Global Climate Change Questions

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Global Climate Change 20 pts. Answers to this worksheet will be found in the following resources which have links in this document: - Videos (a total of about 25 minutes’ worth) A report, Climate Change Impacts in the United States A website on reducing your “carbon footprint” (how much CO2 you produce) Best to download this worksheet and fill it in while viewing the videos. Don’t worry about the HUGE document on climate change impacts in the US! Just follow instructions and use the Table of Contents to find what you want. These resources can give you a better understand of climate change and current and future impacts, as well as how it will impact the US and you personally. You’ll also have a chance to consider what types of changes you could make that would have an impact. Once completed, upload the worksheet to Blackboard. Watch Global Climate Change 101 by National Geographic, a brief overview of the causes and consequences of global climate change → 1. How is the greenhouse effect essential to life on earth? Refer to the CH 5 ppt lecture, or search the answer online. .5 pts. 2. Why is the current increase to the greenhouse a problem? .5 pts. 3. Where is the water increasing sea level coming from? .5 pts. 4. Is climate change simply warming worldwide? What are two other effects that have an impact to living organisms? 1 pt. Download and refer to Climate Change Impacts in the United States (see pdf). 5. What large entity requested the production of this 841 page assessment of climate change impacts by sector and region? .5 pts. ghRes.pdf 6. When was it published? .5 pts. Use the Table of Contents at the beginning of the report to navigate the document. “Sectors” include categories such as “Human Health”, while Regions include geographic regions of the country. 7. What are two human health impacts noted in the report; note the page number. 1 pt. 8. What are two impacts (re: living organisms / human health) to urban areas OR to our region (New England, in the Northeast); note the page number. 1 pt. 9. Read the one-page description of Hurricane Sandy on page 287. This is an example both of kinds of storms that are increasingly common due to climate change, and the importance of recognizing their increased severity. What critical climate resilience strategy prevented catastrophic loss of life? .5 pts. 10. “Today, sea levels are rising ___________% faster than 20 years ago.” 1 pt. 11. What are two major (relatively nearby) US cities that are may be significantly impacted by sea level rise? 1 pt. 12. What is the current status of the Paris agreement on climate change (e.g. # of countries committed). Is the United States committed to the agreement? 1 pt. 13. What percent of the world’s carbon emissions are generated by the United States? 1 pt. View the video 14. Do you think that people fleeing the effects of climate change such as those in Kiribati should be recognized as refugees? Why/why not? 1 pt. Now take a look at and read the following three brief online articles about the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) 2018 report on the arctic. 15. Why is there a special focus on the arctic? 1 pt. 16. What % of “oldest ice” has the arctic lost? Why is this important? 1 pt. 17. What are the effects of toxic algae blooms on marine organisms. 1 pt. 18. What might the human health and economic impacts be of climate change effects on marine organisms including fish? 1 pt. 19. What were the sources of the three different articles (publishers, authors), and what do you think is the perspective of each? 1 pt. Watch What Could Happen in a World That's 4 Degrees Warmer | WIRED Brand Lab 20. What are 3 ways your Saturday might change in a 4c world?? 1 pt. One more question, next page Visit 21. Identify 3 possible ways that you, personally, could realistically reduce your carbon footprint. 3 pts. Action to reduce my carbon footprint Why would this help? Are there any obstacles How likely are you to or challenges to making make this change on a this change? scale of 1-5 (with 5 very likely, and 1 very unlikely and 3 a firm maybe)
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Global Climate Change
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Global Climate Change
1. How is the greenhouse effect essential to life on earth?
Climate change happens when deviations in the Earth’s climate system translate to
new weather patterns that last for at least a few decades or many years. One of the principal
causes of global climate change is the "greenhouse effect." The heat emanating from the sun
is retained, thereby increasing temperatures of the earth. It is significant since it is essential to
the existence of life (Geographic, 2017). The “greenhouse effect” helps in regulating the heat
present in the atmosphere and ensures optimal conditions are attained (Kazmeyer, 2018).
2. Why is the current increase to the greenhouse a problem?
Greenhouse gases present have contributed to the warming of the planet.
Carbon(iv)oxide levels in the atmosphere have reached the highest record. These factors of
the greenhouse effect cause a warming effect on the Earth and contribute to change in
climate, which has impacts on meteorological conditions and well-being (Geographic, 2017).
3. Where is the water increasing sea level coming from?
There is an increase in the sea level as a result of melting of ice pieces, particularly in
Antarctica and Greenland. The melted ice is deposited in the sea. As a result, the sea level
gradually increases. Warmer temperatures are the main cause of the melting of the ice.
4. Is climate change simply warming worldwide? What are two other effects that
have an impact to living organisms?
Climate change is warming worldwide and has adverse effects on living organisms.
Warmer temperatures make meteorological conditions more thrilling by instigating more
prolonged and frequent dearth; adding to climate change's influences such as ...

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