UI Access Control Types Case Study

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university of illinois


Please write a case study on below topics in 5 pages in APA formatting no plagiarism and document should be unique with proper citations.with double spaced 

1.How access control types apply to business challenges

2.How access controls can be used to solve business challenges

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Running head: Access control types case study

Access control types case study


Access control types case study


In the years before technological innovation, the type of security that organizations
needed was mostly physical, which usually involved ensuring that unwanted people were denied
physical access to restricted places and resources. In today’s business world, however, firms deal
with insecurity challenges, which include both physical and information security. Dealing with
such security challenges can be costly and frustrating for a business, especially when the efforts
are not fruitful. Application of various types of access control has enabled businesses to reduce
the insecurity challenges that they had to deal with before. The current paper focuses on how
such access control types apply to business challenges and how they can be used to solve them.
The main focus is on non-governmental organizations (NGOs). While many organizations have
the notion that they have proper access control types, the situation is still wanting, owing to the
rising cases of security issues within firms.
Access control types and their application in NGOs
Research indicates that access control is the process through which requests to access
either resources or data is mediated, by use of a system that determines whether that request may
be denied or granted (Samarati & de Vimercati (2000). Access control systems identify and
determine if a person has a specific level of security clearance to access either the resource or
data within the organization. Generally, access control systems are divided into physical,
administrative, or technical. Within NGOs, all three types of access control apply.
First, administrative access control is what sets control procedures and policies for every
section of the organization. Most NGOs tend to have various departments, but in most case, the
administration establishes policies that cut across all the departments within the NGO. Therefore,

Access control ...

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