This World Is a Wound Analysis

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Intro WGS – Norris – Nov 2018 Analysis: This Wound is a World – 850-1000 words (15%) Submit via Nexus as a Word document (.doc or .docx) Due Date: Choose One: Textual Analysis Analyze 1-2 poems while drawing on the larger context of the whole book and relevant readings from the course. Student can focus on deconstructing the poems from a literary standpoint or discuss the significance of the poems in a larger cultural context. OR Cultural Analysis Provide an analysis on the cultural significance of this book. This may include its historical context within the genre of poetry, comparison/placement among other winners of the Griffin Poetry Prize, or compare it to other examples of decolonial projects. AND Sources to support your analysis: -include at least 2 readings from the textbook we have completed -include at least 2 readings from the textbook we have not completed or by an author mentioned in the text (identify these with an asterisk in the works cited) -include at least 1 academic source we have not reviewed in-class -include at least 2 non-academic sources -include at least 1 primary source, not including the book itself. Grading Criteria: /5 - Analysis: ideas, depth, clarity, logic, presentation of ideas /8 - Sources (as described above); .5 for using them + .5 for using them effectively /2 - Style and Format Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner
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850 Words
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This World Is a Wound: Analysis
Billy-Ray Belcourt is queer and indigenous. That puts him at the meeting point of two paths of
victimhood: being indigenous/colored and being gay. Caught in this intersectionality, Belcourt
finds himself fighting two wars, one for the freedom of the individual, in this case the freedom of
the body and its desires; and another for the freedom of a people, the indigenous people’s war
against colonialism. The former is a big fight within the latter, but ironically a much harder one.
His remedy is love and sex, the two things that are universal for all human beings. His poetry is,
therefore, a paradox: a cry over individual plight and yet the act of crying is what links one
individual to the next. This is the paradox at the center of his poem Everyone is Lonely.
The paradox of the poem Everyone is Lonely is evident right from the title. Whereas the
word “everyone” suggests plurality, “lonely” suggests a singularity. Indeed, it is possible to be
lonely in a crowd. Belcourt expresses this “loneliness in a crowd” thus: “once a week/i
curate/obituaries/on my facebook wall/without trying” (lines 4-8). The word “Facebook” may be
a metaphor for multitudes, whatever “obituaries” the persona is curating may be his/hers or
everyone else – just as “dead”. In any...

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