Business Economics PPT

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dla 19! May b, 2019 1 BA61475G618 Topic 6 Group PowerPoint Pr Group PowerPoint Presentation 4 Each group is to prepare a PowerPoint presentation consisting of 5 slides per student not including the cover slide and the reference slide. Every slide needs to include 100 words in the Notes section. Your slides should be combined as one presentation. Only one (1) group member needs to upload the presentation. Please, ensure every group member's name is on the cover slide. You must use at least one reference, in addition to your book. You need to use in-text citations. Your in-text citation and your reference (on your reference slide) must be in APA format. Topic for PowerPoint Presentation Utilizing Chapter 6, develop a compensation and benefits package that you would like to be offered from your organization. There should be different plan for each group member. Each student should use their five slides for their preferred benefits package. Please, put your name on each slide. Submission status Group Group J Submission status Nothing has been submitted for this assignment
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Employee Compensation and Benefits
Institutional Affiliation

A compensation plan for an employee refers to all aggregated proponents that also
deliberate the way at which employee compensation is developed, and the terms for
which workers are liable to obtain some adequate salaries, incentives, and bonuses. The
compensation package comprises of beginning salary and the approaches to position
improvement. The benefits and wages for the employees are comprehended to be
discretional with the incentives allotted as part of the fixed payments for the employees.
The benefits for such employees range from vision indemnity as well as health
insurance, which protect employee life. Furthermore, the compensation entails
retirement benefits and handicap salary protection

The organization should ensure that all employees have the best compensations that fulfill
them with a retirement savings plan, transport if they require, health insurance, childcare, car
insurance, discount merchandise, and discount on food. Besides, the organization should offer family
care plans for each worker. The program should also entail the parental leave. The compensation plan
should provide employees with flexibility. Having a family requires more focus and time; hence
allowing the workers to be flexible at their work will increase the performance of the organization
(Youssef, 2014). The career development plan should be incorporated into the compensation plan.
The administration should permit workers to go back to college with full fee payment to increase their
education level.

The appropriate way to mo...

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