1. History of Intel and their products
2. History and brief explanation on NVD and what it does. Define CVE and explain its existence
3. History of Intel Chipsets Vulnerabilities explaining a meltdown, specter, etc. with their CVE details and descriptions
4. Digging deep into the Meltdown vulnerability when it was identified
5. What are chipsets affected by such vulnerability and the consequences faced by the various vendors that use such vulnerable chipsets?
6. What are mitigating steps taken by Intel and various other vendors to prevent such vulnerabilities?
Explanation & Answer
History of Intel and their Products
Institutional Affiliation
History and Products of Intel
Intel is a company which is among the largest manufacturers of processors. The Intel
company was established in Mountain View, California in the year 1968 by a famous Chemist;
Gordon E. Moore, who is the proponent of Moore`s law. The idea emerged from a joint group,
including other famous people like Robert Noyce, Arthur Rock, and Max Palevsky. Robert
Noyce is well known as a Physicist and a co-inventor of the Integrated Circuit, while Arthur rock
is an investor and a capitalist venture. With his ideas in business, he helped Gordon and Arthur
in finding investors in this field of business. Max took a significant role in being on the board
(Jackson, 2017). The name “Intel” was a suggestion from Robert Noyce`s daughter, which
stands for INTegrated Electronics.
Later on, Moore and Noyce took this name and renamed the company as Intel
Corporation, whose headquarters are at Santa Clara in California. Historical records prove that
the three founders of Intel were well experienced, middle-aged, and technologically oriented.
Therefore, they had positive reputations that enabled them to transform their thoughts into real
work that has helped human lives in terms of technology (McKeen et al., 2016). Historical
records show that Robert Noyce was the co-inventor in the year 1959 of the Silicon Integrated
Circuit. During this time, he was the general manager of Fairchild Semiconductor (Jackson,
On the other hand, Moore was the head of Research and Development at Fairchild
Semiconductor. After the establishment of Intel, both Noyce and Moore increased the personnel
of this company by hiring some employees from the Fairchild Semiconductor. Among these
employees was the most famous Hungarian-born businessman by the name Andrew Grove.
During the first three decades of Intel`s establishment, these individuals served as chairmen and
Chief Executive Officers (Vannithamby & Talwar, 2017).
The first products of this company were memory chips, and the world`s first metal oxide
semiconductor, which was known as 1101. Statistics show that this semiconductor did not sell
well in the markets. Later on, this semiconductor was improved to 1103 semiconductor, which
was a one-kilobit dynamic random-access memory (DRAM) chip. Studies show this version was
more successful, and furthermore, it was the first chip to store a greater amount of information.
The Honeywell Incorporated was the first American technology company that bought for the
first time in the year 1970. It is the one that replaced the core memory technology in this
company`s computers. The Dynamic Random Access Memory was the cheapest and with less
power consumption as compared to the Core memory (Vannithamby & Talwar, 2017).
Therefore, this ability made them quickly become standard memory devices to be used in
computers worldwide.
The success of the Dynamic Random Access Memory made the Intel Corporation more
famous and public in the year 1971. During this time, the Intel Corporation also introduced the
Erasable and Programmable Read Only Memory (EPROM) chip. According to the statistical
records in the world`s market, this was the company`s most successful product to be introduced
in the markets until the year 1985.
Additionally, in the year 1971, other engineers at Intel Corporation like Ted Hoff,
Federico Faggin, and Stan Mazor invented a multi-purpose four-bit microprocessor, which was
the first single-chip microprocessor known as the 4004. This invention was under the contract to
the Japanese calculator manufacturer by the name; Nippon Calculating Machine Corporation.
Consequently, this invention made the Intel Corporation retain all the rights to the technology.
In the year 1972, the Intel Corporation introduced the 8008 chi, which was an eight-bit Centra...