CPSS422 Phoenix Alcohol and Opiate Related Disorders Worksheet

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University of Phoenix


Choose three to four disorders related to alcohol and opiate drugs.

Complete the following table according to the chosen disorders.

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Alcohol- and Opiate-Related Disorders Worksheet CPSS/422 Version 1 University of Phoenix Material Alcohol- and Opiate-Related Disorders Worksheet Choose three to four disorders related to alcohol and opiate drugs. Complete the following table according to the chosen disorders. Disorder Diagnostic criteria Physiological symptoms Behavioral symptoms Copyright © 2015 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Situational example 1
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Explanation & Answer


Alcohol- and Opiate-Related Disorders Worksheet
CPSS/422 Version 1

University of Phoenix Material

Alcohol- and Opiate-Related Disorders Worksheet

Diagnostic criteria

Physiological symptoms

Behavioral symptoms

Situational example

-Prolonged History of use

-Edema( situation

-Loss of appetite

-A person who often feels

Alcoholic liver

of alcohol

whereby the legs have a

-Feeling fatigued

fatigued, has a loss of


-Liver biopsy

build up of fluids)


appetite, a long history of


-Yellowing of the eyes or


drinking alcohol, most

-Pain in the abdomen


probably,drinking heavily

-Venous collaterals

-Vomiting and nausea

on a daily basis and has


-Apettite loss

yellow eyes is likely to be

-Melena (Passing of b...

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