CRMJ100 American Military University Dual Court System in The US Discussion

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American Military University


Discuss the dual court system in the United States, and the structure of the federal court system, and your home state (Maryland) court system

Discuss the history of the U.S. federal correction system and your home state department of corrections history. What are the different departments with the correctional systems?

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Explanation & Answer



Correctional Systems Departments
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Correctional Systems Departments

Discuss the dual court system in the United States, and the structure of the federal court
system, and your home state (Maryland) court system
The dual court system of the United States comprise of courts in state and national level.
There are three basic tiers in both levels and include last resort or supreme courts, appellate
courts, and trial courts. In America Supreme Court is the highest court. The structure of the
federal court system comprises of the Supreme Court, federal court of appeals, federal
bankruptcy appellate panels, federal district courts, special federal courts, and military courts
(James, 2015). Every court has its unique functions depending on the intensity of cases. The
court has judges that listen to the cases and later on give their judgment. In addition, there are
courts that may have a jury selected from the public. The court system has defendants who are
represented by state council or lawyers.
There are four levels in the Maryland court system and they include two appellate courts
and two trial courts. Judgment is made by trial court with reference to the evidence based on
legal, law, and facts precedent (James, 2015). On the other hand, appellate courts reviews
decisions and actions of trial court and then decide whether...

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