DEP3103 Keiser University Child Psychology Research Paper

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Keiser University


  • Divorce is a reality for many families in today's day and age. According to the APA (American Psychological Association), around 40-50% of marriages will end in divorce. The separation of parents can be a significant event in a child's life for a variety of reasons.
    Read pages 297-300 in your text and conduct your own research to answer the following questions.
    • How does divorce affect child development?
    • What can parents do for their children to prevent negative consequences?
    • What are some of the other factors involved that influence how a child responds to divorce?
    • If you are comfortable with sharing, do you have any experience with this topic? If so, what was that experience like? What did you learn?

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Running head: DIVORCE


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As a matter of fact, divorce is something that has really brought a lot of negative effect to
child development especially in the United States for a long time now. For better development of
the children, there must be all the parents especially for the case of those...

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