
possible shortcomings.
Multiple forms of assessment are essential because they are complementary to one
another. They help in capturing all the necessary areas that promote the formation of superior
teaching strategies, esp...

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