CY520 Campbellsville University Cyber Attacks Research Paper

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Computer Science


Campbellsville University


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Explanation & Answer




Cyber Attacks
Institutional Affiliation



Table of Contents
Statistics on Cyber Attacks ............................................................................................................. 4
Types of Cyber Attacks .................................................................................................................. 6
Phishing and Man in the Middle ................................................................................................. 6
Denial-of-service and SQL injection........................................................................................... 7
Types of Attackers .......................................................................................................................... 8
Causes of Cyber-crime .................................................................................................................... 9
Ease of access .............................................................................................................................. 9
The capacity for storing large volumes of data ......................................................................... 10
Competition ............................................................................................................................... 10
Internal Disagreements .............................................................................................................. 11
Methods of Preventing Cyber Attacks .......................................................................................... 12
Investing in IT ........................................................................................................................... 12
Establish a strict code of conduct .............................................................................................. 13
Installation of Antispyware and antivirus software................................................................... 14
Limit the access to sensitive information to employees ............................................................ 14
Regular change of passwords .................................................................................................... 15
References ..................................................................................................................................... 16



The world has gone through a lot of advancement over the decades with every interaction
in the social sector diverting to technologically advancement methods. Most people prefer to
store their data, hold communications, and conduct projects on the cloud, which is a more natural
way of saving time and efforts. The benefits that technology and the online platform has brought
to the world is beyond measure as every sector of the economy is now in a much better position
as compared to when everything was done traditionally. Despite all these improvements, the
advancements have brought about, which are the most significant challenges facing the cloud in
the modern day. People try their best to keep their information on the web private in such a way
that only they and the parties they authorize can access it. The world is, however, in a position
that other people can locate anything on a digital format if the need is, which makes it an
insecure place to operate. As much as the cloud is considered the safest place to store vital
information to prevent it from physical damage, it is also the most insecure when it comes to
cyber attacks
Cyber-attack is a word commonly used in computer networks to describe the attempt of a
third party to access, disable, expose, or even destroy data unauthorized. The attackers use
hacking as a means of secretly identifying the targets, their information, how to attain it as well
as the action they do with it. Such like actions make the computer systems insecure someone is
not sure whether the personal or crucial details shared and stored online are in the danger of
getting exposed to malicious parties (Rid & Buchanan, 2015). Anyone getting involved in cybercrime does not have a good intention towards the victim as is a way of threatening people’s
privacy, which ends up with negative results. An attack can be directed towards an individual,
organization, government, learning institutions, and any other target that has valuable data to the
attacker. Statistics over the past few years show that as technology continues to advance over the



years with strategies to protect the information coming up (Rid & Buchanan, 2015). The problem
is that hackers are also getting more informed about these measures and end up coming up with
even more dangerous ways of accessing the data. The different types of cyber-attacks are either
conducted for personal, political, or business use, which has a significant impact on both the
victim and the society at large. It is therefore essential to adopt the ways of online security and
reduce the number of hacking cases as well as to attain a sustainable future with less danger to
computer systems.

Statistics on Cyber Attacks
The recent efforts by different IT companies to deal with cyber-crimes have been
essential in providing the world with means of securing their data and get notified in cases of an
attempted attack. The issue is, however, challenging to deal with as hackers are also coming up
with ways to access protected information better. Information as of May 2019 showed that
cyber-crime was ranging at 80% which implies that more individuals are using the cloud to store
or share their knowledge which leads to an increase in the activities of cyber-attacks (Passeri,
2019). Th...

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