Embry Riddle Aeronautical Critical Analysis

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Explain the process (evaluation and analytical) of assessing hazards and risks and why such processes are applied towards a proactive and predictive safety program. Please use proper terminology and define it.

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Hazards and Risks Assessment
Institutional Affiliation




Hazards and Risks Assessment
Hazards and risks assessment is an essential area of understanding for the interaction
between different parties. A safety program that is both proactive and predictive is as a result of
the elaborate management of the identified risks, and the understanding that they bring to all the
involved parties. Evaluation and analysis of hazards and risks will allow for the collection of the
relevant information, and this will lead on to better results in the creation of the safety program.
Application of the risk assessment processes will allow for the creation of concrete safety
systems, and this is the goal of all organizations.
Processes of Assessing Hazards and Risks
A hazard is any harm-causing element, while a risk is the probability of the danger to
materialize to harm. As such, an understanding of these two elements will lead to the creation of
proper security systems that will effectively lead to better interaction between different parties.
Risk assessment is the identification of hazards and the making of judgments of the risks based
on the identified hazards. Risk evaluation is the practicality in the strength of a system based on
the identified risks.
Risk analysis is the identification and analysis of hazards and ris...

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